View Full Version : I found the Cheung/Boztepe fight!!!

03-26-2002, 02:26 AM
Here's the link.
Go down and it says Cheung and Boztepe under the "wing chun fight" clips.



03-26-2002, 02:59 AM
But who cares about the Boztepe vs Cheung deaster.
Look at the Ali vs Lnoki fight. that one fight realy put back the M/A's a hundread years!
the footage is bad, but Ali clobered Lnoki infront of the hole world.

03-26-2002, 03:01 AM
I watched that. I don't think Ali is punching him down at all. Inoki is doing some kind of weird flying kick at his legs, and butt scooting (probably afraid of Ali's hands)
It's the strangest most non exciting fight I've ever seen. Ali wasn't clobbering him, but Inoki was just falling over for no reason. :confused:

03-26-2002, 04:17 AM
hi Ryu pls tell me what u saw in the video clip of the fight between Cheung and ....the other guy. i would be interested to hear about it. i tried to download it myself but unfortuntaely it didn't work out so any comments would be appreciated.


03-26-2002, 04:47 AM
trust me you aint missing much!
poor footage of two guys rolling around on the floor whilst the camera makes a feeble attempt to keep track of the 'action'.
Looked more like schoolyard scrap or a wrestling match than a duel:(

03-26-2002, 07:21 AM
Lets not kick this dead horse again anyway. We all Know EMIN BOZTEPE BITES BIG DONKY AZZ and if he had to fight anyone of real skill he would probably get clobbered. Surrounding someone who is supposed to be teacihng at a seminar, and forcing him to fight when hed osent want to is disrespectful at best.


Yep, I was going to join an school of Boztepes, I figure, if he could teach me to stand around with my shirt off flexing like I am bruce lee and posing, then it had to be the real deal.

EMIN BOZTEPES SCOOL OF THUGGERY AND DISRESPECT. Yep thats right thats how I want to train, to ambush people when they least expect it. I figure if there is a guy walking on the street and I attack him first, then that will prevent him from attacking me!


03-26-2002, 07:25 AM
...Nah...Wrestlers know how to fight....these two don't.

No wonder Emin is afraid of the Gracies.

Royce would whoop him till he pees...then whoop him for peeing.


03-26-2002, 07:28 AM
Badger, it is not hard to spank a little girl until she cries and pees......

Rolling Elbow
03-26-2002, 07:46 AM

from what can be seen, Emin pretty much jumps him , takes him down and pretty much stays on top. Cheung is kinda like a fish out of water..never mind his bravure on having deflected shots and blablabla. All he is doing is struggling to avoid punches. As for Botzepe...safe to say a Gracie would kill him on the ground. I never thought i would say this but the guy is pretty much useless on the ground. Huge ****ing motions to deliver "rapid punches"
are soo predictable and definitely do not get the job done quickly. Also, his pathetic attempt to pin Cheungs arm and mount him showed a complete misunderstanding of flow, positioning, leverage, and weight distribution.

Conclusion...who is this idiot? Why did i always think he is soo much better than he actually is? Why does he always have his shirt off? why is he such a *****? Why would a seminar of students allow him and ten others to force a fight? they all should have rolled on the ground together :p

03-26-2002, 08:00 AM
Learn the Ancient Secrets of Emin Boztepe:

Surprise Attacks & Takedowns against Senior Citizens

The Art of Trash-Talking Superior Fighters without Fighting Them

Hiding & Avoiding Techniques even the Ninja dont know

Primping, makeup application & screaming like a girl

Crappy-as-Crappy Can't Wrestling

03-26-2002, 08:11 AM
Dont forget trying to avoid someone grabbing your cute little pony tail and slamming head against the ground multiple times!!!!

03-26-2002, 08:19 AM
I just watched it.

Truly pathetic.

My instructor would have beaten my sorry @ss if I had performed like that.


03-26-2002, 08:22 AM
Realplayer isn't working on my PC so i can't see it :( Heard about it before though so i'm not so upset!


03-26-2002, 08:25 AM
the only thing more pathetic than the fight was the video quality.

03-26-2002, 08:37 AM
Man, the coolest thing on that site was the Vovanchin/Kerr fight.

Igor lands a punch on Kerr halfway into the first round that knocks Kerr back 10 feet on his a$$. Pretty impressive considering Kerr's size.

