View Full Version : Do you actually " fear " anything?

04-12-2002, 10:15 PM
I don't mean spiders :eek: I mean, there's a thread saying who would you " fear " the most. Well, truth is, honest, no frontin, i don't fear anyone or anything. There is only one thing i fear, and that isn't what this forum is about.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not arrogant. I know if mike tyson hit my in the face, once, i'd probably get brain damage and/or die. But what i am saying is, i don't fear anyone, i'm not scared to stand up to anyone, i don't *think*. Again, don't get me wrong, if it's dark, and i'm walkin along, and 8 huge guys come walkin down towards me in an alley, i ain't a barrell of laught - obviously i crossover/get out of situation/do something to avoid it cos i'm gonna get my ass kicked. When confrontation happens it just happens. I'll either get my ass kicked or not. I do get that adrenaline dump that everyone else gets, but is that fear?

What about you guys?

Maybe i AM scared, but don't recognise the feelings? Or pretend i don't?

And when does " fearlessnes " boarder on stupidity?

Or, maybe i'm just arrogant.

04-12-2002, 10:16 PM
I've come across as a macho big headed arrogant tw.at. Great. :(

That's not how i meant to come across, but it's 6:15am, and i should be sleeping.

Sorry guys and gals.

04-12-2002, 10:23 PM
No. I fear nothing. What is the worst that can ever happen to me? Death? I don't fear dying. So I have no reason to fear.

04-12-2002, 10:28 PM
I can totally relate. (although some exceptions) and it is not about arrogance. I know lots of people and things i do could kill me. doesn't stop nor will it stop me.

04-12-2002, 10:51 PM
talk is cheap, just like this forum.

04-12-2002, 10:53 PM
true true paul. let me slit my wrist and show you.

04-12-2002, 11:06 PM

04-12-2002, 11:30 PM
During my life I've been the victim of a crippling accedent and years or rehab and pain thereafter , not much reallyscares me after that . .

Mr Punch
04-13-2002, 12:19 AM
I don't think you've come across as a macho twat... Sharky. I haven't feared anything for a long time, not since I first decked someone in infants school, or maybe since me bro knocked me nose to 45 degs (fine shot!). Except horses. ****ers.

But I think recognising feelings has something to do with it. Sometimes, in the build-up to a confrontation, I get the adrenaline dump and if you don't do either the Fight or the Flight, say, you just keep talking and trying to defuse the situation, then sometimes I just lose it. It's not so much fear, as incomprehensibility and ability to act. Except with horses. ****ers.

I usually regain composure as soon as it escalates further (ie. to actual violence). Oh, and in many situations I have feared the consequences of my actions: not, if I hit this geezer, he'll piledrive me into the floor; not, if I hit this geezer, his mates'll jump me; but, if I hit this geezer, and keep hitting him, I'll get in some serious trouble from the law.

Just keep that ****ing horse away from me!

04-13-2002, 12:59 AM
I don't mean to come across as a control freak, but I fear being in a situation where I truely feel I have no control. Part of training martial arts is to have confidence that you are somewhat secure in your environment. Having a person 15 feet away pull a gun on me takes all those years of hard work and flushes it in terms of ability to defend myself.
Do I fear he will shoot me and kill me? I bet at a time like that I probibly would have fear, though as said by others theres no point fearing my death, we all will die eventually.
I fear some of the other things that are worse than death. Finding out somone had tortured and murdered a family member or one of the many other horrible things people do to one another.
I do fear death. Not my own death, but the death of those I love. Thats my honest take on the question.

04-13-2002, 01:25 AM
being alone, i mean literally , no freinds no foes , nobody nothing just being obsolete. that is really scary.
but fear is what prevents people from achieving greatness. Nelson Mandela said that sometimes a persons biggest fear is fear of thier own success. Imagine fearing to accomplish a goal because after that one has a reputation to uphold and Alot of people do Not have the Continuity to persevere.

04-13-2002, 01:30 AM
SIDES SHARKY WE KNEW U WAS TWAT, and macho, aint you like a toothpick?.
get back to your homework boy.:)

04-13-2002, 01:36 AM
Yeah i know what u mean Sharker, its like that for me 2.

Sean the Black
04-13-2002, 01:43 AM
I hate friggin tornados, espiecaly since we just had two about 20 mins. ago and I live on a third story apartment....no fun runing down stairs through quarter sized hail

straight blast
04-13-2002, 02:10 AM
Not death 'cos I'm a faith brother!!!

