View Full Version : MMA/NHB Question

04-05-2002, 04:24 AM
Hi all

Now first this is not a criticism in anyway. I am in the UK and televised NHB is rare., but now they are showing weekly segments from various UFC's. I have 2-12 on tape and looking at the shows now (last nights was from UFC 31) no one seems as keen to go for the shoot as they did in the early ones. The question I am asking is "do they not shoot because they favour striking in shorter rounds or is it that defending the shoot has been sussed now ? I don't train in MMA/NHB so this is merely a curio not a "my style can defend that" troll. Thoughts anyone ?


04-05-2002, 05:51 AM
these days you have to be a lot closer to shoot effectively-shooting from 8 feet away is usually easily blocked. Generally, a fighter today wil try to engage before he shoots (generally)

04-05-2002, 11:21 AM
AdrianUK, very good question. The movement toward more strategic use of the ring/cage is given a greater emphasis these days. As jimmy wrote, high tie-ups and the clinch have become a more economical means of mounting a grappler's offensive.

Not only is there an understanding among fighters that the shot is not as high precentage as it once was, there's also a psychological factor involved in how a fighter positions himself and uses the ring/cage.