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View Full Version : training with untrained ppl??

sticky fingers
03-24-2002, 08:19 PM
I have a shortage of WC training partners where I live i.e none at all!. Are there any ways I can use my untrained friends to help me train?
I'm not talking about sparring- I sometimes spar with a karateka or just getting them to hold a pad while you strike.
I'm talking about sensitivity training etc as chi sau is out of the question with non WC ppl. Any ideas?

03-24-2002, 09:42 PM
i spar with untrained people (mostly) now i do when, but it is also nice because untrained people some untrained people can fight good, and because alot of them have not been drowned in that technique crap it can keep you on your toes sometimes.

03-25-2002, 07:56 AM
I prefer to practice with people that practice a different style than me. They're more unpredictable.

Ray Pina
03-25-2002, 08:29 AM
If you can talk them into it: Ask them to hold out there hands like holding an invisible basketball. Now lock up, you're chi sauing. Invite them to slap your chest.

This is the best you can do in that arena. But don't you have class mates?