View Full Version : China Survey PAK MEI form in the tape who is it?

wisdom mind
03-01-2001, 05:03 PM
National China survey Kung Fu video, demo...a man does a bench form bangs on head....right AFTER that form a man does Jik Bo...who is that man?


fiercest tiger
03-01-2001, 10:22 PM
i beleive that the man does a hakka form, VERY VERY VERY powerful. if its the same person, i remember the stool hitting on the head, than this very old man gets up and itdidnt say the style except it he was hakka.....i think!




wisdom mind
03-01-2001, 10:27 PM
the bench man is a really frightening looking guy energy wise...refreshing to view real kung fu which is hard to come by in the us.

that pak mei form i thought was most "shocking" ;)

jah lives

03-01-2001, 10:36 PM
Hi, where can i purchase this tape???

tonfas@hotmail.com ;)

fiercest tiger
03-01-2001, 11:27 PM
that must of been another guy, it wasnt jik bo.

i cannot give you the tape sorry!!



wisdom mind
03-01-2001, 11:57 PM
the form is for sure jik bo and is pak mei no quesition...the player is in an addidas suit maroon color..........

03-02-2001, 12:35 AM
was jik bo wasn't jik bo was bak mei wasn't bak mei... definately. Cripes man, it friggin hard to miss a jik bo kuen... it's all aerial kicks!

03-02-2001, 03:06 AM
There's a million of those survey tapes. Which one is it?

I recall seeing a guy hitting his head with a bench. I'd like to look at the set, again.


03-02-2001, 03:59 AM
I haven't seen the tape.From your posts it seems you have not seen Ti Poo done like this?
You say he is very very very powerful. does that mean you don't practice this kind of power?

I mention this because from this Forum and on internet sites of Pak Mei there is a lot of difference.i.e body posture, power generation, form names, applications e.t.c
The Hakka people are secretive about this.

fiercest tiger
03-02-2001, 04:32 AM
cloud one... ti poo - is that jik bo?

the form i am talking about is completely different to what you guys are talking about i think. i remember the old man hitting his head with the stool.. it might not have been straight after that but was definitely on the same tape.

as for power, this guy displays what i am aiming for. at about 80 years old the guy ripped!! of course i try to train this power.

i have also seen an old bak mei teacher on video do nine-step push with power that was almost unbelievable. i showed the vid to my sifu years ago, he said that one hit from this guy would kill - then he kept the tape :)

just because i am a teacher, does not mean that there is nothing more for me to learn. there is ALWAYS a higher level, a better person & can aim to be.



03-02-2001, 01:20 PM
MoQ?????,jek bo,high kicks??,you must be kidding m8,I think I need to go to bed,jek bo to me was salute,expand/float,swallow/sink/coil(front hand phenox eye in a ready tan sao,wu sao in the bil jee ready)explode in bil jee(float),tiger claw rip and sink into phenoxeye fist with alot of ging(garlic helps too)never got to the high kicks,night guys

South Paw
03-03-2001, 01:51 AM
I have a China Survey Tape about Kung Fu in Guangdong. It does have a person (number 32 on the back of his shirt) performing a Pack Mei set, as well as other styles like: Lee Gar, Mok Gar, Leung Ying, Hung Gar, Wing Chun, Choy Lee Fut and modern (non standard)wushu forms.

South Paw

[This message was edited by South Paw on 03-03-01 at 04:09 PM.]

[This message was edited by South Paw on 03-03-01 at 04:11 PM.]