Mad props to Kerr for getting up after that one.

When I think about people I'd like to get in the ring with Igor isn't one of them.


03-26-2002, 08:58 AM
The footage is terrible, and it's hard to see.
What happens is what usually happens in a real fight. Two people clinch, fall to the ground, and start pounding. Emin seems like he needed better control and position skills on the ground to land real power shots. Chueng was just slipping away, and Emin was kind of following him on the ground. Trying to pin Cheung's arm with his knee is not too safe a tactic in my opininon. It's much easier to get thrown off. No real mount skills or anything, but Emin does begin pounding from a headlock position. I'm sure he's been on the ground before in other fights, but has'nt had much formal training there (at least then).
But despite everyone saying Emin sucks, Emin's a suckerpuncher, Emin's this........the fact remains that is what real fighting is about. Ambushes, unfair tactics, etc. Emin, though not being the best grappler in the world, had enough decent ground and pound skills to beat the hell out of Cheung. That's what I saw at least.
Sure they're not Gracie, but Cheung got the losing end of that fight. And all the excuses in the world won't make it different.


KC Elbows
03-26-2002, 09:01 AM
Does this mean there is or is not a "T" in Wing Chun?

03-26-2002, 09:02 AM
JWT-Igor reminds me of mickey(Pitt) From Snatch,:D Darnit! I'm at work, I can't use realplayer here! No more posts about it until I get home!, haha, j/k. How long is the clip, if anyone could tell me?

03-26-2002, 09:03 AM
I'm staying FAR away from that issue... I've learned my lesson long ago.


KC Elbows
03-26-2002, 09:10 AM
C'mon Ryu, how am I gonna properly update my spell checker?

weeng tchueng?

win tsuun?

OK, what's the popular spelling this year? At least I can appear fashionable.

03-26-2002, 09:19 AM
Well, whatever "Bobo" is using it isnt wing chun. Maybe in his '200' streetfights he used a lot of wrestling techniques.
This guy doesnt just give WC a bad name but martial arts in general. Goes to show you how good his skill is if he losses all control of it and resorts to basic streefighting.

03-26-2002, 09:23 AM
Also, Ryu, I respect you as a martial artist and a person, but I dont see much Ground and Pound "skill' at all. Emin has no real control, he is just trying to land punches. I have seen some good martial artist get into fights, the stuff works. Also, in my experience, most fights do not go to the ground. This may be different in your experience, I am just pointing out that of all the fights I have seen or participated in, I would be willing to say baout 80-90% of them never went to the ground.

03-26-2002, 09:37 AM
I would slap Emin around & even wear slippery Kungfu shoes to do it.:D


03-26-2002, 09:40 AM
You can end a lot of fights before they even get started with a first strike and a following combo of punches. Doesn't always go to the ground, you are right. But most go to some kind of clinch, and a lot of the ones I've been in and seen have gone to the ground.
As far as his "skill" well no, he doesn't have good ground and pound skill. :) I never said that. I said the mediocre ground and pound skills he had were enough to "beat up" William Cheung.
Now, if Boztepe could do that with little ground skill, imagine what he could have done to Cheung if he really had trained in grappling and groundpounding.

Groundpounding doesn't look pretty. And just like anything else there is actual skill in it too. Emin did not have a lot of groundpound skill. But just a little bit (novice groundpounder) was enough to win against Cheung. (I don't think many can argue that at least he "won" that fight decisively.)

I'm only pointing out that groundpounding is EFFECTIVE even if one is not THAT skilled at it....at least in that fight.
I'm not judging the effectiveness of WC, or anything else... I'm just telling what I saw.
In that fight. Against two WC men, it went to the ground and became a groundpound situation. For me it just looked like one of my regular workout sessions. (Though obviously my grappling looks a lot better then his :D I HOPE! *gulp* :) )


03-26-2002, 09:43 AM
That in no way means that all fights go to the ground.
All fights DO NOT go to the ground. :) But since a lot do you should train to defend against those kinds of attacks. Have someone put on gloves and just throw punches at you from a top position. It's not as easy to escape as a lot of people think. Even if the top man isn't that good at position, etc.


03-26-2002, 09:48 AM
Why do you hate Wing Chun??



