View Full Version : San Shou on Discovery Channel

04-04-2002, 08:07 AM
Did anyone else see that last night (April 3rd)?

I was channel surfing getting ready to watch South Park last night and found the Discovery Channel documentary on Kung Fu.

It showed footage of training at the Shaolin Temple, interview with monks, forms, San Da fighting, lots of good stuff.

The last 15 minutes of the show was about San Shou and had Rudi Ott and Cung Le training and sparring, then had a Cung Le title belt fight against a Muay Thai fighter (Cung smoked him, threw him all over the place). Usually there is such boring garbage on, it was weird to be surfing along and find arcane San Shou on Discovery; it was my kind of T.V.!!!

I'm going to go to the dicovery channel web site to see if i can order a copy of the program, this one would be worth it.

04-04-2002, 08:09 AM
I did. There's another thread on both shows that were on.

04-04-2002, 08:12 AM
It was certainly refreshing after that first awfull program.

04-04-2002, 10:48 AM
I worked on it as an advisor for the Shaolin section. My name goes by in the end credits for like a 10th of a second.

guohuen: are you referring to the animal planet one or the old warriors one? The one you didn't like I mean.

Water Dragon
04-04-2002, 10:53 AM
Did anyone catch the Shaolin guys hopping up the steps on the mountain? Man, I hope my teacher missed that show, LOL.

Ray Pina
04-04-2002, 10:55 AM
I enjoyed that a lot. I though Cung Le was a great representative of martial artists everywhere and as a champ.

I was impressed how he was able to pull off that body=slam type throw. Great for you grapplers who focus in on that. Got my attention because the other guy was obviously not a willing participant.

Would like some info on that move if possible. How in, how to get out.

Anyway, I don;t know if it was clever editing, but the other guy looked to be out of his leaugue.

I loved when I saw the little kids fighting also, with the gloves and blood noses. I also liked the segue from thre Wushu: 'There are purists that would argue ..." and then the sanshou. I'm not a san shou player but I defintely afll under that purist argument.

The show before it was good too. While many dissed the karate-KI or whatever, I find people who can take throat shots interesting. Found the Aikido to be a little weak, with all the exmaples being off of a spoon fed defender -- even the senei, but hey, its TV.

Surprisingly, I was impressed with the Karate, obviously not of the McDojo type. The old man in front of the wall.
Even the hand to hand ninpo looked good, when done by the sensei. And the irisg guy too, great representative. Awesome all the way around.

04-04-2002, 11:33 AM
Did anyone catch the Shaolin guys hopping up the steps on the mountain?
I saw them coming down the mountain on all fours. Not fun.

KC Elbows
04-04-2002, 11:41 AM
The hops and coming down the stairs are something we do at the class I attend. The class is held at the back of a museum by me, and there's 42 steps down to the lawn. Walking on all fours(we call it bear walk) is grueling, we go up and down the steps at least twice doing that. The hops are good too, although they are something you only do coming up the stairs.

04-04-2002, 12:17 PM
MUTANT - u went to NY for the NYKK, right(just making sure I got my names st8), u going to New Orleans too???

04-04-2002, 12:30 PM
Gene, it was the combat ki segment that got my back up. I thought the kung fu program was done very nicely. Good overview of wushu in china. Done very sensitive to the political climate.

04-04-2002, 12:42 PM
I saw that one show on the Animal Planet Channel that compared KF styles to the animals themselves. It was actually a pretty good show and I wish I had had the foreknowledge to tape it for my own use.

04-04-2002, 01:00 PM
Bwahahahahaha, I taped all those shows and watch them at will.

04-04-2002, 01:02 PM
How dare you laugh at my muddled inefficiency!:mad:

04-04-2002, 01:32 PM
EvolutionFist...I'm big fan of CUNG LE...there are few that are in his league period when it comes to SAN SHOU...his throws and takedown ability are legendary...he tossed around another MMA/San Shou player Shonie Carter like a doll and rumored to do this to Frank Shamrock also.