03-03-2001, 04:00 AM
becarefull centerline.i don't believe this is possible.this tape must have been filmed unaware of its intention.
the hak-ka pak mei wouldn't let this out to the public.tell me are you of hak-ka origin.

this is a serious matter.tell me in the vid,explain what posture,how he opend into the form and last did he use the couplet.i ask please and thank you,if you can partisipate.

cloud,i believe there are a few different "ging"
the hak-ka ging make no mistake as i think you haven,t.i think f.t knows little of the way its performed.

the cantonese pak mei is classical and commercial.
the hak-ka pak mei is traditional.
even cheung li tchan intended it to be this way.

fiercest tiger
03-03-2001, 06:36 AM
you post as cloud one and this character why??

maybe i do know little of the way its performed, but in eyes of others its much!! what makes you think that you are doing it right?

still havent answered my question on sup batt mor kuil- what are the 18 bridges?? answer then we can talk kung fu!!!



03-03-2001, 01:00 PM
Don't be confused I am not sui fuw!!!!

Who was that man doing nine step push?
Why did your SiFu keep that tape, and not let you have it back? That seems strange.(Are you sure you are his Bai See?)

Out of more than a decade of Kung Fu you can't generate this power. QAULITY NOT QUNTITY
How come your SiFu didn't teach you?

A Very important question- What if one of your students generated this power, would you ask him to teach you?

There's a lot there so think before you answer!
(There might be one of your students watching)

Sui Fuw how's it going bro?

Centerline are you Hakka? or are you from NY?
Why are you using an alias?

[This message was edited by CLOUD ONE on 03-04-01 at 03:05 AM.]

[This message was edited by CLOUD ONE on 03-04-01 at 03:11 AM.]

03-03-2001, 08:47 PM
So why the unnecessary animosity?
Are you guys the worst possible Hak Ka reps or whaaat? Jeez we love the related arts but you guys suck.

fiercest tiger
03-03-2001, 11:33 PM
my sifu never kept it in a away he wouldnt give it back, i didnt ask him for it back. he was sick and died so, im not going to go to my si-mo's house to ask for it. GOT IT!

please dont talk sh!t to me about myself or ever disrespect my sifu or my art again.

bi shi am i sure?? stop f@cking trolling, if you want to come and see me than please do so, but if your half way around the world ill send a student of mine to come and see you- no problems "they want let me down". give it a break, talk kung fu dont be such a chump!



fiercest tiger
03-04-2001, 01:18 AM
quality is better than quantity that correct, whats your point, i have to many forms?

The power, i have never seen any other bak mei do it like this and i know 3 masters here in australia. one of those masters gave me the tape!

if my student could develope this power and hope the christ he can than i would be very happy for him.

he may have took something to the grave with him, we will never know!

any other boring questions you got? :rolleyes:



[This message was edited by fiercest tiger on 03-04-01 at 03:27 PM.]

03-04-2001, 02:59 AM
moq the worst are we,why how many hak-ka pak-mei repps have you met?

f.t i don't know that if i'm doing it right.thats the truth.what i said wasn't to offend,i think you took it the wrong way and acted irationally.if your si-fu is a good teacher then i believe he'd be appauld by your actions.if you want to send a student half-way around the world to find me to sort me out[i can't speak for cloud]then so be it,your teachings are unacceptable and horrify me that you would consider this.what if i beat him,so what.what if he beats me,so what. i'll tell you what,you cant face me yourself[what is this k.f your so called teaching]
do this by allmeans,be warned you'll never see him again,because he'll be begging for me to teach him.no b/s and of course i would not,but some-one els would.

foolish tiger.
here comes some, boring questions.
1.are you really a "bai si"
2.how did you pour the "tea" and what "tea"
3.when you nelt before your si-fu which knee went down first.
4.after kneelling,what next
5.what was said and who spoke first.

just a point,if you answer you'd be a fool
if you don't answer you'll also be a fool

morq,i ask you as a k.f brother not to answer for f.t.i know we've bantered but the best way to help him is to let him work it out for himself.thank you.

cloud hows it going too,they still think we are the same person.but i think morq has made a connection[good for him,i mean it]

the truth is we've been e-mailing to each other,and we live near each other,sorry to dissapoint those of you who think we are the same person.

cloud i will see you one day no doubt,and mabe play some lap-sui.later bro.

