View Full Version : How do u use MA to boost your mentality and optimism without having to actualy train?

Tae Li
03-25-2002, 05:37 PM
How do u do it?

youve got the blues and you cant be bothered completeing work that requires your mental strength, and usually when your feeling down u turn to trainig as a means of boosting yourself up again. But this time your not at training, your somewhere else, with different people required to complete different things, the place your in right now has nothing to do with martial arts.

so what do you do. How do u use martial arts to get you out of situtations where life is worthless and sickening and not worth living?

Or isnt that possible?:(

Tae Li.

03-25-2002, 05:45 PM
The key is, and you may want to take note's:
Wanking....;) jk

Well for that last part, like let's say a women was brutally attacked, and you wanted to teach her martial art to build esteem,
i guess she could delve into the art aspect of her martial dance, meaning when you feel sad it's always nice to channel that into drawing, However the sheer violent nature of martial art, could make her depression worse, as she now has aggression in her melancholy?.
Not in the mood to type technical.:cool:

03-25-2002, 05:51 PM
Train in your mind. Like you now, when you watch your favourite MArtist on TeeVee, it makes you sweat. Actually, your motor neurons are at work and you dont even know it.

That is how Climbers train..... during off days. Sit on their ass and see themselves doing things they couldn't do , YET

03-25-2002, 05:54 PM
Can I assume this is for yourself i.e. you are feeling down and you want to use your MA to pick yourself back up?

Two things I do sometimes:

1) Run through forms in my head. This can sometimes be almost as good as doing them. I find I even find myself simulating the breathing patterns.

2) Promise yourself that you will train when you get home or when you are finished doing the yucky stuff you are doing. Promise yourself that you will train and train hard, and at the end you will be satisfied with your training. Then when you get around to training, you go at it as hard as you can.

Dunno if that helps.

03-25-2002, 09:34 PM
youve got the blues and you cant be bothered completeing work that requires your mental strength, and usually when your feeling down u turn to trainig as a means of boosting yourself up again. But this time your not at training, your somewhere else, with different people required to complete different things, the place your in right now has nothing to do with martial arts.

so what do you do. How do u use martial arts to get you out of situtations where life is worthless and sickening and not worth living?

Hmm..why would you not be able to train? Even if you are out of town, find a secluded place and train! Start by stretching, shadow-boxing or working on a difficult line in a pattern. As your body starts to energize (heart rate increases), your mind will follow shortly. Use imagery that whatever is bothering you or giving you grief if the "opponent" and imagine it is the object of your intent - both physically and mentally.

The trick for most situations is to realise it is but a moment in our Life. We might dread or be afraid of some upcoming or past event, but that is giving power to negative thoughts. At times we are too emotionally caught up and unable to rationally fathom what might be the best course of action. I like to frame my mind in a thought that I HAVE to deal with the situation, but until I can - I say F-U-C-$ IT! I say it over and over whenever the thought or emotions become overwhelming. F it!

That word, for most of us, allows us a sense of relief. I actually use it as a mechanism for release. It feels good saying the word, at least for me. Perhaps some other word or sound works better for you. It is the act of verbalising that is important rather than the actual word. Try it. The analogy....out with the bad....in with the manageable :)

If you can train, train! This gets your mind out of a rut. And it helps to refocus and replenish our energies. Training MAs is a great way to do this. Or go to the gym and lift...jog...listen to music and escape...write and purge; whatever works for you. Try different things.

If you're down and out and stop - you have submitted. And that's not acceptable. Continuing on is part of our learning. It should help in developing our coping ability. It's a cliche, but true IMNSHO..what doesn't kill ya, makes ya stronger. And that is what MAs should give us...strength of both Body and Mind. When we become unbalance to the point of despair, recognise it, work towards facing it, accept the consequences of facing it, and then just do it. Life is one big lesson. And you're worth every ****ed step and drop of blood.

Well wishes.


03-25-2002, 09:42 PM
Take a nap!

03-25-2002, 11:13 PM
Learn to balance your energy. Proper techniques and eating can provide a start, but real Ch'i Kung meditation is the best thing for your problems.

I'd start with a Feng Shui meditation to rebalance your energy. You can then expand as needed.

wushu chik
03-25-2002, 11:49 PM
what's wrong girl?? email me...


