View Full Version : OT: For the Brits

03-26-2002, 08:19 PM
First the serious post:

I'd like to note that the first LIVING foreigner to earn the United States Medal of Honor (our highest military honor, comparable to the VC) emerged from the battlefields of Afghanistan. A British SBS commando will likely receive the Medal for his courageous rescue of a CIA operative held hostage by Al-Qaeda inmates during Nov.'s prison riot, which resulted in the death of another CIA officer. Queen Elizabeth II has approved the wearing of the Medal by a British NCO, so it seems to be a done deal. Two SAS troopers were also put up for the Medal of Honor for their daring cave clearing mission, but the commendation was later downgraded.


03-26-2002, 08:22 PM
Now for the funny post:

Hooligan Pai (http://www.jogoff.com)


03-26-2002, 08:24 PM
Excellent. Always admired the SAS and SBS. Bunch of tough buggers all of them.

03-26-2002, 09:01 PM
I have to say that I am thankful for what they are doing. They have my undying respect.

03-27-2002, 02:37 AM
I admire the armed forces everywhere. All of them putting their life on the line for something/someone they believe in.

Ah, the infamous football hooligan. That's OUR special forces :D It's actually very bad imo, a few people spoil things for so many...

hey, am i the only brit (Scot) that replied yet? I'm not even in to football (soccer) :eek:


03-27-2002, 02:58 AM
I'm Scottish too. I think its good the British special services are being rewarded,esp since they are going straight after the terrorists instead of bombing an area.

03-27-2002, 03:20 AM
I envy you guys, a scottish accent kicks ass. I want one of those.

03-27-2002, 04:37 AM
never heard an icelandic accent before (apart from Bjork but we won't go there...).

Must be tough to train all the way up there? is there many schools etc.?


03-27-2002, 04:54 AM
SAS are hard as ****.

But what about that earthquake? How long before they start talking about how many Al Quaida operatives it might have killed?

And if our militaries are used as a rescue operation, will they be shot at by anti-Western guerillas in Northern Afghanistan? Are there anti-Western guerillas in Northern Afghanistan anyway?

I thought there were.

03-27-2002, 04:57 AM
Hey dez where about in Scotland do you train wing chun? I'm looking for a place to start in WC once my exams are done.

03-27-2002, 05:00 AM
sorry, my Sifu is actually in Manchester :p

there are some guys in Glasgow and Edinburgh though, but i'm not sure where...

good luck anyway,


03-27-2002, 05:04 AM
Heh, I've found a place in bellahouston and was wondering if that was your kwoon or not,I'll be going along after my exams in May,so i guess I'll found out soon enough. Thanks all the same.

03-27-2002, 06:54 AM
D@mnit, this whole war on terror is giving me hell.

I love to make fun of the British. Love it. Why? Well, we drove the Redcoats out of our country with thier tails between their legs, they like tea, they drive on the left (dumb@sses), they use words like "dust bin" and "crumpet", they call fries chips (the retards), bad teeth, poorly dressed hookers, they're POMY bast@rds, their officials wear wigs, and they are generally "sissified".

But crap. I can't b!tch about them anymore since Blair has turned out to be the friggin Ubber Hawk and the British troops are kickin a$$ and taking names. Of course, they do it while carrying the "regimental silver" but still, there's some real a$$ kicking in there.


03-27-2002, 06:57 AM
Er, JWT, instead of writing a long piece about how
"*******" Americans are, I'll just point you in the direction of the Otherground. :D

03-27-2002, 07:46 AM
Stranger, I think it's way cool He's getting the CMA! My CO was a living recipient of the CMA. (Robert L. Howard) I have to say that it was quite satisfying to watch colonels and generals salute a captain first.:p
As for #2, Man, that was the most beautiful, spiritual, and touching thing I have ever seen!:D

03-27-2002, 08:15 AM

03-27-2002, 08:34 AM

i'll have you know that there's not a crooked tooth in my head. of course, i've been a beneficiary of the american dental association for the past 20 years. but no matter. :)

very cool about the SBS officer. you don't hear a whole lot about the SBS. not in comparison with the SAS, anyway. and now this.