03-04-2001, 04:38 AM
I hope I will be able to lap sau with you soon.(When I am good enough)

F.T why the hostility?
I thought your kung Fu was better than that!

Maybe some day we shall meet. I would like to see for myself what your kung fu is all about.
I hope the QUALITY is better than the posts you comment on.

I am sory if I offended you or your SiFu.

I will not be entertaining you for a while so goodbye for now.( I've got to practice the very very very powerful kung fu that I was shown) :)

03-04-2001, 06:56 PM
For starters, my Sifu(FT) pays a compliment to another martial arts and you guy's turn around and start asking stupid questions.

sui-fuw - maybe you didn't mean for your comment to offend, but it was offensive none the less.

Sifu is a very honest man and if he see's something impressive he has no problem in saying so, but I see no need for you guys to try and use that to attack him.

Either way, I'm not going to waste my time fighting over the internet. If you guys have a problem with sifu, sigung, or our system, please send sifu an e-mail and I will be more than happy to represent my family. Other wise look to straighten this out privately via e-mail. We don't appreciate our business in the streets.


03-04-2001, 09:17 PM

Fiercest tiger is your sifu??? That is very intresting.

wisdom mind
03-04-2001, 10:45 PM
I and I change my name All the time, Im taoist and I adapt accordingly.....you cats can easily check my profile to see that Its I and I.....

have confidence, Im not any other character than the one attached to this profile, the name may change but its still me. centerline vortex i like now as i represent that (you figure it out). before was wisdom mind, etc....

no thang to hide.

so to answer ?'s Im no hakka
tape was part of a popular series got it in a small bookshop in dc chinatown a while back.

the form started with the couplet salute and ended as such...

fire pon dem

fiercest tiger
03-04-2001, 11:47 PM
firstly the tape i saw had been burnt onto disk with alot of other different forms, and when i saw the bench form the disk was fast forward and i saw the other form. it may have been a different tape or footage from else where i dont know. but the form i saw was not jik bo- we may have our wires crossed but no need for the disrespect either!

the bi shi is not your business, im not even gonna bite.



03-05-2001, 01:28 AM
Sui-fuw,just wondering,which branch do you study?,who was/is your sifu?,where is you school?
The reason I ask this is because when I see members going back and forth I check their profile to see where they come from.
If I say anything out of line my sifu will find out about it.
Thats why I post,who I am and where I come from.
Nothing to hide for me.
I'm easy too find.
BTW, I went through the
Tea Ceremony in 1987,so I just don't see your point in asking questions like which knee went down first when you don't even post where you come from or what system you study.FT,you have a student in NY, I hope to meet him some day,if he's like his Sifu,he's alright in my book.Some people like to look at the leaves,never knowing theres a whole forrest around them.

03-05-2001, 01:47 AM
compliment,what compliment.its a power he can't attain,thats the truth,and wow he's eager for it,to back his words of stagnent.bubby i don't expect you to understand bieng his student,it must be hard for you because 1 day you may teach him yourself.

so its my fault bubby that he took it the wrong way?so,youre saying i shouldent write anything down because it may offend him[he ought to sought out himself from bieng erratic]

attack him?i call it self defence[read the whole posts]don't follow suit be original.

don't tell me he's been building your ego.wow i don't expect anything less.go practice some more before you take on your si-fus responsibilitys.

We don't appreciate our "business" in the streets....
so its a business,didn't you know kung fu cannot be marketed,bought or sold.well you do now.quick pay some more,he may let you answer me.

bai-si,can't answer? thought so.what,have you forgot.don't feel like sharing.not my business,why,do i have to buy it from you?
"bite"? was there food involved?or thats how you drink?

yo,cloud your right wisdom mind is back.

nice to see your k,f improved[you got me going]
have you been truly listening to your si-fu[he knows of us i'm sure]anyway for what its worth,good form!

fiercest tiger
03-05-2001, 03:23 AM
whats wrong you havent bi shi yet? dont you know what knee and tea, who gives a **** its a personal thing between my sifu and i. my students have got my respect and like wise, you carry on as if you are hakka. what do you study and where? i definetley dont need my students to take up challengers but they will be there for me 100%.

i dont understand why you are carrying on ,you are obviously trolling trying to get a kick internet warrior.

is this directed at me? because please tell me if you are near by.

nice to see your k,f improved[you got me going]
have you been truly listening to your si-fu[he knows of us i'm sure]anyway for what its worth,good form!




