View Full Version : Battle of the arts

Brad Souders
04-01-2002, 10:36 AM
The major view on this forum is who has the best art. Whose art kicks the most arse. But why?
What does it really matter? I've trained in these arts and found tons of great things in each one. Aikido, Thai boxing ,Savate, Boxing, Judo, BJJ, Sombo, Shootfighting, Karate, Wing Chun, JKD, Silat, Dumog, Kali

Each of these arts somewhere along the line i've learned about them and borrowed techniques i found useful in being a well rounded fighter. Though i may not be the most traditional person in the world i am very respectful. Most people get so caught up in their ego and their art they miss the outside world. Instead of limiting yourself to what you thinks works and doesn't work why not go out and try it. What's the worst that can happen you'll be little better than before.

04-01-2002, 11:07 AM

Ray Pina
04-01-2002, 11:34 AM
Where ever you need to look ... find what works.

04-01-2002, 11:59 AM
I like the traditional ways and respect them.
However, I do believe in training other arts, just to get to know the other aspects of fighting.I trained in karate,kung fu,boxing,ne-waza,and have found that I benifited from all these arts.I believe it never hurts to learn other arts as long as you don't try to learn to many at one time.

Dark Knight
04-01-2002, 12:10 PM
We are all built different, so to say what art is better in what field may not be a good answer.

How about what works best for me. Look at a kick, is the roundhouse kick from MT the best? or Olympic TKD, what about american kickboxers or the short fast way Kenpo kicks. Based on your build and structure, anyone of these could be right.

The best techniques are the ones that work for you.

04-01-2002, 12:14 PM
What kind of 'Billy Lo' wanna be?

Go plagerize somewhere else troll.


04-01-2002, 12:50 PM
Watch out Brad...You'll be accused of being a "style hopper," with no lineage or real skills because you didn't take the time to learn an entire system, which has ALL the answers to EVERYTHING... :)

04-01-2002, 12:58 PM
Brad, I am with you brother, although I am a traditional man and have enough confidence with the one system I am studying, it never hurts to try different things. If you want to build your own style from what works, so be it, as long as it works for you then you have accomplished your goal. If sticking with and mastering one style works for you, then so be it, if it works, you have also accomplished your goal. Al this arguing about whats best, what is better, is ridiculous.
We always find taht between two extremes lies the truth.

Brad Souders
04-01-2002, 01:17 PM
lol@ Merry

The only thing you need to be careful of is Rhadi "The Judo Machine" Ferguson throwing you on your head :)

Also tell Lloyd that Eric maybe moving back and living between DC and Hagerstown for some ass woopings

I am without a doubt a style jumper. I'm also 5' 9" 135 pounds what do you expect. :D

04-01-2002, 01:17 PM
Well said Brad!

So much b!tching and whining, style bashing one another. Its how you train, not which logo you sport on your shirt or gi, that will make one a better fighter. And they all (well, maybe not the chung moonies..) must offer something of value to be learned.

What the heck is Dumog? Never even heard of that one. Man, you've trained in a lot of stuff!

Brad Souders
04-01-2002, 01:21 PM
Dumog is wrestling from the (my spelling sucks) Philliphines. It is an art that focus alot on energy. If the guy pushes you go with and pull. He pulls you go with and sweep. Its got a couple good setups for sweeps and knees i like to use.

04-01-2002, 01:26 PM
They had me training on Saturday with him, Brett, Jeff, and two new big guys (I'm talking 265).

We were doing pummelling/push drills, and here I am, all 180 lbs of me, trying to directly counter the force of Rhadi and these other two beasts (individually, not all at once). Brett and Jeff was a much more realistic experience.

Six minutes into this I hear "when you're tired, lean your weight on him."

I'm thinking to myself "I'm not THAT tired, even if I wasn't, I couldn't really MOVE this man-mountain backwards... I can just slow his progress." I wasn't really allowed to redirect the force as much as I would have liked :).

Funny stuff!

I'll let lloyd know.

04-01-2002, 01:31 PM
Bruce would be so proud. :D

Merry, you're my exact weight. :)
....well no I seemed to have put on 4 pounds.

4 pounds of muscle...uh...yeahhh.... yeah muscle. :D

(actually it is muscle, I'm working out like hell these days)


04-01-2002, 01:34 PM
Ah good. The next time I'm in.... wherever you are, we can get together and beat on each other. I have to warn you though, I'm so pretty you won't want to hit me.

Brad Souders
04-01-2002, 01:45 PM

One day Eric and i both worked night shift and when we got off work decided to drive down to Lloyd's to train. We get down there and Lloyd is the only on there. So eric and Lloyd as usual roll for like 30 minutes then Donnie shows up. So Eric has already been up for 20 + hours and Lloyd tells him to hit some cardio LOL. So the first of two workouts was Eric throwing 100 punches as fast as he could followed by 40 pick ups on Donnie. And if he messed up on any pick up he has to do it over to til its right. The best part was during the pick ups he drop his hands and Lloyd told Donnie if he did it again to punch Eric in the face. That was the greatest thing i ever heard LMAO

04-01-2002, 01:53 PM
Yeah, that sounds about right! :) LOL!!!

Donnie's guard passing game is getting TIGHT. Very very tough to control him.