View Full Version : Tools/finished project

Ray Pina
03-25-2002, 08:40 AM
I was reading somewhere that TKD has: kicking, punching, finger jabs, locks, ect.

While that sounds great, I could not help but think that the average guy on the street knows that too. Honestly, I seen guys flip people's arms over in street fights, it just feels natural to do that.

To me, these are tools. As a martial artist of coarse you have these things. But to me, the difference is how you use them. When.

So what are your guys focus when training: Are you just throwing out kicks and punches in the hope that you reach the other faster? Or do you train so you are stronger, and can take the others blow?

There was no talk of absorbing power, or sticking to and reading an aponant.

To me, having tools is one thing. Someone can drop off a Ford truck packed to the huilt with gear, but I still won't build a bird house worth a $hit.

Its knoweldge, deeper understanding of theory and its application, TO ME, that seperates a kicker/puncher and a martial artist.