03-05-2001, 05:43 AM
South Paw-

I have seen the tape u talk about with the guy with number on his back; from china u say?

This is one of the worst bak mei i have seen.

03-05-2001, 07:17 PM
let's clarify a few things.
the initial attack on this thread was from YOU to Fiercest Tiger. want proof? go back and read... your first post stated "the hak-ka ging make no mistake as i think you haven,t.i think f.t knows little of the way its performed." now, who is replying in self defence? you are the aggressor here. how could FT possibly take it the wrong way? you implied that he knows little about the way it is performed, i.e. he doesn't know what he's talking about! that's pretty straightforward and difficult to 'take the wrong way'. i think he and you both know exactly what you intended to get across there.
speaking of taking things the wrong way, you completely took Buby's comment out of context: 'business on the streets'. come on now, sui-fuw. do you really think Buby was talking about a money-making business there? no, he was talking about business the same way someone would when they said 'mind your own business'. any perceptive individual could see this was clearly the intent of his statement.
As far as the bi shi goes, i don't even know what a bi shi is...BUT, i can tell you this much- Fiercest Tiger chose not to answer you not because he could not, but because he felt it is a private matter than is not your concern.

in trying to make a fool out of Fiercest Tiger, you have succeeded in making a complete fool out of yourself.

03-05-2001, 07:40 PM
Ah but the tiger knows it's not the fish that's insulting him, it's the water between them...

03-05-2001, 08:13 PM
One day I might teach sifu? I already do! I've taught him the gangsta lean, gangsta walk, and some of that Brooklyn Shhhh.LOL

Sui-Fuw your a joke.

GreyMystik - He knows what I mean! He's just acting a fool and trying to twist my words. What ever!!! I could care less. I'm not going to beat myself to death fighting with these guys/guy over the internet. It's just not worth our time. They just want attention. Take care bro and train hard.

Sifu just let me know if you ever receive the e-mail. By the way how is your gangsta walk coming along.LOL



03-05-2001, 09:10 PM
hey bro, email me sometime or catch me on MSN :)

03-05-2001, 09:13 PM
Hi guys,

Please lived in peace, i think this forum discussed knowledge, not for fighting??

Pointless to talk about this form?

regardless who got the tape or correct, because this old man no longer a lived, please lt him live peace.

this topic is not worth for 1 cent.

got the tape so what, did you learnt?

my personality like to talk about arts, not fighting with what i had in tape.

we are qualify artist.


03-05-2001, 10:13 PM
Tonfas - I couldn't agree with you more. :)

GreyMystik - I'll do that. Sorry, I haven't kept in touch, but I've been really busy. I'll catch up with you and the others shortly. Take care bro.

Kyle - What up bro? I know your looking on, I'll give you a ring this week.

Take care,

03-06-2001, 02:21 AM
That was a great observation. So what you are saying is that who ever is insulted is only insulted by there own reflection.

If bai si was not worth mentioning then why was it bought out into the open by F.T was it to show off, to everybody on the forum(F.T said it was personel)

How much money does those tapes cost BuBu?
I hope grey mystic pays less cos she sucks up better than you! by the way the comment that Sui Fuw made about the Hakka-ging may have been diected at me. which didn't make me cry.
If F.T was offended then ask him why?
I think he's been searching all his life for this type of ging cos he would have said he could generate this very very very powerful ging.
Am I right or am I right timid *****cat?

