View Full Version : Information on Lao Su,Wong Yuk Gong,Lee Wing Sing, and Chu gar southern mantis this information i fo

05-15-2001, 04:21 AM
From what i understand Jook Lum master Lee Wing Sing learned Chu gar southern mantis before he learned Jook Lum and he was a training partener of Wong Yuk Gong they learned Jook Lum from Chung Yel jung.Now what i found out about Wong Yuk gong by emailing a sifu of Chu Gar southern mantis this is from Sammy Wongs lineage of Chu gar southern mantis is that Wong Yuk Gong is the uncle of Sammy Wong and Sammy Wong learned his Chu Gar southern mantis from his uncle Wong Yuk Gong theres is Mainlaned China Chu gar southern mantis,this same sifu also told me that Wong Yuk Gong was a training partener of Lao Sui or Lau Soei in Chu Gar Southern mantis so i would assume that Lee Wing Sing,Wong Yuk Gong,Lau Sui,all learned Chu Gar Southern Mantis from the same master which would have to be Wong Fook Gao.Then Lee Wing Sing,Wong Yuk Gong,learned Jook Lum from Chung Yel jung.