View Full Version : Recommendations for heavy bag?

03-26-2002, 05:20 PM
Can anyone recommend a good freestanding heavy bag? Has anyone tried the wavemaster? It seems like a good product, but I'm concerned that the base is sits on might get in the way of footwork? Any comments are appreciated.

03-26-2002, 07:07 PM
The original wavemaster will not suit you...it's not strong enuf to hold u're kicks in place. I suggest getting the upgrade model...the POWERLINE WAVEMASTER...It's twice the foam area.

03-26-2002, 10:03 PM
Legends right about the original wavemaster. I have one and it was a great value, but without a partner to hold it you'll be chasing the thing all over. Now for me this isn't a problem since I have a nice big two car garage to play in, and I like that it moves since I have to move too. But if shopping for a new one I'd look at that nice big XXXL wavemaster or one of those freestanding weeble looking dummies.