04-04-2002, 01:36 PM
I'm big big advocate of what you might call th "bear crawl". Yan Ming used to have us do that a lot. It really helps you overall conditioning, hitting loads of muscle groups and cardio. That and carrying around cut outs of tree trunks were our main conditioning exercises.

04-04-2002, 01:37 PM

Yeah I was at the NYKK event a few weeks back.

Not sure about NewOrleans yet....depends on training schedule. Would love to if I could get in competitive shape and work out some things in time 4 it. Isnt that Shawn Liu's tournament/tryouts?

Planning on being down for the nationals in Orlando (i think its there again) this year. Got a lot to work on between now and then...

ARe you competing down in New ORleans?

Rolling Elbow
04-04-2002, 01:38 PM
Can you tell me who the sensei performing the ninpo techniques was?


04-04-2002, 02:26 PM
"Isnt that Shawn Liu's tournament/tryouts? "

yeah, it supposed to be part of a "triple crown" type deal…

"ARe you competing down in New ORleans?"

I'm just gonna say I'm training for it… I'm not gonna say definitley until I get there… I was SUPPOSED to go to NY, but u know 'circumstances'… so I'll never say definitly… but I have the tape of NYKK which fight is yours... and that one dude got KNOCKED DA FU(K OUT!!!!(alright he was just a lil dazed, but still...):D

Water Dragon
04-04-2002, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Rolling Elbow
Can you tell me who the sensei performing the ninpo techniques was?



04-04-2002, 03:16 PM

Still waiting to get my NYKK tape, anxious to see it.

My friend Carol was the guy who got his arm dislocated in the 6th fight, i think it was.

I forget what number fight mine was, maybe 12th or something like that. My name is Christopher Gully, i fought against a dude named Andras Gal. The fight went 3 rounds. It was a pretty good fight but I lost. I felt good and in control for the first half and then lost control of the fight in the second half and got a got a good pummeling towards the end, standing 8 count and all, no harm done though, i was just psyched to be in the ring getting experience and working off some major ring rust. I'm sure it wasnt pretty. Its obviously hard to hook it all up like clockwork when somebodys trying to take your head off...thats one of the reasons Cung's fighting is so amazing to watch. There are a lot of ring skills I need to work on, not enough hours in the day....Why what did ya think? :D

Yeah there were 2 or 3 fights with wild knock-down/knock-outs. That one dude got dropped like a pile of bricks, i thought he was out for awhile, but it was hard to see from where i was sitting at the time.

04-04-2002, 05:27 PM
The shows were cool, I had no idea they were even going to be aired last night.

Kung Le looked impressive, far better than he did at the world champs in 95, he seems more humble now and I would agree represented chinese martial arts well on the show. His strength and takedown ability are spectacular, I don't think anyone in san shou has been able to suplex others with the strength and skill he has developed. I still don't like the scissor leg takedown though, I'm sure a few knees have been seriously jacked from that. Nonetheless, I have more respect for him after watching that show than perhaps I did before.

Even though I'm biased to traditional Chinese Martial Arts, I really liked the Wushu segment. The athletic ability, jumping, balance, and speed of Wu bin's team was inspirational. Even if I had no fighting use for it, I would love to have the body control, height and momentum that afew had in their butterfly kicks.

Does anyone know if this was the show they are airing for the channel's "testosterone week" ? or is there another martial arts show that they are going to show for that?

I felt really bad for that lady when she got side kicked in the chest, that's one station of their testing that I think they really need to reconsider. I can't think of how they can ever apply those things in real life other than boosting confidence, pain tolerance, using it for show's and stuff like that. It's too bad they don't have a ki-kai technique for the nose, then I would be tempted to learn that.

04-04-2002, 10:32 PM
wasnt so impressed with the combat ki thing , the rest of the first one was okayish... by the way...how come we get to see the sacred secret ninja scrolls in the footage? or is it only secret person to person and camera doesnt count.

the kungfu stuff was cool , they should bring on more martial arts stuff on discovery, im lucky i was channell surfing and caught it by accident.

04-05-2002, 01:07 AM
cool some kung fu stuff on discovery channel...most of the kung fu doecumentaries have been on national geographic over here in Aus..or from what i've noticed anyway,,,