Search all you want cos you will never be taught this by Hakka nyin!!!!

I know your symptom ''LIMP GING'' It happens to Ego maniacs. The cure Mystic c*nt!!!

03-06-2001, 06:33 AM
my god, i thought you looked stupid before but now you look completely and utterly MORONIC... i'm a GUY you f*cking idiot!

03-06-2001, 06:35 AM
Well if you know YKM then tell me all about it f**khead, you don't know half of the s**t that dribbles from gob.
Well are you or are you not approaching open challenge s**t for brains, don't worry there is always someone close to give you a lesson.
Again what do you know about YKM, besides the same uneducated response as most. Have you ever seen or been to a kwoon?
You're another of these paper want to be MA, read a few books and hey presto I've got the right to disrepect other systems and their sifu's,, keep it up knob jockey.

03-06-2001, 02:21 PM
Are you suggesting you have developed this type of ging , you seem to know alot about the LIMP GING, does you boyfriend always comment about your level of efficiency with it.
You don't even come close to qualifing to judge FT or YKM so why don't you quit while you don't resemble a troll too much.

03-06-2001, 05:33 PM
Clown - Why are you calling me Bubu? You hurt my feelings...That's it, I want no beef with you, your to mean!!!LOL

Sifu - Did you receive an e-mail from them after we spoke last night. I didn't think so. Anyway this was some what entertaining in the begining, but I've grown bored. Plus, it's obvious that their just trolling. Let me know if you receive an e-mail.

Biu Ji - Your funny dude!!! How's everything? These guy are nothing but trolls and we're giving them all the fire they need. I say to hell with them.

Bubu, opps.. I mean
Buby "YKM" Gangsta - Has a nice ring, Ha.LOL

Cloud/clown. Now thats funny!!!

wisdom mind
03-06-2001, 08:34 PM
i havent even read the last few threads but i will later....this now has a 1 star rating and seems silly to be straight up.

check this upon review of the tape it appears i made an error.....the form is NOT jik bo...its **** fast though. those with the tape ....what do you think of his speed and power?

yaweh manifest throughout creation

fiercest tiger
03-06-2001, 10:38 PM
hahah these clowns are all too much!

no email as usual, but no need to worry about these types of people. they have sore fingers from typing, god help them if they have to face it out on the streets. well mate keep it real!




03-06-2001, 11:51 PM
I'm good man, how's the training? I'll send an email soon see how the YKM gangstar is doing!

03-08-2001, 03:14 AM
morq,exellent on the water.

cloud,sum up of f.t[sorry "limp ging"] is so true,i couldn't stand up with laughter.

hey,limp ging,bai-si more cr*p is coming out about you.so you teach BABY BUBU via video tapes.you must be very masterful to do this.
well now you been dianosed with "limp ging" it doesent say much for your students taught by v.tape,now does it,hell,i'll take 50,no lets say 70[50 not enough to break a sweat],that if you have that many stusy,or did you run out of v.tapes you cheapscate?
yes this is directed to f.t the LIMP GING BAI-SI FILMSTAR.....whatever next????

so youre a guy grey mystik,i've heard youre a chick with a d*ck,you confused poor little boy...

your k.f is very poor to say that it takes all you lot to have a go at 1 person,and cloud still keeps his cool[very impressive]

you chicks with d*cks are products and not real when it comes to the mind.

03-08-2001, 03:27 AM
Thanks for the back up.
I thought you weren't going to turn up.

(I think F.T knows where I stand. There is no point in having discussions with this person cos he doesn't do the same Kung Fu as us).

How's it going?
They still think we are the same person. How sad!
There kung fu must be good.
They wouldn't even know which hand hit them first!

