View Full Version : WT in NHB

04-01-2002, 02:45 AM

04-01-2002, 03:28 AM
Love when He puts his hands at his hips like okay, huh!!:D

The little stocky guy was way more aggressive, at the end im just like okay:cool: , he put him down like a baby, THEN ROCKED HIM.

04-01-2002, 08:39 AM
So much for the idea that the rules mean that Kung Fu can't be effective in the ring. I'll need this thread everytime somebody uses that pathetic excuse.

Nice work by that guy. Needs to be careful though. A couple of his uppercut type shots started at the hip. You can get hit alot that way.

Excellent use of angles (stepping off the opponent's centerline) to counter.

Crappy ground work on both sides.

Props for stepping up :)

04-01-2002, 08:59 AM
Cool fight clip!
Thanks 4 sharing it.

Ray Pina
04-01-2002, 09:47 AM
I have to say, I didn't see much technique that impressed me.

That little white guy was agressive but he simply charged in and most of the time he was checked pretty decently.

The other could have capitalized on this committed, extremely forward weighted commitment by steppingout anf filling the void with blows, at the very least getting a few free tags in. At the best he could have controlled him, turned him at the elbow/shoulder when he came in like that, then having turned him, go to town on him.

But I know its easy to see such things from this side of the ropes. I also found the kicks to be uncommitted.

My mindset now is I don't do anything. But as soon as the guy moves, I go off like a mouse trap. I either knock him out or he knocks me out. I try to aproach it as all or not, no hopping around. Of coarse there will bre breaks. But I don't like the half-a$$ ckeck kick, returned with a half fast check. Then a little bouncing around.

Then a charge in with a few blows traded, then seperate again. It was the reckless charging that got that guy down and cost him the fight. He should have moved in off his checks agressively.

Instead he checked a waited. Checked and waited. ANd then just rushed in. Tangled up, seperated.

Little technique. Not much stratagy or set up either. But decent action at least.

04-02-2002, 01:56 AM
didn't see anything even resembling wt in that clip. wonder why it's there.

MA fanatic
04-02-2002, 04:33 AM
An art is only as good as the artist. When in an actual controntation, not too many people can contain a traditional composure. Most Kung Fu fighters will abandone their stylized way of fighting. Many kung fu fighters have adapted by taking up San Shou (full contact kung fu with take downs), and or Muay Thai. Otherwise, any tough guy can be effective in NHB. I once saw an Aikido guy enter a local No Rules competition. He faced some boxer (both no bodies). I'm sitting there expecting some awsome wrist locks from the Aikido guy, instead, he just starts swinging. He did KO the other guy with some wild punches, but I saw no aikido, and you'll never see classical Wing Chun either.
MA fanatic

04-02-2002, 05:05 AM
Watched the Clip, yawned and that was about it.
Sorry, Guys am I supposed to get excited about that.

Personal, I saw very little MA from both Contenters.
Looked like amateur boxing with a few kicks added in to me.

MA fanatic
04-02-2002, 05:35 AM
Clips like this don't prove much. There are numerous amateure nhb tournaments all across the US. They happen monthly. There is virtually no way of knowing which system the fighter comes from or what rank he has. A few systems like bjj, actually follow up on where fighters were ranked and the instructor who ranked them. Otherwise, for all we know, these guys could be some street thugs claiming to be martial artists. Overall, traditional arts have done very poorly in NHB. Most traditional fighters, with the exception of classical grapplers (bjj, judo, pankration, sambo, greco roman or freestyle wrestlers), have done very poorly when there were not bound by rules of their designated art.
MA fanatic

04-02-2002, 05:52 AM
which guy was the wing chun guy??

for the life of me i couldnt tell :)

i definately didnt see anything close to resembling wing chun

what ever happened to the wing chun stance??

and what was up with all that retreating stuff?


no wonder we have a bad rep :)

at least they could have payed attention to my sig


Ray Pina
04-02-2002, 07:27 AM
"When in an actual controntation, not too many people can contain a traditional composure"

I don't know, I'm usually pretty good with picking up someone's style by the way they move. Of coarse everyone is an individual, but the way Wing Chun seeks the bridge, or a Muay Tai's knees or raised elbows, there are tell tale signs usually. This was just kicking and punching. Very little technique.

Not complaining though. A fights a fight and I acn watch them all. But I just wasn't impressed. Honestly, clips like that make me feel comfortable about where my training is taking me.

04-02-2002, 01:25 PM
basically, that clip is just a toughman competition with kicks. the technique was crap -- nothing even close to the standard of professional boxing, and there wasn't anything close to WT in there.