View Full Version : Caption This

03-25-2002, 08:57 PM
Caption this !!!!



Hillfiger : Ka-mei-ka-mei......

Charlie : Ling Gong Kheng !!!

03-25-2002, 09:00 PM
Picture #2


:cool: :D

03-25-2002, 09:01 PM
" I see you also have mastered the methods of Ling Kong Jing, this battle is futile"

"Well lets just stand here for a while and try to look cool anyway"

03-25-2002, 09:09 PM
I'm pretty sure that pic #2 is Wah Lum Kung Fu near Columbus, Ohio. Mantis school. Good stuff, one of their students used to teach tai chi in the room before our class... best stances I'd ever seen.

03-25-2002, 09:15 PM
D'oh ! Well I guess the MA community is pretty small... hehehe

03-25-2002, 09:36 PM

it is a funny picture out of context though.

03-25-2002, 09:39 PM
Woah. That was stupifying.

03-25-2002, 09:49 PM
prana, it's ka-mae-ha-mae-ha (or replace the E with Y with some people).

Picture 2

Guy 1-Let us both sit here looking like we are on the toilet!

Guy 2-Ahhh, but to look even cooler, let us flap our arms like the Eagle!

*No I am not trolling and trying to diss Kung Fu, the snap shot just looked perfect.

Qi dup
03-25-2002, 09:52 PM
"You must die, I alone am best."

"The classic story of the battle between the two taiji practitioners, also know as, "The tortise and the tortise'"

03-25-2002, 09:58 PM
Actually since its a finger ki blast...

Its more like Piccolo's MAKANKOSAPO!!!

03-25-2002, 10:12 PM
Pic 1:

"Hey you.... how big is your pen.is?"

Pic 2:

"Do you like jizz?"

"Jizz, yes. I love it. Jizz"


03-25-2002, 10:25 PM
LOL :) Keep'm cumin guys ! Awesome :D :p

03-25-2002, 10:30 PM

Hilfiger guy: *framing 2nd man between thumb and index finger* "yeesss darling! work it! aaaaabsolutely faaaabulous! Let me just go get my camera"
2nd Man: "you think Icome to sissy photo shoot and don't know whats going on? I F**kin represent b*tch!! now I will punish your insolence by destroying you with my finger-chi blast!!!"


Guy1: "see the key to starting a McKwoon is to take an existing style and modify it. For example I take a standard horse stance and then I point my toes as far out as i can and flap my arms and call it Donald Duck stance!"
Guy2: "Ahhhh I seee, and it seems we are attracting naive admirers already!... let me try... what if I lift up one foot and rest one hand on my hip...and voila Teapot stance!"
Guy1: "Now you've got it!"

03-25-2002, 10:32 PM
LOL nice 1 anton ;)

Please sir, can I have some more ??? :D :p

03-25-2002, 10:46 PM
Pic 1.

National Bogey Flicking Championships, 2001

Gerard McNosepick (on the left, in black) tries to assert his authority over Snottie Hilfiger in the final. Note how Snottie is quite unpertubed as he blocks Gerard's attack, though he has opted for the standard Flying Mucus Protection Goggles.

Pic 2.

Guy on left: "I'm gonna jump! I will! I'm gonna jump RIGHT up in the air!"

Guy on right: "Oh yeah! Oh YEAH! I can jump higher than you, m*****f****r! Watch this!"

Mr Punch
03-25-2002, 11:02 PM
The first one is a wing chun demo of course. The geezer on the left is demonstrating a little known aspect the infamous short-range 'kungfu in a telephone box' technique of biu jee, and using his darting fingers to push the other guy's buttons. The guy on the right is using the even more controversial 'mobile chi' form, with of course, a direct line from the spirit of Yip Man, patching him through to his opponent. Notice the real application of the ****ed fist in Sil Lum Tao... the sucker punch.

Of course, as with all good chi applications, they are not actually using words at all.

Pic 2:

left guy: "See, Chicken Style has a lower stance than Eagle, and you really got sink your chi into your lower dan tien to squeeze that egg out..."

rt guy: "It's pretty embarrassing doing this kind of thing in public... how did you manage to get that last one on your pants?"


03-26-2002, 09:05 AM
#2 "Kick me in the Jimmy!"

"No, you kick ME in the Jimmy!"

and on and on and on...


03-26-2002, 09:25 AM
Pic #1.
Guy on left - "You dress like preppie on day of final rehearsal for school play? For that you're going to die!"

Guy on right - "Stroke me bad haircut boy, spotlight operaters not allowed to talk to actors. I will now invade your anus with my triple axle roundhouse kick!"

Pic #2.
Guy in hooters sweatshirt - "I boned her first."

Guy in dress shirt - "No way esse, we went to high school together. She rode me behind the bleachers. We shall settle this with limbo contest."

Guy in hooters sweatshirt - "The poll is this way wussie. Of course you will win because you are used to going down low".

03-26-2002, 11:31 AM
Funny stuff!

(guy in black shirt) "You disrespect my family and talk during the whole movie! Now you must DIE!"
(guy in white shirt) "Bite me looser. Bring it on(forms L with hand)!"

(guy with black hair) "HEY MAN, WHERE THE BATHROOM, HURRY!"
(balding guy) " WHOA, This way duude! Ill show you." :D

Qi dup
03-26-2002, 05:16 PM
LOL at ewallace and JWTAYLOR, you guys crack me up!

Chang Style Novice
03-26-2002, 05:36 PM
1 "Even with two opponents, my soundboard style will prevail!"

2 "Our new black pants are guaranteed to not rip at the crotch. They are NOT guaranteed to prevent you from other embarassments."

Tae Li
03-27-2002, 04:44 AM
Pic 1- "please! dont take me s seriously... do i look like an arsehole with or without these sexy sunglasses? ahh, what the heck, my tommy Hilfiger shirt is way to sexy for your stance.. lets rumble!"

pic 2- " check it out dude! this IS the best way to sit on the toilet... u get this umbelievable fresh feeling. try it, and we can put on a show".


Tae Li;)

03-27-2002, 04:56 AM
Pic One - Taken at the anual 'Blind Kung Fu fighting exhibition'

Guy on left... "Darn i wish they would let us start closer it would make this much easyer"

Guy on right... "Help, i cant see anything and everyones gone silent"

Pic Two - Taken at the anual patients day out Saint Vincents maximum securtiy mental hosptial.

Guy on left
"I can bend my knees and squat really low and ive got a armspan thats THIS BIG!"

Guy on right
"Well i can bend my knees and squat really low as well, plus i can make stupid looking facial expressions whilst im doing it!"

Or direct captions

Pic one
* Your lucky there is 20 feet of space between us or else you would be DEAD!

Pic Two
* I can squat lower than you and my arms go REALLY far appart!

03-27-2002, 05:01 AM
Pic 2:

All we need now is a panda and we have imitated perfectly tekken tags school arena!

03-27-2002, 07:19 AM
Pic 1 caption: In Shifu Wong's last instruction set before dying of terminal cancer, Mr Chen the economics lecturer, stumbles into the theatre 5 minutes early, and inadvertantly ruins the only genuine photo to show the intricate hand movements required for a succsessful Chi blast.

Pic 2 caption: Mrs Johnson the tamborine teacher looks on with fright. It suddenly dawns on her that maybe she shouldn't of asked her students to watch her drum full of beer after all......