View Full Version : I need your help...

Martial Joe
03-29-2002, 12:18 PM
I am doing a 3 way research paper.
I need a historical figure, an artistic figure, and a sientific figure.

This people need to be around the same area and there life had to be between 500BCE-1500BCE.

If anyone could list some people from Japan or China that would be great because thats what I am looking for.If there is any other people you can think of then thats fine aswell.

And one more thing, one person can do all three, so if you know of some one who has done two or all three name them.


03-29-2002, 12:45 PM
wouldn't any one from 500BCE-1500BCE by a historical figure? even if they were artisctic. So they would be like a historical artisctic figure right? unless im getting my BCs and ADs mixed up?

03-30-2002, 03:58 AM

03-30-2002, 07:40 AM
For that time period you need to go back to the early Chinese dynasties of the Shang, Chou, Chin.

The Han would be great but it is too late, -200 to 220. I think Confucius was actually alive during the Chou, his teachings were not accepted as state orthodoxy until the Han.

I don't know enough about Japanese history, but I don't think there is going to be alot for this time period.

Hope this helps.

Martial Joe
03-30-2002, 12:10 PM
xiong~Alright ill check them...

Need more good replies!

Wait a sec...500BC-1500AD

Woops...smack me...

03-30-2002, 05:36 PM
Bhuddah/siddartha guatamatha?sp... as a historical figure as even if he didnt exist millions study bhuddism under this guy?!>

Damo as a artistic figure, as the shaolin legend is based on his caricture and how many styles use his name!?.

now for a scientific figure, ive heard the name Mencius? i think he was the one two invent gunpowder or something, i dont know when he was alive, but someone like that....When did the chinese invent gunpowder?, if it fits your timeline, that would be a good read those three?:)

M.C. Busman
04-01-2002, 10:14 AM
Let's see...a historical, scientific, and artistic figure, between the years 500BCE and 1500AD...

Are you looking for three different figures, one for each subject, or one who encompases all three areas?

For science: The <i><u>Huang Ti Nei Ching Su Wen</u></i>, or in English, <u>The Yellow Emperor's Internal Medicine Classic</u> is estimated to have been written around . Attributed to Huang Ti (the Yellow Emperor), the true author of this work is not known, nor is the exact date, but it's earliest mention was in the annals of the Han Dynasty (between206 BCE and 25AD). You could research this work and discuss the "unknown author"...

Source: <u><i>The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine: Translated, with an Introductory Study...</u></i> by Ilza Veith (1949), University of California Press, Berkely, Los Angeles.

Good luck with your research!

M.C. Busman


04-01-2002, 11:09 AM