Have you been on the lin Fa Shou thread yet?
E-Mail me to discuss further.

fiercest tiger
03-08-2001, 06:52 AM
cloud one your email wasnt a threat to me, you have to ask dady for permission to fight me well what a laugh you are.
what was the bet if you win i cannot teach bak mei to non chinese, go and get f@cked goose. i dont teach bak mei and dont take orders from a child.

you havent emailed me back "WHY" ****ING CHUMP!

do you want t buy a video if not, then shut the f@CK UP FOOL. what style you from f@cking coward, where do you train? yes thats what i thought no response at all!!!!




03-08-2001, 07:18 AM
Just exactly who the f@ck do you think you are, talking like you're sitting on some f@cking high moral ground..
FT doesn't tell his students to stick up for him , certainly doesn't need us to and clown 1 you're making a big f@cking mistake if you think otherwise.You'll find out though if you come visiting, I'll give you a lesson myself you couch master.
What exactly for the record is your beef with FT, that he sells videos?Well big f@cking deal how many haven't or is someone just recently put you up to this? Are you someones rent boy?
On what point do you consider yourself superior
or in some position to educate others on their behavior you knob jockey(is clown 1 blowing you right now).
FT's students get on here to stand up for their system and of course those who disresprect their sifu, where do you see a problem with that . Are you jealous no-one other than that $4/ hour felcher is willing to stand with you?
I and my brothers have full confidence in this sytem and ability to keep it real not like some dinner conversation topic spinner like yourself.
Have you seen a video , no I bet not and know f@ck all about YKM thats why you talk all this s**t you do.
If you wnat gloves off f@cker than you're welcome, your mistake.

03-08-2001, 11:06 AM
take a deep breath & count to 10 guys...

blessed be,

wisdom mind
03-08-2001, 05:06 PM
replace air with green sweet leaf smoke and chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllll

jah bless

03-08-2001, 06:15 PM
Not that it's any of your business, but I'm tired of seeing you guys twist my training to look like a capital gain for my sifu.

For starters, my training is free. I pay monthly dues just like my brothers in Oz. The only difference is that my dues go to the shipping, handling and conversion of my training tapes.

I see no difference in the way I train to the old way of training from manuals and such. I'm not lucky enough to be able to train at the kwoon(being that I don't live in Oz, before you guys try and twist my words again), but in essence I'm there.

This is not only for you two, but to clear up any misconceptions anyone on this forum might have. It's not a money thing, but rather a sifu passing on his teaching to people who he see's fit.

As far as me having sifu's back, well if you have something against it, too bad. We're a tight knit family and sure enough we have each others back to the fullest. It's a pitty that you have never seen loyalty like this before, so I guess I can understand why you find this concept so hard to understand.

I must say Sui Fuw, you and clown 1 are really dry. First bubu and now baby bubu, come on you guys can't you do better than that. I mean, you guys aren't even funny. At least be funny!!! Tell ya what, since I'm such a nice guy I'll give ya another chance to be funny or hurt my feelings.

...Cause tick me off, your not!!! I know that's what you guys are after. You dare call yourselves MA's, but when it's time to put up or shut up you guys start name calling. Buddy, leave the name calling and trying to start gossip for the ladies. I won't bother calling you guys out any more cause it's just a waste of time.

See ya later internet warriors :p


Centerline - Burn one for me!!! :D I've got barney again!! ;)

Bastet - I'm breathing, I'm breathing...LOL I hope all is well with you

[This message was edited by Buby on 03-09-01 at 08:34 AM.]

03-08-2001, 08:07 PM
you heard i was a chick with a dick? that's not what your mom said last night when i was pounding away on her...

yeah i can play your highschool ego games too.
woowoo aren't i the sh!t now?

grow up fool, you came on here looking for trouble and trying to stir up tempers, all you're doing is trolling and trying to start sh!t you can't finish- give it up, i doubt you even practice any kind of real kungfu you're probably some 13 year old kid stroking his teeny weeny and getting off that people of our caliber are actually responding to you. you can't hold a candle to any of the people i associate with, so stop trying you whiney little pimple faced kid.

fiercest tiger
03-08-2001, 11:38 PM
Nothing but love for you guys! nothing but love..

