View Full Version : Archiving stupidity or More fun with pictures? You decide.

03-27-2002, 05:53 PM
Is it better to archive page upon page of repetitious drivle or use the bandwidth to include fun pictures and such?

Also, do you feel that this forum has repeated itself more times than a judge at a bean tasting contest?

old jong
03-27-2002, 06:28 PM
I would like to be able to post pictures as well. ;)
It is true that the various positions we can take on the ground (On our feet or on our butt)is always the center of discussions since I first navigated here an eternity ago! ;)

03-27-2002, 06:37 PM
When they banned pic post its like they cut my wings i cant fly im gonna cry

03-27-2002, 06:38 PM
and i cant rhyme

03-27-2002, 09:14 PM
I dont mean to sound like a sissy but i actualy quite like being able to pic what i want to look at in terms of pics.
Before when they used to just show up many people used to post some darn brutal stuff of people having there limbs broken or shots of damage done from fights. I mean one of Mooneys alias once posted pictures of dead kids on here.
Im honestly quite happy to actualy decide if i need to SEE a picture or not.
Dont mean to sound like a sap but i dont need to see constant pictures of horific violence without an option.

Somethings ive seen posted if anyone needs a reminder
pictures of poo
pictures of Bob Klien (scaryest of all)
Broken limbs
The aftermath of a knife fight
Dead children

Mr Punch
03-28-2002, 12:12 AM
I agree with jon. There's enough garbage that pops up advertising more garbage. A link with some idea of what's coming seems a lot more helpful and no big deal in terms of time.

old jong: it's true there are a lot of discussions about our relationship to the ground, but it is the biggest thing we'll ever touch!:D And, there are only so many positions a human body can adopt... maybe we should discuss more capioera... I think that includes more standing on your head;) , or bjj, which seems to include standing on other lying on other people:rolleyes: :D

03-28-2002, 03:18 AM
Our Illusion to be "safe" has and will continue to eat away at our liberties. :mad:

03-28-2002, 04:17 AM
With respects if what your trying to say is basicaly 'if you dont see violent pictures you will be kidding yourself'. Then im inclined to disagree.
Ive broken my arm with a compound fracture and ive also broken my leg before twisting it back into place myself. I remember the pain vividly from both occasions and ive fainted in the past from just recollecting the experience to a friend.
I dont like to be constantly reminded of what it felt like and i fail to see why seeing pictures of other people having there limbs broken or being subjected to extreme violence is somehow going to make my life any more 'real'.
If ive missed your point then i appologise thats just what i got from your post.
I dont think i have any predelictions about being 'safe' i just dont like to be forced to see others in pain.

03-28-2002, 08:03 AM
If I'm reading an interesting thread and I scroll down to pictures of dead children I promise that I am going to hunt down the *sshole that posted them and beat them like a rug!

03-28-2002, 09:41 AM
I'd like to be able to post photos. Most of that stuff was really funny and entertaining.
Except for those scary Bob Klein photos. Those should be banned.

03-28-2002, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by SifuAbel

Also, do you feel that this forum has repeated itself more times than a judge at a bean tasting contest?


KC Elbows
03-28-2002, 09:55 AM
I see no repitition whatsoever.

Now that I think of it, its all Ryu's fault. He had to find the Cheung/Bozteppe video again.

Shame on you, Ryu.

03-28-2002, 09:56 AM
I miss the pic functions. I had just learned how to post those freaking things when it was disabled. ****it.. :D

03-28-2002, 02:21 PM
.....That you've missed the point.

Its not about getting gross pictures. It's about the fact that a few mourons ruined it for everyone else. Somtimes pictures speak volumes.

Threads, like milk, should have an expiration date. There is no need to keep threads from 3 years ago that get repeated on a daily basis from those who just walked in out of the rain.

03-30-2002, 12:23 AM
Bring back the pics!!!
Dump the old stuff!!


03-30-2002, 12:34 AM

".....That you've missed the point. "
* This is the exact reason most people dont show you respect dispite your title. If you feel ive missed your point then fair enough, there is no reason to try and come accross all high and mighty about it. I dont care for posturing anymore than i care for illogical arguements.

"Its not about getting gross pictures. It's about the fact that a few mourons ruined it for everyone else. "
* Now would you care to explain exactly what is going to prevent this from happening again? Or perhaps we should all just learn to 'deal' with it.

"Somtimes pictures speak volumes"
* Pics can still be posted they just require you to actualy click on an icon to view it, not really THAT hard to be honest.

"Threads, like milk, should have an expiration date. There is no need to keep threads from 3 years ago that get repeated on a daily basis from those who just walked in out of the rain."
* You have complained that people are repeting themselfs already, exactly how many more newbies do you think will repost old arguments once the old threads have been removed?

03-30-2002, 12:46 AM
Two solutions.

Keep things the way they are now. (not that bad, though I miss having pics in my sig)


Allow pictures that follow certain guidelines and restrictions, etc.
Anyone breaking those guidelines should be banned OR the forum should once again get rid of ALL pics so that everyone will simply hate the perpetrator.

03-30-2002, 12:51 AM
You placed the emotion in the slot, not me. I wasn't posturing or anything. I think you're a little bit too sensitive.

Whats to stop that from happening againg? Better moderation. It only happened a few times.

Actaully read the board once in while, themes are repeated almost on a daily basis.

The notion that I have to come to an internet board to fill a need for respect is rediculous and laughable. There will ALWAYS be those like me and dislike me. Why should I bother caring whether you, some guy down under, respect me. You don't know me from atom. I'm 5,000 miles away, more or less. How silly.

03-30-2002, 03:54 AM
or does he live on your block, and its a milkmoney issue?.

04-01-2002, 02:50 PM