View Full Version : UFC is very unrealistic....

03-27-2002, 11:13 AM
Some friends and I were hanging out this weekend and a friend of mine's boyfriend was watching UFC (ulitmate fighting championship) so we decided to watch it too.
Those grappler guys always won, and those brazil jitsu guys won some, but their striking sucked real lame!!!
I mean, those guys didn't even look like they knew how to throw a punch?? No wonder those grapplers always win. If a good boxer got in there they would eat those wrestler boys lunch.
I mean it was beyond pathetic. Not only did anyone hold up a good defensive guard, but they all telegraphed their punches, their strikes were slow as my grandma's.....it was pathetic striking at it's worst.
Plus their footwork was ultimate lamo! They would just stand in front of each other and trade punches and then someone would wrestle the other to the ground and it would go from there.

UFC sucks.

03-27-2002, 11:16 AM
chicks that box are very unrealistic

03-27-2002, 11:19 AM

give it a try. let us know how it works out.

stuart b.

03-27-2002, 11:22 AM
Shes the girl with a ****

yes its small..listen bud
Neal Cameron is one big fat dud...

Watchout here comes BoxerChick.....

03-27-2002, 11:24 AM
D@mn that was funny. I think I've got a bean stuck in my nose.


03-27-2002, 11:26 AM
old men who tape their **** between their legs and pretend to be 14 year old asian boxerchics are very unrealistic.

why are you still here?

why does this forum entertain such trollish behavior?

why do I have to read 100 posts to get one with decent content?


03-27-2002, 11:26 AM
Yeah, UFC last Friday was kind of lame. That basic jab/cross that Pedro Rizzo landed square, KOing his opponent was a bit sloppy :p .

None of the fights went to decision either, all ended in KO, submission, or ref stoppage. That's just boring.

Water Dragon
03-27-2002, 11:48 AM
The Contrarian Troll. A sophisticated breed, Contrarian Trolls frequent boards whose predominant opinions are contrary to their own. A forum dominated by those who support firearms and knife rights, for example, will invariably be visited by Contrarian Trolls espousing their beliefs in the benefits of gun control. It is important to distinguish between dissenters and actual Contrarian Trolls, however; the Contrarian is not categorized as a troll because of his or her dissenting opinions, but due to the manner in which he or she behaves:

-- Contrarian Warning Sign Number One: The most important indicator of a poster's Contrarian Troll status is his constant use of subtle and not-so-subtle insults, a technique intended to make people angry. Contrarians will resist the urge to be insulting at first, but as their post count increases, they become more and more abusive of those with whom they disagree. Most often they initiate the insults in the course of what has been a civil, if heated, debate to that point.

-- Contrarian Warning Sign Number Two: Constant references to the forum membership as monolithic. "You guys are all just [descriptor]." "You're a lynch mob." "You all just want to ridicule anyone who disagrees with you."
-- Contrarian Warning Sign Number Three: Intellectual dishonesty. This is only a mild indicator that is not limited to trolls, but Contrarians display it to a high degree. They will lie about things they've said, pull posts out of context in a manner that changes their meanings significantly, and generally ignore any points for which they have no ready answers.

-- Contrarian Warning Sign Number Four: Accusing the accusers. When confronted with their trolling, trolls immediately respond that it is the accusers who are trolls (see Natural Predators below). Often the Contrarian will single out his most vocal opponent and claim that while he can respect his other opponents, this one in particular is beneath his notice.

-- Contrarian Warning Sign Number Five: Attempts to condescend. Pursued by Troll Bashers (see Natural Predators below), the Contrarian will seek refuge in condescending remarks that repeatedly scorn his or her critics as beneath notice -- all the while continuing to respond to them.

Water Dragon
03-27-2002, 11:49 AM
Anyhoo, Remember who called out the troll first :D

03-27-2002, 12:01 PM
I see you are familiar with Razor's Field Guide to Trolls.

03-27-2002, 12:06 PM
A punter would decimate a field goal kicker any day. Field goal kicking sucks.

03-27-2002, 12:08 PM
water dragon,

i remember all too well who called 'troll' first. and i still rue the day that i argued the point with you and defended boxerchick.


stuart b.

Ray Pina
03-27-2002, 12:12 PM
Its very easy to see sloppy technique from the comfort of ones couch.

Go into a cage with one of these pathetic martial artsits and then see how the technique is.