KC Elbows
03-26-2002, 10:07 AM
I thought he hated Wing Tsun.

Which is it Ryu?

03-26-2002, 10:46 AM
I told u guys...I've seen that footage years ago when I was training in William Cheung org. William had a big ego before the matchup...and was spouting that he was the grandmaster of WING CHUN etc...
So in away if u're going to talk the talk u have to walk the walk. He ran into EMIN( trained in freestyle wrestling also ) and got walloped! Plain and simple. EMIN is a joke for challenging the ROYCE...it's so obvious...Royce has seen this tape footage...u think he's shaking in his boots??? LOL. Royce wanted this fight but EMIN couldn't figure out where and when...LOL.
But back to William...why claim u're the GRANDMASTER when u can't back it up??? Even those in his org. still want to believe they can beat grapplers by using feeble techs.

03-26-2002, 11:13 AM
I am not necessrily defending William Chuengs skill, what I am saying is Bobo is a complete azz for pulling this sort of trick. Emin wasnt there to test his Wing Chun, or to see if he could fight, he wanted to make sure that W Cheung got beat, he even had backup in case he started to loose!
If you read the interview with one of Bobos ex students or whatever at the time, he says they had the whole ambush planned out.
Not only that but Ryu, you should be aware that this isnt the complete tape, apparently before this happened Cheung was defending himself pretty good, and after this, he managed to keep Bobo off of him. Emins goons decided to edit the tape and release only this little excerpt.
Anyway, its disgusting and if I ever cross Bobos path I am going after him like he went after Cheung, unannounced, with a baseball bat as an equalizer and a few freinds to back me up, then I will make his sorry azz apologize to the entire Martial arts world for being a pretender this whole time.

03-26-2002, 11:14 AM
Did I mention that Bobo is a Fuknut?

03-26-2002, 11:39 AM
Oh boy! I LOVE a good bully pounding! Please lecture him while you beat the bejesus out of him.

03-26-2002, 11:50 AM
"I am not necessrily defending William Chuengs skill, what I am saying is Bobo is a complete azz for pulling this sort of trick."

No disagreements there, Red5! I completely agree Boztepe was a little b1tch for doing what he did.
Unfortunately....in real life sometimes being a little "b1tch" lets you win decisively. Don't expect me to fight fair if I know I can't win. ;)
Probably not a good analogy though, because Cheung was not the one puffing his chest and challenging people. So yes, Boztepe IS a bully I'd say. But life is filled with them. Better train to defend what they actually do.


03-26-2002, 12:43 PM
Ryu, I agree wholeheartedly, train for what may come, although regardless of this little incident I will continue to train in Wing Chun. I will also include some trainng for the ground as well :)

Sorry to have exposed you guys and gals to my nasty side but I hate this crap. We had a karate dojo here in the local are back when I was in Ryu Kyu Shorin Ryu Karate, that used to claim thier stuff was far superior and more realistic. We bit them constantly in tournemants, especially at the higher levels. One day they decided to kick the crap out of our top student, 7 of them on this guy as he was coming out of his place of work. They claimed that there was only one guy who just beat this guy so bad becauwse it wasnt a tourney but the 'real thing' regardless of the fact that the police report had confessions of 3 other guys who participated!

Guohuen - I will make sure it is a nice long lecture as well.

03-26-2002, 12:44 PM
I like how some people can make a character judgment on events that occured like how long ago?

All I can say is that the few times I've met the man, Emin has never come off as an arrogant fuknut or anything of the sort. Then again, I've only met the man recently. I guess time changes people, right?

We will never know the machinations behind this "stunt" as we weren't behind the scenes at that time.

Seriously, I think this thread, just like all the other Cheung/Boztepe threads, should get a quick lockdown before more of these trolling posts begin.

Let it rest people. Beating dead horses is only fun until the flies set in.

03-26-2002, 01:05 PM
fmann, whatever your experience with him, that is great. I have had occasion to meet him twice at seminars. For the right price, way too high, and in cash, you can get beat up personally by Emin "Bobo" Bostepe while he flexes and shows off his athletic prowess. Sure if you are paying attention you may actually get a little from it, but I would recommend standing way back, so you dont get struck by Emin as he suffers the fools that surround him.

