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Water Dragon
03-25-2002, 03:25 PM
Obsessed with killing and maiming people?

Black Jack
03-25-2002, 03:26 PM
Do you really see that?

In what context?

03-25-2002, 03:27 PM
and those so stupid, just don't deserve to live"classic sample=from dj.rectangle records"excellent....:confused:

Water Dragon
03-25-2002, 03:28 PM
...eye gouge...too deadly...death touch
...are for killing...etc.

03-25-2002, 03:28 PM
I think a lot of it has to do with movies. For instance, the other night I watched Snatch (the movie people...the movie). Afterwards I thought, ya know, it would be pretty **** cool if I could kill someone with one hit, every time I hit. This lasted all of about 10 seconds. Only because I know better.

03-25-2002, 03:41 PM
Not obssesed:

"IF" i get the chance, I will break bones, rip off ears, bite, etc.


Its good to go after thumbs vs. the untrained. Its amazing how quickly a untrained person will give into a finger lock.

MonkeySlap Too
03-25-2002, 04:06 PM
You should go to bladeforums! LOL!

03-25-2002, 04:16 PM
Agreed...all this talk about death-killing and ripping this, biting that...making the rest of us look bad. :p

Snatch rocked!

03-25-2002, 04:43 PM
"Be weary of any man that owns a pig farm" lol:D

03-25-2002, 04:44 PM
Because they fear death.

03-25-2002, 04:48 PM
Here in vancouver thier has been a open case of over 150 missingwomen"prostitues&junkies" from the lowereastside since the early eighties.
They have just filed three seperate murder charges on a owner of this pigfarm, in portcoquitlum about an hour drive from tles!.
That's scary ****, and i thought about snatch when this hit the new's two months ago, they got tractors and such ripping the farmup looking for evidence as they are linking the 150 women to this farmowner....yike's:)

03-25-2002, 05:12 PM
I like shaolinboxer's answer, and think there's truth to that.

I also believe that as people have so little control over the world around them and often over their own lives, that they like to imagine that they could possess the ultimate control over other people; thus the obsession with deadly techniques and maiming.....as opposed to constructive all around cultivation as a person and martial artist. I think that focus can be an unhealthy pitfall, that is not only often unrealistic, but limiting in training and development.

Just a though...

03-25-2002, 05:26 PM
Simple, kung fu is cool.........

03-25-2002, 05:28 PM
Hmmmm, and the question is coming from a man that practices how to throw people head first onto the pavement??????? :D

Isn't there serious potential in killing or maiming somebody with what you do, Waterdragon?

You supplement your schuai-chiao training with BJJ. When you break the bad guy's elbow, shoulder, knee, or ankle, aren't you risking maiming.? How about the neckcranks.

"If you are in a fair fight, your tactics $uck." :p

Water Dragon
03-25-2002, 06:23 PM
Stranger, Shuai Chiao is basically throwing someone down on the ground as efficiently as possible. BJJ is designed to dominate on the ground using chokes and submissions. I like both because they are so good at what they do. Of course there are dangerous/potentially lethal techniques in each system. You can't practice those "for real" of course.

But each art has so many more techniques that you can on various levels, from not really hurting the other guy to "Ohhhh S*** did you see that?" Let's face it, most confrontations won't be some life or death confrontation. And what good is your art if you can't "play" with other people?

I just think some of the people are so focused on maiming and "death moves" that they miss out on a whole lot. It seems like a real shallow version of any art.

03-25-2002, 06:31 PM
Waterdragon, not sure where you are seeing but I can undestand why it might disturb you. I think you have to look at it this way, we are all martial artist, and we practice our martial arts for various reason. One that is almost ubiquitous among us is self defense. For most of us we are able to utilize our martial skills to end a confrontation without it having to go too far. I see post on here all the time about this fight I got into, and these guys jumped me.....none of them that I have seen have ended in death or major bodily harm.
But the fact is, killing, is a part of what we do. If we must, most of us will do it. If we are put in a position where we may have to do it and we are trained to do it, then we should also talk about it. It helps us to understand our place, our morality.
Death is also something that fascinates us for various reasons. We as human beings dont understand it and so we gravitate towards it.
I think those who tak eit out of context, and who taut it. Who talk about it constantly are usually the ones who fall in the face of it. Most o fus talk about it rationally, and include it as a fact in what we do.
This is a martial forum, and martial loosely translates to the way of war. War and Death are brothers and go hand in hand.

03-25-2002, 06:47 PM

I think I understand you now, I was a little confused by the first post. One should definitely be able to administer different levels of response from light damage to fatal damage in a complete system, and focusing too much on either end of the spectrum will be a mistake in the long run.

Black Jack
03-25-2002, 08:15 PM
Obesson is the key word here.

As already stated, if one side of the scale is unbalanced it would be bad, but IMHO their is nothing wrong with cultivating a survival mindset if ones motivating factor is self defense, if the person is of good morals and values, it is their personal human right to do whatever it takes not to become a statistic of violent crime.

