View Full Version : Ba Gua /Bujinkan/Genbukan links

03-30-2002, 04:19 PM
Hey there anyone currently practising two of the above?perferably BGZ and one of the others.
Recently on E-budo there has been a discussion on the links between BGZ and Genbukan.Has anyone cross trained and see simularities in these stlyes?
All comments welcome
PS I am not asking if they are internal or not

Kempo Guy
03-30-2002, 04:31 PM
The reason people are bringing up the Ba Gua / Genbukan connection is because Tanemura (the GM of Genbukan) is also a practitioner of Ba Gua. One of his teachers, Sato Kinbei was a Menkyo Kaiden of Hon Tai Takagi Yoshin ryu and Hon Tai Takagi Kukishin Ryu as well as a Ba Gua practitioner with some connection to Li Zi Ming (supposedly a 4th generation lineage holder or Grand Master) and was also the president of the "All Japan Chinese Kenpo Federation".

As far as I know, there is no direct link between the techniques of Genbukan and Ba Gua.

You can probably find more information on the official Genbukan website.