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, hehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehe :D



wisdom mind
03-08-2001, 11:50 PM
now ya feel the efx and the power

ahhh barney such a great thing :) enjoy

03-09-2001, 02:42 AM
Ahh it is good to be back to the same old S**t as always.

Obviously, Cloud 9 & S**t few are a 1000 miles from us here in OZ otherwise they would not be so brave. Wasting breath on the net means s**t.

03-09-2001, 03:24 AM
thank you for putting me straight,i didn't realise that how you lot act,you can call it kung-fu,let alone good kung-fu.however,if thats what you call it,then no i don't practise it.
look how much swearing to get the point across.
youre all erratic.
funny,of course you don't find it funny,because its at your expense.but other m.a's do.

i'll show you a proper bui-jee,that it not just a name.

chick with a d*ck,actually it was my mom that told me.and you nearly fooled her that you were a chick,cause of your small weeny and that it barely touch her,so dream you may....

limp ging filmstar.Now thats my BOYS!!! you must be proud of your rent boys,cause they act how you tought them.remember THERE IS NO BAD STUDENT JUST BAD TEACHER.

brave,you don't know the meaning of it,last to enter when the foe is down or out numbered.

so you see i'm quite calm and not offended.
yes i would like a tape so i can show the next generation what not to do,when your k.f dies,cause it has no essence to survive.....

fiercest tiger
03-09-2001, 05:28 AM
Wheres the email, did you ask daddy if you can fight? you carry on as if you have etiquette, you have none! what is your beef with me are you jealous or is it personal?

are you upset that im a filmstar, sifu wing lam is the best film and best actor winner of 2001. ill try better next year, so make sure you buy one and ill sign it for you if you like....

DEAR sui fuw

yours in real kung fu




03-09-2001, 04:27 PM
Now you can't even be original in your posts , what a tosser you are.

You've lost already, do you ask daddy hold it too?

03-09-2001, 05:55 PM
Goodness, isn't this where lungyuil comes on and tells everyone to calm down?

fiercest tiger
03-09-2001, 10:46 PM
no- we are just getting started! ykm in da house



03-10-2001, 02:57 AM
What, you think it is brave to throw out threats on the net. Everyone is doing fine & don't need me to start. This is just internet bashing. You are just a waste of time. Being so far across the water. Come down & check us out if you think our Kung fu is no good.

From FT's previous posts alot of people agree his knowledge of the arts is good and to be respected. Many email him to talk about the arts.

So, seeing your the goose on here talking otherwise, you obviously don't know your kung fu. Don'y you understand, to us you are just a joke :p

Copying forms is easy, but do you understand them???

Moq, you like to stick your pennys worth in. Is it just to keep your posts up. :D

Buby, welcome to the YKM group. :)

03-10-2001, 03:34 AM
Yes, my penny's worth... I USED to think CLOUD1 and sui-fuw were TRYING to make you YKM'ers look like a bunch of wild dingos, but I'm no longer certain that's the case...

I'm sure y'all kicka$$ and bust heads for leisure an think nothin of it, but at some point, if you want to talk about respect, you're gonna have to show that you understand what it is.

03-10-2001, 04:53 AM
Nicely put.

What is your beef with us F.T?
Why do you not live up to your challenges?
You make out that it was me who challenged you.
Go and re-read this thread.
Your quite right I don't know jack about YKM.
Has it got anything to do with Pak Mei?

