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03-25-2002, 03:48 AM
hey everyone, how you all doing.

just got back from kung fu... sifu was getting us to practice non-telegraphed strikes (to intitiate fights), ie no shoulder or hip - all triceps. i think he was getting the feeling that none of us were taking it seriously - that we've got the attitude 'hah, i do kung fu, ill wait till this guy throws the first strike before knocking him out in one strike and walking off into the sunset'. think i might of been guilty of thinking that actually... not as bad tho.

just quickly, ive been warned by people on this board against taking this attitude... but it hasnt sunk in yet. i think its beginning to.

anyway, sifu told us stories that he thought would scare us. worked like a charm on me. about fights he'd seen, where people spent months in hospital getting their faces put back together. about one guy (a trained martial artist) who spent 10 minutes, unconscious, getting his name drawn into the pavement with his bloody face. when the other guy ran out of blood, he just smacked the MA's head onto the ground till he got more blood. just like a felt pen, was sifu's analogy.

what are the odds of that happening to me (or you)? i have no idea. but its putting me off the idea of drinking in public, and of ever fighting someone. running away seems like a good idea.

hopefully you guys/girls will have realised why im writing this, beacuse im not sure. im worried/scared that im not training hard enough, that i have the wrong attitude. but i dont want to dedicate my life to kung fu.

anyway, id like it if you'd all reply and tell me what you think.
ill leave it at that, hoping we dont end up as felt-pens.

03-25-2002, 04:23 AM
Dude relax!
There is such a thing in this world as simple horrible bad luck and living your life in fear of it can do you no good.
Your much more likely to die horribly in a car accident or even die slowly of cancer so dont worry about the one in a million of being brutaly beaten to death by some sadistic basted.
Study kung fu for yourself and your own goals, being skilled in combat may also help you avoid such a thing happening.
Your sifu is right to stop you from being complacent the skills are not to be toyed with and practice MUST be taken seriously if combat is your goal.
Still dont become dishearted becouse you have realised its not a fairy tale. Take stock and use the knowledge to push yourself and your abilitys to new hights.

Um yeah well thats my advice anyway.
Dont worry about dying in combat, there are so many more interesting ways to worry about dying than that;)

Yung Apprentice
03-25-2002, 04:33 AM
carry a gun!:cool:

kungfu cowboy
03-25-2002, 05:02 AM
Marry a nun!

Yung Apprentice
03-25-2002, 05:09 AM
Narry a pun!

03-25-2002, 05:25 AM
Just don't **** my mum.

Erm, yeah, just be realistic about your training.

If I never get into a fight in my whole life I'll look back and be glad that I got all the other benefits from training without having to kick ****/ get my **** kicked.

03-25-2002, 08:52 AM
Basically you should always try to avoid fighting, period. And then to oblitereate your opponent when forced to fight.

I think stories like that all make us think a little, but Jon is right. Keep training for all your goals, not specifically some freak encounter that may never happen.