View Full Version : Too Deadly to Use

04-01-2002, 01:14 PM
Yung Apprentice,
I wanted to answer your request to answer the question I posted on another thread.

Quote: from Tigerstyle:
"I would like to ask a general question (to everyone):
Do you train to be able to stop an attacker without doing serious damage to them? What would you try to do if you had to stop a friend or acquaintance (sp?) that was, for some reason, out of control/upset/drunk etc. ? I hear people saying their kung fu is not a sport and the techniques cause serious damage, but do they have a "set phasers to stun" mode? Are people walking around with "guns" at the end of their arms and legs?"

Pretty much every instructor that I've had from every MA that I have had experience with has taught methods of subduing in an attempt to reduce serious injury. Many times it was a variation/option of a technique that was normally used to cause serious injury (Ex. at technique that required striking the elbow to break/dislocate was also taught with applying pressure to the joint in an attempt to lock/control).

Although not every option taught was "high percentage", the process of teaching "less than lethal" alternatives to techniques was a good exercise (for me at least), because it helped me to break down what made the techniques work.

Today, I am learning some wrestling and BJJ. Alot of what is taught helps me learn some "non-lethal" stuff, because much emphasis is placed on positioning/controlling the opponent and submissions (that can cause serious injury/death with very little modification, if needed). I'm not going to preach that everyone should start learning grappling. I do it because it feels more natural for me. When my adrenaline is up, I have an easier time grappling than I ever did striking (My body used to "forget" how to do a side kick when I got nervous/fatigued, for example :mad: . I forget less when I am grappling.)

The reason I asked this question, was because I read alot of posts that seem to mention how kung fu people in the UFC aren't winning becuase they aren't allowed to cripple people. I was just wondering if the people that feel that way belive in a "less than lethal" alternative to their techniques.

For the record, I'm not against eye gouging :) . I have a friend who used to tell me about fights he had been in. The actual "fighting" part of the encounter usually started with, "... So I thumb him in the eye and...". From there it was usually the opponent KO'ed on the floor and he was grabbing his coat and going home. Same guy actually said to me once , "I should try something new (as a first strike). Thumbs in the eyes is getting boring." LOL!