As I stated before, he is a fuknut. He could have just been having two bad days and I was unlucky to be there for both, but the stories I have heard corraborate my experience.

Maybe this string isnt just about Emin/Cheung, maybe this string is about idiots like him who make our world a little tougher because they misdirect, misinform, and behave like children. You go to the mans organizations web site and more then half of it is letters, all about infighting in the orgs he has been a part of. What does that say about his character that he is surrounded by slander and people who will publicly deface him?

03-26-2002, 01:24 PM
So 2 Wing Chun Masters fight each other and end up on the ground; what's up with that?????

03-26-2002, 01:42 PM
Bobo has a wrestling background Archangel, if you watch they wrestle in an upright position for a short moment and then Bobo flips Cheung to the ground.

03-26-2002, 02:31 PM
But Bobo's primary style is WT, it's what he teaches and what he has devoted most of his life to. Why did he choose to abondon that, go for a clinch and a takedown. If his intent was to humiliate Cheung why wouldn't he beat him with his Wing Tsun techniques.

Rolling Elbow
03-26-2002, 02:32 PM
What is inoki doing with the same move over and over lol! What is the history of that "showcase"?

Rolling Elbow
03-26-2002, 02:36 PM
Maybe because he knows his pure Wing Chun sucks ass and makes speed and agression compensate for a poor understanding of positioning and "stickiness"? Just a guess :D

Furthermore..he obviously chose the ground because he was worried he would be outdone by cheung standing. Case closed. and yes..Cheung sucked badly on the ground..there were two instances in just that short clip where he could have rolled backwards and made space..or grab the inner thigh or nuts and squeeze for life. ..(thereby leaving Emin with only his pny tail once his nuts fell prey to some eagle claw!!!!!!!!!!!)

but i digress...so whats with that Inoki fight?!

03-26-2002, 05:11 PM
Its been awhile since i saw that fight, but seeing it again certainly refreshes my memory...that was truly the most pathetic "duel between two masters" I've ever seen!!! Cheung, for all the boasting about "authentic original wing chun" he did in the 80s, lacks some truly fundamental fighting skills. And as for Boztepe...THIS is the ultimate kung fu warrior all the wing chun people rave about?? Its just sooo sad. Geez, an amateur vale tudo or shoot fighter could've whooped both of them. What's sad when you really think about it is that with less than a year of solid jiu jitsu training william cheung could easily have pulled guard and slapped on a triangle putting emin to sleep within a minute (judging from what i see of emin's horrible ground tactics). And if Cheung had done something like that, all his students probably would've dropped down to worship him even more than ever before and talk about what an amazing kung fu fighter he is. LOL!

03-26-2002, 05:35 PM
Here i was thinking the Ali fight was something spectacular. All i can say is now i know where Takada got his Buttscoot skills, hvae you guys seen Inoke Bom Ba Ye 2001, Takada falls on his ass at least 5 times when fighting the K-1 guy, he wants no part of his standup and falls to his ass every time he tried to advance on him.

As for Igor, he is in my oppinion the best MMA fighter ever, he's neturally a middleweight, but he feels that if you cant beat the heavyweights your not the best, so he's a heavyweight, he wants to be the best, not the best at 200 pounds or whatever.

I dont think anyone even needs to be explaiend that the guy is just about the most powerful puncher ever, hot ****. But his groundskills are decent as well, he has a good takedown defense, he heelhooked the "King of leglocks" Valentijn Overeem, and Heath Herring seemed to be unable to pass his guard. Dont ask me what happened in the Mario Sperry fight, he didnt even seem to try and defend, and tapped almost before the choke was properly sunk in. It wasnt a work, but it was something.

If you can i recommend seeing IFC #1 Battle in Kiev or something similar (the name), there he goes through a full contact NHB tournement with no weightclass and takes out two guys that would propably be considdered superheavyweights (one of them was Paul Varelens), and there he was RIPPED, he was propably around 200 pounds and had a great physichie, personally i want him at that weight kicking Vanderlai's ass ;) But i doubt he'll cut weight.