Confidence is a great attribute, but over-confidence is a very weak link, coming to understand violence and the more lethal aspects of self defense can give a person a much greater respect for danger.

These types of techniques, mindsets and their combative applications should be addressed, even more so I think in today's western world, not just because of street crime but because of such things as terrorism and its war on our culture.

Just my viewpoints, I wanted to give a look from another side, as I can already see people putting blanket statements on others who have a different viewpoint than theirs, I can see these statements overlapping onto people who carry concealed weapons for self protection, as in people who carry guns and other tools as being violent in nature.

03-25-2002, 09:22 PM
Hey have you played that game Hitman.
Its really cool (sweeeeet) when you kill the driver choking him from behind with a fibre wire :D
Its so fun :D He drops like a sack of potatoes :D
And than you take his clothes and dump him in some hole :D

Chris McKinley
03-25-2002, 10:11 PM
Personally, I spend more time focusing on looking cool while wearing mandarin silk with Nehru collars. I practice looking all serious and sifu-like while I'm mesmerizing all the chicks with my "still waters run deep" smouldering facial expressions. I like to get in front of a mirror to practice my pseudo-Taoist fluff talk; that really drives the young co-eds wild. Something about spouting pacifist bullsh*t while keeping a dangerous dragon just below the surface that gets em revved up and ready.

I even practice my Feng Shui by determining where in the room I should be when the party starts to start my meaningless esoteric lectures to produce maximum babeage. Too close to the trash can punch and the trailer park qi can interfere with projecting my "above it all" mojo.

bamboo_ leaf
03-25-2002, 10:37 PM
WD, I think most of what you see in post are age, level and length o f time practiced. Those that have been practicing longer and are older I think are at different point in their lives. In the young blood runs hot.

Worked on and saw people dead in the army as a grunt medic kinda gives a different perspective to ones view point on life. Some of the teachers I have met used there arts in the war. they never spoke much about it but you could see it in their eyes.

Ones morality, hopefully you where a good person to begin with. Most teachers that i know don’t knowing teach people that are predisposed to hurting others. The more one considers their art to be lethal, the more restrictions they tend to place on who gets to learn it. Kinda funny how that works out. :)

Mr Punch
03-25-2002, 11:59 PM
It is too easy to become focused on the lethal side of an art... but I would hope that eventually most of us remember the 'bu' in Budo. The character (Japanese version: don't know if the Chinese is the same usage) comes from the radicals for 'to stop'/'to prevent' and 'a spear'/'a spearman'. The ideal is that you extend the same respect to everyone as to your training partners, so protecting life.

Great philosophy. Maybe I'm wrong (again!) but those of you who are more chilled are more chilled precisely because you have seen/been active in real situations where this preservation was not possible, and you have seen the consequences (like bamboo-leaf's post says). Any fool can chuck a punch and, as fortune has it, knock somebody over to crack their head open on a kerb or something. Hopefully the lethal techniques can give us more knowledge about the workings of the body so we can avoid this kind of outcome. I train to control my anger, and to train my reflexes to have some degree of choice of how far to take conflict.

Unfortunately, this choice is sometimes taken away from you.

Rambling again...;)

03-26-2002, 09:10 AM
Mr. McKinley, your ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


03-26-2002, 09:59 AM
Please have a look at my thread on the Qigong forum called "puking blood potential." I've lost your email address.

Anyway, I personally do not train any lethal strikes, although due to a lack of good KF instruction in my new area I am training with a kickboxing instructor, who is **** hot. I would not need any lethal strikes, I think they would be more hassle than they're worth to me. I am really only likely to encounter a mobile phone thief or drunk a-hole, and I think if I killed either of them I would be looking at serious trouble. Far better to be able to kick serious crap out of them You can always beat enough crap to kill them.

Black Jack
03-26-2002, 11:25 AM

Don't you feel you are putting yourself in a mindframe where your options may be limited, what if you had a home invasion, or were attacked by multiple attackers, people with weapons, or mugged, or if you were a girl and you were getting attacked by a rapist, or you just happened to **** off a unstable person who does not give a **** if he removes you from this world for cutting him off in traffic???

Lethal IMO is not about techniques or methods so much as its about having the ruthless drive to stop those who are trying to do the same to you, to do whatever it takes to survive such a encounter, a encouter that for whatever reason you could not get out of by any other means.

If we are really talking lethal than the only serious answer is to be armed, the best measure a gun, but for you that would be hard to accomplish as only the bad guys are allowed to carry them, with such a disadvantage already, why cut your toolbag of goodies short, even though it MAY be rare for such a thing to happen, that does NOT mean it never will.

03-26-2002, 12:00 PM
You seem to have hit the nail on it's proverbal head!

Babes love to know that you do kung fu, it impresses them no-end, and definately makes them feel safe.
Which encourages relaxation, which loosens underwear!

Scotty, i'm with blackjack on the kickboxing thing.
It is surely better to train with a killing mindset sometimes, because in a real situation you will react instinctively.
This is where you need to defend/attack with the best technique.
By training in kb only, you will limit your technical repertoire.