03-27-2002, 09:02 AM
3 cheers for the Royal Marines and their SBS commandos. They aren't as well known as the SAS and In my humble opinion, are more off the deep end that the Army's SAS.........Well since I'll be joining the Royal marines soon, I guess I'M OFF THE DEEP END., but it's going to be fun.

03-27-2002, 09:13 AM
Is it common for Americans to join the Royal Marines?
Why do you not want to join an American Special Forces, er, force? Or are you already, and your doing an exchange or something?

03-27-2002, 10:20 AM
hey scotty1, I am not american. I am an african who lives in the states. My country was a former british colony and that makes me citizen of the commonwealth. As a commonwealth citizen, I can join the british armed forces. It requires a bit more paperwork than normally is needed, but it is allowed.:D

03-27-2002, 10:23 AM
The question is, why the fu.ck would you want to join the army? For a country that invaded your home country? And one that you don't even live in?

At least join the US marines, the USA is where u live?

03-27-2002, 11:27 AM
BTW, SYDNEY RILEY, it's subject, not citizen.


03-27-2002, 01:11 PM
for sharky, I may have been born in africa but my family is from England. I consider myself more English that african. I have looked at the U.S marines and have considered them too. but in the end, the Royal Marines were too irresistable for me.
for Jwtaylor, thanks for the correction,mate!

03-27-2002, 02:18 PM
JWTAYLOR "BTW, SYDNEY RILEY, it's subject, not citizen."

Actually it's "Citizen" in the British passport nowadays.

Up until about 15 years ago there were two types.

If you were born within the British isles your passport would be stamped "British Citizen".
This entitled you with more rights than a British Subject.

While if you were born outside the UK, ie. in a commonwealth Country you could only get a passport with "British Subject".

This resulted in a two tier system, that differenciated between native British people and "Subjects" from countries that had previously been governed by the British.

This was deemed by the PC people to be discriminatory towards commonwealth members, as it made them out to be people from conquered nations, still under the control of the British Government, even though many had since gained their independence.
So everybody was given the right to become a British Citizen".

Thus nowadays virtually anybody can put in a claim to become a British Citizen.

As for the Special Boat Service officer receiving the Medal of Honour.
I think this is a strong sign of the close link between our two nations, and can only be a good thing.
Well done to all our armed forces!

Now the terrible earth quake in Afganistan, well.. i've heard that many muslims feel that it is an act of Allah that this has happened, to punish the Afgan people for supporting Al-Qaeda.

I just feel saddened for the many innocents that have been killed & injured, and yes I do believe there are some innocents in Afganistan!


03-27-2002, 02:22 PM
At least they don't call people British Members.

03-27-2002, 03:36 PM
Sharky, whats up with the army?


03-27-2002, 08:03 PM
If someone wants to join - fine man. I can never see myself ever joining for free will. I'd rather persue my own interests.

Regardless, i can't see why he'd want to be in the British marines, when they are the country that invaded his. That's like a jew joining hitlers army. Sort of. Ahem. He doesn't even live there. I just get the impression a lot of people do it cos the army is romantisised.

And I can't believe that your parents would let you.

This is *totally* my opinion, i am not dissin you, do what you want man. Best of luck mate.

03-28-2002, 07:37 AM
Sharky, like it or not many yanks still consider you brits their "parents" and many brits consider us yanks their "children".
This became very obvious to me after Sept. 11. I'm in the hospitality industry and deal with many tourist fron the UK. Normally they are my favorite customers, charming , witty, intelligent, (we won't talk about the gratuity issue, you listening canada?). After 9/11 my UK guests seemed cowed and uncomunicative, ( exept for some fabulace travel writers, great stories about the nazis, b*stards!). It became evident to me at least amongst the older folks that they felt like they let us down, that they weren't there like protective parents to keep the organized mass murderers and serial killers from sucker punching us like they did. I feel sorry that they have taken this burden on themselves, but am touched by it nevertheless.