I'm training to be in that cage hoefully within 3 years -- maybe two. That is a personal goal I have set for myself. While I think my training and master's techqiue is superior to that of what I see out there, by no means do I lack respect for any MAN willing to get in there and be beaten to a pulp or broken in some way.

That alone takes guts, because the other guy isn't there to have his picture taken, he's ready to give to.

As for grappling. We do it, but uptop. And in a different sort of way. Generally, if you can grab you should have struck. And if you can't get in good enough to hit, grabbing will be quite difficult. One can shoot, but like I said, the other is not there to take a picture.

If you're a serious fighter and see a weakness, catalog it, train to take advanatage of it while eliminating as many or all of your own. But to cast snear remarks from the sideline doesn't do much for anyone, especially yourself.

Rolling Elbow
03-27-2002, 12:18 PM

UFC is what it is and regardless of whether or not we as arm chair pros can see a punch cuming froma mile away has no relevance to the event itself. You are not in the ring.., until people as good as you get in the ring, the UFC is what it is and grappling wins.

Besides, telegraph strikes are harder to notice when your heart is pounding, your lungs are inflamed, and your legs hurt from shin kicks...(for example)

p.s-s Boxers usually fair poorly in the ring.

03-27-2002, 12:21 PM
You should get in there and try it BoxerChik, I mean what's stopping you? They do allow men to fight in those so you really have no excuse.

03-27-2002, 12:34 PM
never mind....... :)

03-27-2002, 12:50 PM
Boxing is as nothing compared to the deadly beauty of Kalari... :)

Oh, and for the record, their footwork in grappling isn't bad... it's different :)

03-27-2002, 12:53 PM
boxing is ok as long as it is being used on actively resisting opponents in a dynamic environment

Justa Man
03-27-2002, 12:57 PM
yea h2o, you did call her....i mean him.....fu.ck it, IT, a troll from the get go. props to you.
but who was that japanese cat on the ufc last week and why was he so reluctant to throw punches? at one point his back was against the cage and he wound up to throw a punch but his wind up took so long that he got scooped before he let it off. he shoulda thrown more punches. i think he woulda rocked that other cat.
that first kick that rizzo threw was truly remarkable. he totally timed the other cat's weight shifting. what skill!

old jong
03-27-2002, 01:04 PM
Beuarrrrk!...There is a child molester smell in the air!...Is it you Neal?

03-27-2002, 01:05 PM
Paul, I would have to say that most MA's are probably like that... unless of course, you're being a tremendous smart-ass because that's one of my favorite concepts to spout forth to nobody in particular :)

Old Jong, check out the response on the WC forum. I think it'll lower your blood pressure just a hair ;)

Water Dragon
03-27-2002, 01:19 PM
We were actually talking about that fight in class on Saturday, Justa. A few guys in my BJJ class have trained with Arlovski and they were trying to figure out why he wouldn't take the fight down. I guess he is very good on the ground. The consesnsus was he flipped out fighting someone of Rizzo's caliber for the first itme. Heck, I don't blame him. Did you see that jab/straight right combo? ****in beautiful!!!! I would have crawled into my corner like a beaten dog after those first round leg kicks, LOL.

Dark Knight
03-27-2002, 01:34 PM
"If a good boxer got in there they would eat those wrestler boys lunch. "

Melton Bowen, the WBF heavy weight champion showed up one year. He lost to Steve Jennum. Only lasted a few minutes.

03-27-2002, 01:37 PM
Why hasn't anyone popped a cap in BoxerChick's a$$ yet? I mean, what's the hold up...?

Justa Man
03-27-2002, 01:45 PM
yea that combo looked like it could crumble stone. i don't blame dude for dropping like a sack of potatos. and those kicks look fu.ckin punishing as hell. i think if someone were kicking my leg like that, i'd have to put my fist through the top of his ankle. either that or drop my stance (and elbow) and let kis kick hit ram into the elbow. ahhh, armchair boxing at it's finest!

03-27-2002, 03:12 PM
Budokan, it would be pointless.

Boxerchick/NC has been getting "popped" in the a$$ for years already. No effect. That sh!ts like 4 day old bubble gum by now.


03-27-2002, 03:20 PM
maybe Neil was popped in the a$$ by his dad as a kid? hmm

03-27-2002, 03:29 PM
That sh!ts like 4 day old bubble gum by now

The voice of experience?

Water Dragon
03-27-2002, 03:39 PM
That $hit wasn't cool, Kristoffer