03-26-2002, 07:02 PM
U guys want to know something funny...EMIN claimed to train a whole year before fighting WILLIAM CHEUNG. A whole year to prepare to jump an old man. I talked to someone ( purple belt ) who trained at ROYCE GRACIE school awhile ago. Royce saw the tape cause he wanted to know who Emin was...Royce really wanted this fight cause it was an EASY fight. He said that EMIN although was a standup fighter really was a grappler...meaning yes he study wing tsun but he would instinctively switch to grappling in a real fight!

Rolling...the INOKI vs. ALI fight was a joke! I have it on tape known as KING OF THE RING( ??? ). And yes Inoki was on the floor kicking Ali shins for 12 rounds. I was like what the hell???!!! Later on Inoki camp claimed that Ali camp did not allow Inoki to do any takedown, throws or submissions. This was simply a money making scheme by both guys...nothing serious. Ali didn't get a chance to do a thing and Inoki wasn't allowed to do a thing. HORRIBLE FIGHT!!!

03-27-2002, 03:07 AM
Legend: I agree that Emins wrestling background will make him go to the ground in a real fight. He is a WT practitioner right up to the point he gets stressed during a fight.

I also think Emins a fu(king bully. During seminars he chooses someone that's a beginner and demonstrates how to not do a technique. When I was new (6 months of training) he did it to me. During a seminar he wanted to show a proper bong. He told me to prepare for a straight punch to the face. What did he do, he throw one right in my belly. I almost pucked. Then he ranted about not beginning the technique in advance to the punch. I was a beginner and almost $hit in my pants when he choosed me as the "victim to be".


03-27-2002, 03:54 AM
Hi All

First off I am not an EBMAS student, ok so I am not defending what he may or may not have done. What I want to ask is, Emin is in the UK in May and I was thinking of going to take a look out of curiosity. I won't judge him on action from 16 years ago, I just wondered if anyone has been to a recent seminar (last 2 years say) and had a great time, preferably not someone in his organisation but with a open opinion of what they got at the seminar


03-27-2002, 06:50 AM
Adrian, I was just a few months ago. He held a seminar in the area and out of curiosity I went. Everything is pretty true, he likes to pick on newbies, and just wail on them. He also likes to hit you harder then I think is necessary. Bully is pretty much the word I would use. I fyou go and want to see him use his real talents, just ask him to take off his shirt and flex for you.......

bobo is an Azz.

old jong
03-27-2002, 07:24 AM
...In any style of Kung Fu!...:mad:

Rolling Elbow
03-27-2002, 07:35 AM
That is an interesting point of view. He may have been a wrestler (amateur) at one point, but i can guarantee he was not a very good one lol! And i can definitely see where "stress" might bring out the ground and pound..but it also shows that his stand up was extremely weak and his ground tactics were based on raw instinct alone. (not skill). I guess when it is all said and done, we all forget that a real fight (like has been said already in this thread by JTW) can get ugly. However.., the fact that two masters would come into a really tight and "high" clinch before going down shows a complete misunderstanding of MOVING and angling If wing chun was develloped by a woman (i don't beleive it for a second by the way...) then you can bet your house that she never stood her ground and played patti cake with the hands only. If you want to trap.., learn to move and fit your trapping around the center line. Holding the center line is ridiculous...making the opponent think that he is on yours, is wise. Again..this is off topic. Lets talk about anyone who has ever crossed hands with the man Emin!

03-27-2002, 07:39 AM
Old Jong, Anyone, and I mean anyone can be called a master. Its a title, not everyone embodies what a master is. Emin Bobo Boztepe is not a master. He IS a bully. He IS a showoff. He has an ego problem. He is in short, deserving of the title, Bobo

03-27-2002, 07:43 AM
over 400 streetfights:

1. William Cheung
2. 399 other dudes who live like in Canada or something........

Rolling Elbow
03-27-2002, 07:43 AM
Old Jong,

calme toi mon vieux!! This thread is not an attempt to "troll". It is a discussion based on video footage. It is acceptable to touch upon the subject even if it threatens the foundations of wing chun. ving tsun, wing tsun, ving chun etc... Besides, one man does not make the art so relax!:)Wing chun is still **** devastating!

03-27-2002, 07:46 AM
Badger - ROFL!!! :)

Rolling Elbow - Right on brother, just because Bobo has to fall to using wrestling because his Wing chun isnt strong enough to win a fight doesnt make him a master by any means!

400 fights, riiiiiight, and my mother is Royce Gracie (no really) and I have learned Wing chun and kung fu is ineffective!