03-10-2001, 12:42 PM
Oh you got it all figured out , haven't you clown 1. So NOW you say you don't know anything about YKM, before you're all fired up for taking FT out , obviously with the delusion you know what it is about . Make up your mind you do or you don't know!

fiercest tiger
03-10-2001, 09:57 PM
yes daddy's boy is confused, hongkong is a small world, tell me where you are staying clown one i will come to you!!! i dont have to ask permission to go out and fight so prepare yourself. clown one all you have done is try to insult me and my system, im not chinese if you think i am WRONG, so stick your email up your arse, "if you win i kow tow 100, and dont teach pak mei to non chinese". say this to kwong man fong, dr wong, sifu andy troung. they are all vietnamese ,chinese if you have a problem with these people teaching whities then. racist pr!ck...

anyways you know where to find me!

you still havent said what style you are? whats wrong you affraid little boy. :D



03-11-2001, 02:58 AM
When have I said I know What you did F.T?
This thread was about a Pak Mei tape.(not a YKM)
You'll find out soon enough what I do.
I don't make idle threats.

Did you or did you not say that you did Pak mei?
Why is it on your profile?
Your nothing more than a con man.
What Pak Mei do you do if you cannot generate this kind of power?(probably a B/S made up one)
Don't worry I will get to see this corresponding course from Andy Truong.
From his Web site though it seems it is a different one to I am accustomed to.
You don't need to ask your Grandmaster. Which means you don't respect where your line of Kung Fu comes from!!!( no wonder your students are like that)or did you make up YKM?

I gave you respect by calling you LIMP-GING, but now your just GING-LESS, FORMLESS, MINDLESS, DISRESPECTFUL, and of couse a big bad TIMID *****CAT THAT DOESN'T DO KUNG FU BUT PRANCES ABOUT IN HIS PYJAMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!

fiercest tiger
03-11-2001, 05:22 AM
what is the difference between your bak mei and sifu troungs bak mei, there are different versions idiot! ykm has bak mei in it and yes, i do know bak mei kung fu...

if you have this ging what ive seen then ill f@cking come and train under you so please dont talk **** to me because im not interested in your girly games. so what was the reply from sifu troungs email :D loser.

respect, you have given none you toss, go and blow your trumpet else where. you are full of sh!t thinking your the end all be all of bak mei. go and jerk off else where, i guarentee that you are not as good as you think you are. post up a vid of yourself doing this ging or send me something so i can pick the sh!t out of it. we all have flaws so stop big noteing yourself fool. this for discussion not politics or arguing who can do what better.

grandmaster limp to you! NOW GET BACK DOWN ON YOUR KNEES.



03-11-2001, 09:01 AM
If you are a well versed Bai Mei man,ie. history,practice,concepts and theory you will
know that YKM is an off shoot or a branch of Bai Mei,although different in small ways it is considered a sister system to Bai Mei,its roots
run strong in Bai Mei,you should know this.
To make threats is one thing,
to try and take away a mans livelyhood and
corner him is playing with fire.
You could get burned,very bad,and for what??your pride?
Pride is a horrible offence
Everybody knows its not wise to corner
At least some of us

03-11-2001, 05:07 PM
MoQ :confused: - RESPECT? I wouldn't even go there if I were you.

Everyone who has crossed paths with me knows that I've given them the same respect they've given me. Not that I really need to defend or explain my actions to you or anyone else on here.

Sui-Fuw - I take it that the statement you made about other MA's finding it funny was directed to me. Well, I'm happy that others found it funny, but I still find your humor dry. I don't know maybe it's me, maybe I don't understand your jokes. Nahhh, I think it's cause your jokes are just flat dry, cause I'm a funny guy.


03-11-2001, 07:09 PM
"MoQ - RESPECT? I wouldn't even go there if I were you."

If you were ME I think you'd be about twice your age and wondering why this kid is being such a pill...

03-12-2001, 02:12 PM
I'm laughing so hard at you, the cr@p spilling from you is actually quite amusing, for someone who proclaims to know so much can say something like"did you make YKM up", **** , whos arse have you had your head up all your life(beside your own).
Go do some homework s**thead.Why don't you tell us what style you do or do you plan on keeping us all in suspence until the moment when you fill us all with a sense of awe when you wip out your super secret I'm one of few who knows kung fu.