View Full Version : cloudone and sui fuw

fiercest tiger
04-17-2001, 12:40 AM
This isnt hard to work out, ykm is a shaolin art! bak mei also has shaolin arts in it too :rolleyes: read Dr Wongs website and its call bak mei shaolin origins!!! i was ordained in 1992 as a daoist thats true, some people say bak mei is daoist, buddhist i dont care as long as it works. our external hand sets are bak mei, now if its daoist it uses baqua and many other things. the emblem on my sight is mine no-one elses and its a mixture of daoist and buddhist pholosphies

still you can find temples around the world that uses different religions in it, hindu, buddhist, daoist all have mixed at sometime. do you know that??

for the record ykm is shaolin, im daoist in my pholosphy and ways, it doesnt make a difference. just because a style originated in the Shaolin temple and the Shaolin temple was buddhist doesn't necessarily mean you have to be buddhist to practice the style.

i'm sure they used bowls to eat out of in the Shaolin temple too and the bowls weren't invented by a Buddhist! so religious affiliation should have little to no bearing on your style or system.

understand now???? but you have something against me so i cannot change that, but you still havent told me your teacher and style. whats wrong do i know you? i bet i probably do!! get a webpage and ill pick the sh!t out of it as well.


come & visit us!

04-17-2001, 02:22 AM
Now you are talking!!!
So you admit there is **** on your webpage.
All of it or certain parts????

fiercest tiger
04-17-2001, 02:28 AM
grow up and come and learn under me little boy, i dont know why i even post to you fool!

whats wrong do you think ill disrespect your sifu?? or style??

dont be such a ****ing chump!

come & visit us!

04-17-2001, 03:10 AM
What do you think I can learn from you?
how to be a con artist or a B/s artist.

Your a f@cking liar when you say your system has Pak Mei hands.

Your website shows nothing of real Pak Mei.
So you can teach anyone. It doesn't bother me.
You are no threat!!!!!

How many students have you conned out of Andy?
In the end you'll end up with as many students as you have hair on your head.(zilch)

I have put the word out. You will not be taught any real Pak Mei ever.
So eat sh!t.

fiercest tiger
04-17-2001, 04:21 AM
so your associated with sifu andy heh!

i dont want anymore bak mei thanks, your word means sh!t to me so go and play with you little c@ck.

i tried to talk to you on a civil level but your just another troll. what is your problem with me? or is it ykm? what happen someone from ykm kick your arse!

who's your sifu again no answer!

come & visit us!

04-17-2001, 04:42 AM
ok, who the fu(k are you to decide who teaches anyone 'real' (as opposed to what, imaginary?) bak mei? are you the fu(king grandmaster now? the end-all be-all of bak mei? you won't tell anyone who your sifu is, sh!t for all we know you're a **** pimple-faced 14 year old kid whackin his peepee to the pics of FT... it is obvious you don't have a legit sifu, any legit sifu would have spanked your a$$ raw by now. oh, wait... didn't Buby say you liked that? no wonder you're trolling...trying to pi$$ your sifu off to get a spanking! LOL :D

04-17-2001, 06:01 AM
BE advised......
I am Dr.Wong's student,he became my Sifu in 1984.
He has been in the mainstream of Bai Mei/Bak Mei
for 40 years plus.
He has practiced Bai Mei Shaolin since he was a child.
There is no discord between my Sifu and FT,nor
why all the childish behavior????

04-17-2001, 06:09 AM
so Cloud 1,
Are you a student of Andy's? or just a chump that knows nothing about what happened. I am one of the 2 students that left andy and initially we left on good terms but as soon as everything seems fine something else starts!!!

Sorry Sifu to write here, but this is getting to be abit of a joke.

cloud 1, do you know the full story or just the edited version from one person.
We were trying to figure out who you were and i guess we will know soon. :mad:

04-17-2001, 03:11 PM
You see Grey, I told you if you mention a spanking he gets all excited and shhh. He probably ran to his sifu for a spanking because he stopped postng after that.

Or maybe it was something sifu said.LOL


04-17-2001, 03:32 PM
Buby I do believe Cloud and sui fuw take turns in conditioning their butts with STUDDED SPANK PADDLES . A secret passed to them after many years at a lower level of spanking hands (with hidden fingers).
Cloud you're just a smuck and no body likes you so go home! And take your skinny little friend with you!

04-17-2001, 03:47 PM
You crack me bro!!!! Now that's funny. :D

Thanks I needed that.


04-17-2001, 03:53 PM
You must be a sifu of very high standing from what I've read of your posts. Your sifu should be proud , don't let these guys get you down my brother they are just jealous of your extensive knowledge that they blindly can't see, poor souls . Merely pity them and walk on.

Do you teach? I'm looking for a sifu who has the real stuff. Is your stuff real? Well big boy is it?

04-17-2001, 04:13 PM
Oh Yeah, we are really jealous of your knowledge. Please pay us no mind and please do us the favor of walking on. As a matter of fact why don't you take a long walk off a short bridge.

Just walk on by, tu tu tu ti tu, walk on by,tu tu tu ti tu, foolish pride, is all that you have left so we will let you hide and save face from catching a bad one and making you cry,i,i,i. Walk on by.

Everyone together. :D

Cloud & sui fu - Stop talking about my sifu cause it hurts my feelings. :( Not..do you guys actually think we care what you have to say about YKM or our sifu. We know the deal, so we could care less what anyone else thinks. Oh don't forget to just walk on by :p

Buby has spoke

04-17-2001, 05:09 PM
Your stuff must be real, you like spank paddles heh!I've actually got a photo of you strung up , hanging from the roof in a big leather hammock.
Now give me $1oooooooooooo or I'll post it on the forum. The gay forum.

By the way are you going to the Blue Boys club thursday?