03-26-2002, 12:33 AM
**** IT :D

03-26-2002, 03:08 AM
Tae Li - i'm suffering from the same thing... It's called being at University :D

Recently i've been feeling like i can't be bothered also, and have been trying to figure out what to do. It feels like i have no energy to do anything, even my regular training. Also deadlines for work are looming etc. so it's a tough position (is that similar to you too?). Well what did i do first. Kinda funny actually. I ended up tidying my room out (University accomodation). Then i made a training schedule :) More so that i have some kinda plan for when i can study and when i can play. So that i know what has to be done each day etc.

Then i started to think about my training. Training is hard and very mentally demanding. Sometimes it's hard to keep slogging away at it each day. You get frustrated and even despair sometimes. But you just have to keep going. Every day you slowly get better :)

To me it's the same as my Uni work. It's very demanding (in a boring kinda way - hard to stay interested), but i just have to stay focussed on the outcome (graduation, good job, friends and family etc.)

hmmmm... Guohuens advice is also worth following. Sleeping is great!

Well, i hope you can make sense of all these posts.
Don't worry, think of your man Lian Jie and everything will be fine :)
hope you feel better soon,


03-26-2002, 08:32 AM
My approach with these kinds of things is to put in my time, then walk away.

In the past, I used to give my all to projects. That's how I was raised, and so I would fret endlessly at all hours over all sorts of stuff.

Now, I realize that I can get the job done better if I conserve my resources and don't waste motion. This is something that I've only recently come to grips with.

Sometimes I'll even have something fun going on (e.g. posting here) while doing something miserable (e.g. statistical crosstabs). Both things get done eventually.

Tae Li
03-26-2002, 07:32 PM
thanx people for all your opinions and stuff, it means a great deal, but i think i was going through one opf those life crisis, you know what i mean, even though im no where near my midlife or anything like that!

but yeah, i guess you just go through a stage in your life and you get really depressed about almost everything and then you think, well what is that i have that will help me get my positive thinking back up, and sorry to say this but sleeping just aint gonna cut it for me! lol,

and even music hasnt been helping, which is really bad cos whats better getting out of the blues then listening to music???

and dez, uni is ok, very stressful with lots and lots of work to do...actually now that im writing this its NOT OK, im getting very distracted lately very easily and im just not like that!

well, i hope that is anyone else was going through the same thing as me, you read this thread and get some really helpful hints on how to use your skills to overcome this sort of thing.

keep smiling and peace be with everyone.

Tae Li;)

03-26-2002, 07:54 PM
Tae Li
I wont waste to much text here, i have many of the same problems myself.
You sound to me much like i am, busting with Yang energy.
You spar a lot and your pretty active your proberly just overly aggressive and unsure of how to handle the quite times.
I cant give you any brilliant advice other than to try to learn to relax and let go. You have your skills you dont need to be using them 24\7.
If you ever need to talk im always here, just give me a buzz ill be happy to help in anyway i can.

Spend time around water if you can.
Go to the beach or even just a large lake or body of water and just sit and watch for a while.
Try not to think about anything to harsh just watch the water and what it does.
Live water is best so the beach is the real cracker but failing that even just taking a shower and playing around with the water and the reaction it has on your body can have the same effect.

Sorry this isnt to helpfull but as i say if you want a train or even just go for a coffee please give me a call anytime:)
All the best and hope you feel better.

03-26-2002, 07:58 PM

"well, i hope that is anyone else was going through the same thing as me, you read this thread and get some really helpful hints on how to use your skills to overcome this sort of thing. "
* The 'martial arts' skill in this situation is learning to excel even in a situation your not in comforatble in. This is a very applicable skill and one we would all do well to pick up.

Ever hear the old chinese saying.
"You must learn to eat better before you can taste sweet"
Its the same thing really just a different goal :)

Tae Li
03-26-2002, 08:00 PM
thanx Jon, your real sweet, but i get my phone back tomorrow!

lol, water is a good idea.

Tae Li

so u think its too much energy? i would never had guessed!

but maybe your right. well im feeling abit better now, but i really need to learn how to get a better hold of my emotions. had no idea it would be so hard.

03-27-2002, 12:36 AM
what, i am supposed to physical train, not al mental? dang, that explains the inability to fight like jet lee outside my mind... hmmmm... hehe, well, i usually invision it, but also go over in detail, the most effeciant steps to be made in order t o solve the scenerio in my head. revising if i have to.