The rat bas-tard!

Rolling Elbow
03-27-2002, 07:47 AM
Out of 399 canadians, i am pretty sure that Bobo would meet atleast one hockey thug that would teach him a lesson...so make it 397 cause there is also Old jong!

03-27-2002, 07:50 AM
would knock him down & call him Sally....

03-27-2002, 08:56 AM
Ok so thats one for and one against, anyone else crossed hands with him ? And remember I am only looking for recent dealings not comments on what someone else told you !


03-27-2002, 09:24 AM
"Again..this is off topic. Lets talk about anyone who has ever crossed hands with the man Emin!"

Ok Rolling Elbow, here ya go...

At the undeground, i talked to someone who goes under the name of "Armbreaker" who claimed to have "sparred" emin. he also claims to have trained under Royce and Rickson. Of course he could be lying out of his arse but it's interesting none the less.

There was a taiji/mma thread a while back involving our very own shooter and a few others...

Anyways, here's the posts... not sure if it's complete, it's copied for my own litte archive.

FROM: Armbreaker

"Someone posted his website, and in it he claimed to have been undefeated in
over 300 street fights."
I don't know about streetfights, but I sparred with him when I was 19, and
he didn't come out of our sparring match undefeated. Unless he used a
weapon, I don't see how he could've done anymore than he did when we

FROM: EvilMcNasty

Isn't he the yahoo that challenged Royce or viceversa? I seem to remember
there being a $ dispute that led to there never being a

FROM: NafAnal

Yo armbreaker, can you elaborate on the details of the match? were you a
kungfu student? How did you meet him?


Armbreaker, I'm sure it's because he couldn't use his "real" techniques
without killing you.

FROM: Hunter V

Armbreaker has really went around to alot of different instructors and

FROM: Armbreaker

Yeah, it was because he couldn't use his deadly techniques..LOL!
I went against him two times, and both times I shot a double leg takedown on
him, and it went to the ground. I held him in the cross body mount for over
a minute.
He said he couldn't be held down for that long, and I was proving he could.
He was allowed to strike, and so was I, but I didn't.
He didn't hit me except for a few very small strikes to the back of my
shoulder while I was on top on the ground.
Had I been really going at it...well..lol!
He does do some wrestling, because he "tried" to sprawl on me. I just kept
my hold and drove him in a circle till he fell.
I suppose if you couldn't take him down, you might get hit...he knows how to
box too...but he swears it's all from doing Wing Tsun, not cross training.

FROM: Armbreaker

Armbreaker has really went around to alot of different instructors and
I was hunting for a standup style to go with grappling, and heard that he
challenged the Gracies. I was taking private lessons from Royce and Rickson
then (I was out there for a little over 3 months), and I figured he must
have something to teach if he was challenging the Gracies.
I went over there, and came away unimpressed.
I told Rorion about it the next time I went to a group class, and Rorion
laughed and said that they have had more than a handful of their students go
over there before I did..and that they already knew he was just trying to
get some attention from challenging a Gracie.

FROM: DanTheWolfman

I was impressed with his skills for self-defense when I trained with him.
His Greco was good, had a weird open guard, and he is supposed to be a good

03-27-2002, 09:35 AM
It is sunny today in london.

03-27-2002, 09:40 AM
Term's over and instead of revising i'm arseing around on the internet.

03-27-2002, 09:44 AM
pffft, i got 283749 projects in that count as whole modules. i ain't STARTED yet. i'm only staying here for a week or 2 then going back to uni (during easter break) to study.

i don't have TIME to revise - i got too much work to do!

but while i am here, i didn't bring any books, i'ma just chill. i'm jus spendin all my time dloadin songs to slap onto my MD player!

03-27-2002, 09:46 AM
Wujidude - We have aguy who has trained under Bobo teaching here in the area, I used to train with him, he is very hard and very athletic. I fyou fought him he would have a good chance of winning, but he doesnt do Wing Chun, just like Bobo does not use wing chun.
My dissatisfaction with this azz is not his fighting ability, anyone can learn to fight and fight hard, sometimes it is just about how hard you are willing to fight. I am talking about his so called wing chun, his attitude about himself, and the shiitty things he pulls off just so he doesnt have to face a real master of the arts. He ambushed William Cheung, he avoided the gracie challenge.
I did touch hands with him, he is stiff and he doesnt do chi sau, he rolls hands, two different things.

old jong
03-27-2002, 09:54 AM
Now ,I'm an internet badass!... :D ;)

03-27-2002, 09:58 AM
Yep, now old jong, you can claim to have been in over 400 internet scraps and call yourself a master!

