View Full Version : Got the crap beat out of me lastnight training

Brad Souders
04-02-2002, 09:58 AM
LOL great story!!!
It was the first time i had been home training at my old school since i branched off to open my own. An anyone who has ever been there knows when i show up the crap talking begins. So i'm running my mouth during a line pull (which is where you practice techs. on each person there as you pull a line) well i never wear shoes and some guy stepped right down my ankle causeing a huge brush burn. Then i thougth to myself oh god here we go.
So being my first night back my friend who runs the school used me as the dummy. He put safety googles on my and each person used three eye jabs on me for practice. Well he decides to demonstrate and blasts me with a finger jab which in turn makes the google open a good sized cut right between my eyes LMAO. So after getting 45 finger jabs we move to the next step which was after finger jab move in to rake the eyes with the thumbs which i survived but the after raking you are supposed to keep ahold of the head and lower your head for a headbutt. Well need less to say BOOM headbutt right to my jaw HAHA (i'm a bleeder) so blood comes out of my mouth. By now everyone is laughing their arses off as well as myself. But to ice it off during the line pull which had the final part of this i got kneed in the gonads TWICE. The moral of this story basically is i love to train and i love being home. ;)

Ray Pina
04-02-2002, 11:19 AM
Awesome. I thought you were going to tell us how you got beat in a match up with another MA, which I also would have said was awesome.

Believe it or not, I like when someone get's me good. It opens my eyes to what needs works. Maybe I'm sick, but I like showering the next day and being like, "Holy $hit, where did that come from?" (Big bruise under the bicep).

Last week it was a huge black and blue on my lower ribs. I was training to absorb kicks without blocking. Well, it took about 35 to get it. Thatnk got I was wearing one of those light-weight chest protectors (red). Even with that though, the bruising was quite heavy. Makes me feel like I'm training.

My teacher is actually 100% any type of training that can hurt us, he is very careful about the way we move as to not ruin our knees (too late for me) and such. But muscle pain, that's supposed to be there. He wouldn't be happy to know about my ribs, I pushed it too far, but like I said, I like that sort of thing. I think its the football player in me: "Rub some dirt on it and get back in the game."

Good for you.


04-02-2002, 11:57 AM
Nothin like a little tough love from old mates.


Glad you enjoyed it!

04-02-2002, 01:14 PM
I had a good training day this weekend.

How do I know?

My stomach still hurts when I laugh.

I tell you, I think that's still the ultimate reason why I keep training. There are plenty of things I do to keep healthy, and I'm really not very concerned with fighting anymore (too old for that sh1t and my wife would kick my a$$ anyway). But I still love that feeling of beat down.


04-02-2002, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by EvolutionFist
"Rub some dirt on it and get back in the game."

What the hell does rubbing dirt on an injury do? Make it infected?



Ray Pina
04-02-2002, 01:59 PM
Playing football, the answer to any injury is rub some dirt on it or tape it up.

Just like a surfer's cure for all is duct tape.

04-02-2002, 04:20 PM
You don't have magic spray? Our footballers always use the magic spray - I think it is a pain killer and protectant all in one. It forms a plastic-like covering over an open wound and has a pain killer to boot. A must for all football trainers. :)

04-02-2002, 04:32 PM
"Rub some dirt in it"?

Man, you guys must have gone to the rich kids school. We didn't get to use any of the precious dirt on the field. All we go to do was "walk it off". You know, that's what any medical professional will tell you when you get a head injury, "walk it off". :rolleyes:

How did we survive?


04-03-2002, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Brad Souders
I got kneed in the gonads TWICE. I love to train

I'm glad that I was only pretending to be James Battle. :)

You're a psycho mate!! BTW: How did you do in that tournament?