View Full Version : hey sihing

03-24-2002, 08:49 PM
it's good to see you closed the demo clip thread but again it shows the one sidedness of your moderation.
how about all that dribble you guys are raving on about in the
att; sandman- sihing thread.
wake up to yourself!
if your gonna kill one thread at least be fair & kill all that are waste of time.

03-24-2002, 08:55 PM

As Sihing73 requested in a different thread, please be respectful of people's user names. They may take offense. I believe you forgot the 73 from Sihing73, unless you were calling to a sihing from your school. I apologize if this is the case.

03-24-2002, 09:07 PM
Suspicious tendencies are aroused, but keep them at a low burning skepticism. VTS isn't as well organized as you think.

03-24-2002, 09:33 PM
sabu- i think he knows who i'm talkin' to & as to forgetting the 73, i'm glad to see you that you have little else to do than respond with that.:o
rolling hand-well my great sage & keeper of all wisdom, why aren't i as well organized as one might think or is this just another case of you talkin' dribble & in riddles again:rolleyes:

let us be fair here.
there are so many threads here that go nowhere, so why pick just one?

03-24-2002, 10:19 PM
"how about all that dribble you guys are raving on about in the
att; sandman- sihing thread"

"there are so many threads here that go nowhere, so why pick just one? "

Go pick on someone elses thread, butt-munch:D

03-24-2002, 11:54 PM

If you read the thread you mentioned you will find a definite difference of opinion. However you will not find people making vieled threats towards one another. In addition while you may need to dig for it there may actually be some information in that thread.

In the thread I closed there was nothing of value for some time now. You and a couple of other guys were sniping at one another and even coming close to making challenges and threats. Sorry but this did not seem to be of any use to most members of the forum. Naturally I expect those directly involved to be a bit miffed however I think that most people would like to see that type of thing die. I even recall some posting on that very thing in that thread.

If you wish to engage in "Verbal Chi Sau" then at least do it in a manner which does not degrade into threats and name calling. I am sure you could still get your point across by using more civil terms and methods.



03-25-2002, 12:30 AM
i'm sorry your chi gung thread WAS going nowhere & as for finding any valueable information in it, again that is a matter of opinion, it just seems that your opinion is what goes.
like i said how about being fair?

03-25-2002, 12:41 AM
also if you read the second last page of the one you closed i think you will find it was not all threats & there was still some conversation going on, again just because you weren't interested in it doesn't mean nobody else was.
hey sunkuen my man:D :p :D
it's odvious what that thread was stared for & it seems you suceeded.

i'm sorry i'm not as interlectual as some, i'm sorry i won't cop people putting $hit on my teacher, i'm sorry that guys footwork sucks, i'm sorry there are so many sheep following the leader on here & i'm sorry some people haven't got the balls to speak up about the sometimes poor moderation we have to put up with in wing chun forum.
it seems there is one rule for some & one for others but i suppose that is just reality.

03-25-2002, 05:33 AM
"i'm sorry i'm not as interlectual as some, i'm sorry i won't cop people putting $hit on my teacher, i'm sorry that guys footwork sucks, i'm sorry there are so many sheep following the leader on here & i'm sorry some people haven't got the balls to speak up about the sometimes poor moderation we have to put up with in wing chun forum. "

* Dont worry dude I still think your special...
Come on everyone give VTS a hug:D
On the bright side, least you get to learn good wing chun when you go to class. KFO is just a soup opera enjoy it for what its worth ;)
All the best dude

03-26-2002, 01:04 AM
actually...if sihing73 didn't do it sooner, i would have asked him to, since your "discussion" had nothing to do with the thread. i had already gotten what i asked for from helpful forum members anyway. peace.

Peter Aarts
03-28-2002, 11:31 AM
I´m sorry I didn´t agree with you in the past. I´m sorry I caused so much trouble. I´m sorry I doubted the things you said and I´m sorry I made fun out of you.
It must be a real burden to be the only one who knows the truth!
I´m sorry for being a sheep following teachers with lousy footwork.
Please forgive!


03-28-2002, 11:37 AM
you don't need to be sorry pete;)
maybe you & your teacher just need to train a bit harder:D or mabye you just don't know any better & for that you are not to blame.
me, i'm perfect. just ask me, i'll tell you.

03-28-2002, 11:41 AM
by the way peter
i too am sorry things didn't go my way.
i would still dearly like to see you post a copy of the e-mails you sent just so as to know that my sifu wouldn't have mistaken the way you worded things, like the way you did with the supposed deathmatch i proposed.

Peter Aarts
03-29-2002, 06:44 AM
I´m sorry I couldn´t reply your questions sooner! Although I have to admit this small reading ploblem keeps you from being the perfect human being.
It´s not me who contacted your sifu. Botha´s got the answers you so keenly want to satisfy your hunger for knowledge. (A characteristic I appreciate). As soon Botha returns from the Easter Seminar with his sifu Hans Wuppertal (a WC guy with the more correct footwork) I surely think he´ll feed you.
Don´t worry about your small problem mentioned above: To me you´re still the man with the most understanding of Wing Chun.