03-27-2002, 10:06 AM
old jong = Muy Milo Hombre

old jong
03-27-2002, 10:40 AM
I have been in 1000 barenuckles canals fights in Venise,Italy!!!I never drowned once in any of those fights!...I also plan challenging Helio Gracie!...After his death of course! ;)

03-27-2002, 10:52 AM
Argh.. :( my eyes... my poor eyes !!
That clip was horrible, could hardly see anything and what's with the colors? About the fight, looked like poor wrestling. I thought Wing Chun was suposed to be a standing art?

03-27-2002, 10:54 AM
Wujidude - I understand what you are saying, believe me. I might even be able to grudgingly admit Bobo can fight. What I disagree with is that he teaches Wing Chun, or whatever he likes to call it. Going around telling people he does wing chun is insulting. He uses this ability to fool people into believeing he knows it. For this instructor you speak of, well, apparently he was enough. Like I said, I started learning from a guy here who trained under him, and he is impressive. We had a seminar not to long ago with my sigung. He met with and touched hands with this other instructor and was pushing him all over the floor! The guy couldnt touch him.
So, Bobo may be a good fighter, and if that is your only goal then so be it. If you wanyt to do wing hcun, go somewhere else.

03-27-2002, 10:58 AM
When does Old Jong In Action II come out??

Its funny how all the great fighters have turned down your Challenge:
Bruce Lee
Ed Parker
Mas Oyama
Rocky Marciano

These fighters were too skeered to even answer old jong back.

03-27-2002, 11:00 AM
"This thread is a troll "

:mad: Hey, I honestly did not mean this thread to be a troll.
Everyone always talked about wanting to see the damm tape.



03-27-2002, 11:04 AM
Stop trolling Ryu!

old jong
03-27-2002, 11:05 AM
You got it!...I have also beatten, Elvis,Steve Mc Queen,John Wayne,Victor Mature,Johnny Weissmuller,Frank Sinatra,John Lennon and many more this way!...Easy! ;)

03-27-2002, 11:10 AM
I've heard you also beat Superman(George Reeve & Christopher Reeves)

03-27-2002, 11:11 AM
Old jong just said he beat JWT!

03-27-2002, 11:14 AM
until JWT went Sppppplllliiiittt!!! all over the ceiling.

03-27-2002, 12:01 PM
you guys are judging a man based off a 45 second fight sequence from 15 years ago. Ok so he was wrestling, but Emin use to study wrestling (can't recall what it was exactly). I'm not defending him, I think it was wrong for him to challenege and force Cheung into fighting him. But if you dont see a more current fight sequence with him, you dont know how he truly fights.

03-27-2002, 12:35 PM
I couldn't get the clip to work does anybody have a different link or one in windows media player? How about some pics or other videos I can see of Bozo?

03-27-2002, 12:40 PM
Philbert, the fight itself is old news but is a reflection of who he is now. I challenge you to find a picture of him with his shirt on and not flexing! seriously though, besides all the rumors about him, besides the fact taht if you go to his site it is full of letters based on fights he has had with past instructors co instructors, all ego based really, besides the fact that he claims alot but hasnt shown alot, I have been to see him in action twice, touched hands with him, he is a bully and an azz. His ego is way to big for his briches and he strikes me as one who has seen to many Bruce Lee movies and read way too much about the man.

tri2bmt - go to his site, I am sure he will have PLENTY of pictures of himself, even pictures of him working out! :rolleyes:

03-27-2002, 01:03 PM
Wow, on his site, there are pictures of him working out, and he's wearing a fanny pack. Kind of makes you wonder...

I'm also curious how pictures of him showing off abdominal exercises are relevant to his martial system. He must practice the deadly six-pack fu.

Of course my six-pak fu system is the legitimate lineage, and it has nothing to do with adbdominal exercises. That was simply a misunderstanding of the founder's intent. ;)