03-28-2002, 07:42 AM
Yeah I was going to put "British People Suck" in my sig in light of mine and Scotty1's uhhh...communications. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. British people kick ass. How could I think people who know what real beer is suck? Plus you Brits are willing to put your balls where your mouth is when it comes to helping the US. I should only hope that when the time comes we can return the favor.

03-28-2002, 09:43 AM
"Plus you Brits are willing to put your balls where your mouth is when it comes to helping the US. I should only hope that when the time comes we can return the favor."

Surely you just did, by the US government putting a 30% import duty on foreign steel.

This will destroy the British steel industry, but then again it will increase the number of poor unemployed men, that might join the British Army and fight wars for our American friends!

:( :confused:

03-28-2002, 09:44 AM
"Plus you Brits are willing to put your balls where your mouth is when it comes to helping the US. I should only hope that when the time comes we can return the favor."

Surely you just did, by the US government putting a 30% import duty on foreign steel.

This will destroy the British steel industry, but then again it will increase the number of poor unemployed men, that might join the British Army and fight wars for our American friends!

:( :confused:

I personally feel a close bond with our North American brothers (US & Canada).
But the US Government isn't going to help the friendship along with this type of policy.


03-28-2002, 10:04 AM
hey sharky, I know you arent dissin me. this is just a friendly discussion. As for my parents, my dad was a sub-lieutenant in the British Army a long time ago and he is perfectly ok with it. My mom would rather I join the navy, but she's fine with it too.
To me military life isn't romanticised. I enjoy the lifestyle andI know the risks involved and
I accept them. Whatever happens, happens.

Black Jack
03-28-2002, 10:12 AM

Its not fighting wars for us, its fighting a war with us.

Big Difference

03-28-2002, 10:26 AM
Black Jack: "Its not fighting wars for us, its fighting a war with us."

My apologies!
I meant fighting wars alongside our US brothers.

But the US Govt. still trys to screw our exports!

Even Prime Minister Blair, on his mission to rule the world, has had his nose put out by this little point.

I understand that the US should tax the nasty little third world countries, to keep them obedient,
but we stand side by side with the US. so far........

03-28-2002, 10:32 AM
friends and business never mix. That's why we should just keep it to fighting, eating and fuuking side by side. If it makes ya feel better, next time we go to war I'll bring some extra steel bars for us to whoop ass with. A little cold metal on someone's skull can go pretty far to improve foreign relations.

03-28-2002, 12:22 PM
It is unfortunate that the UK steel industry hs suffered from our policy, but to be fair our own national steel industry has been on the ropes since the late 1980's (possibly earlier). We can't really focus on the concerns of foreign steel markets when our own steel industry is not fairing well.

I'm not saying I agree with the trade legislation, just pointing out that it isn't like our steel workers and steel companies are sitting pretty over here laughing at the $crewing we just delivered the UK. Times are tough here for those tied to the steel industry.

tsunami surfer
03-28-2002, 04:33 PM
How can we be hurting UKs economy when britain owns more US companies and property than anyone else in the US. Thats a fact. So please explain how we are hurting your economy?

03-28-2002, 07:03 PM
Just to keep you posted, apparently the British news agency that originally reported the story of the SBS MOH recipient have what is being referred to as a "major error" in their facts by Pentagon representatives.

I don't know where this is going, but I'll post updates in the story as they happen.

03-29-2002, 09:43 PM
Its very possible that because of the secret nature of the SBS, someone has to put a spin on the story to throw everyone off the scent. Personally,I am very weary of ANYTHING the DOD says these days. Too many spin doctors out there in washington who try to discredit a supposedly secret story that leaked out!!