View Full Version : Old School NHB

Black Jack
04-04-2002, 10:52 AM
Here is some info on the rules used in the past days of bare-knuckle pugilism, which in its past, before the Marquis of Queensbury boxing rules were in place, the way men fought was a combination of striking and grappling, both were considered of the same order, or just called "all in" fighting.

NHB striking and grappling matches have been around a long time.

Before the London Prize-Ring Rules it was anything goes, eye gouges, kicking, biting, stand up grappling, wrestling, whatever allowed you to win, the old London Prize Ring rules called for no gouging and hitting of a fallen oppenent, biting, butting, but it still gave a wide latitude for throwing, wrestling and rough and tumble fighting.

These bouts often lasted sometimes over a hundred rounds, fighters striking, throwing, and grappling each other intell they could not get up anymore or someone threw in the sponge.

Here is a one of a kind picture colletion of the 1889 Sullivan-Kilrain Heavyweight bare knuckle bout, this was the last of the bare-knuckle era, and the last held under London Prize Ring Rules, John Sullivan of course took the match.


Talk about fighters :cool:

04-04-2002, 11:13 AM
Keep this stuff coming!!


Black Jack
04-04-2002, 11:34 AM

Did you see the 1886 military wrestling photos I had under the post, "Wrestlers Heritage"?

It should be on the nest page if you did not see it? Not many hits, so it went down fast.