But what do I really fear? Being injured to the point that I could never train again. I faced this one down last year and it scared me more than anything I've ever imagined. I come out in a cold sweat just thinking about it.

And getting old. I just can't see a single good thing in it. There are those who've said wisdom. You keep your wisdom, I'll keep my speed, flexibility, independance and health.

Aging sucks.

No offence to all the old MA's out there either :)

There is nothing cooler than some old dude with a long white beard and ponytail doing Kung Fu.

wushu chik
04-13-2002, 02:14 AM
Sean...you and me are in the same boat. Only difference is...I am NOT CRAZY enough to live where tornados are! I won't even barely step into the south. I am that scared of them! UGH....

04-13-2002, 02:19 AM
To all you people on this thread that fear nothing, please change your logon names to what you were born with and what you use every day. If you were born with these names that you are using on this site I do apologise.:eek:

04-13-2002, 02:25 AM
I dont put cos i am an online me. It is different from real me.
Actually there are some forums that its mandatory to use real names and i use it in it.

04-13-2002, 02:38 AM
babahahahahhaha haha ahha hohohoh hahah haha hohhohohahahah online me hahahhogoohoohhoho ha ha hahhh.......hahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahahha

old jong
04-13-2002, 03:50 AM
I remember very well how much I was scared when I had to kiss my grand-mother on new year's eve and other occasions when I was a small kid!...:eek: I guess it was the beard! :eek:...I think I grew out of this...And, she's been gone for a long time! :(
Now ,I fear NOTHING!!!!! ;) ;) ;)

04-13-2002, 06:56 AM
My chinese horoscope says I fear abandonment by God and dissapointing God. I guess that's about right. Used to fear heights and deep water, not anymore. Poisonous snakes creep me out, but not frighten me. After combat, car and motorcycle accidents, drowning and multiple street fights, (not by choice) I get determined not frightened.

04-13-2002, 07:02 AM
I have one very important fear...
Angry women:(
Ever seen them in the sales?
Ever tried telling one you forgot something important?
Ever tried explaining exactly what you find so interesting on the other side of the street?
Ever tried telling one you could use more time alone?

Oh i should add to that...
Upset women
I wont even go into that...

So errr yeah i fear women in highly strung emotional states:D

04-13-2002, 07:13 AM
We all have fear and fears Sharky, and we all face them in different ways. Because you can face a fear, doesnt mean you arent afraid. I used to stand up to my stepfather all the time, but he scared the hell out of me. When I was shot at in Somalia, I was scared like you wouldnt believe but I did what I had to do.
There are some situations I know I should be scared but arent, maybe just weary, like the bus stop I have to sit at for 20 minutes after my wing chun class. Rough neighborhood, but I am not scared so much as very alert.
Fear comes in on many different levels and you may not always notice the signs, and fear can be insticntual. That adrenaline dump you describe Sharky, that is a fight or flight reaction, but they share the same bases. Just because you choose fight more then flight, it doesnt make you not scared.
When I was in the military, a very cliche but very true thing to hear went something like "I never trust a man who says he isnt scared, because one who says he isnt scared, is too afraid to admit that he is."

04-13-2002, 07:16 AM
yup - that's when they tend to kick you in the groin harder than those juko Kai guys :D


David Jamieson
04-13-2002, 07:20 AM
Everyone has fear, those who say they don't haven't been faced with a fear yet in their life or are afraid to admit they have fear. :)

Fear is good, it tempers stupidity.

this is why you must try to face your fears, and find out what your fears are. Fear can be mild and it can be paralyzing, but it is always there. To deny this is to deny the nature of yourself. Which is ignorance unbound.


04-13-2002, 07:39 AM
I think, perhaps, i do not recognise the difference between fear and other emotions?

04-13-2002, 07:40 AM
Everyone fears. A person who fears nothing is a fool.

The worst thing that another man could do to you isn't kill you. The worst thing that could happen to you is that you survive. Living the rest of your life blind? or horribly disfigured from burns? Or worse. Yes i fear. and it keeps me out of trouble.

04-13-2002, 07:43 AM
Like i say, it came out wrong, maybe i didn't mean to say " i have no fear, me man, you woman, unF unF "

Maybe what i mean is controlling fear, like you said, fight or flight, being able to choose what to do, rather than it controlling you?

I also feel spiteful that anything should make me fear it - especially other people - i'm like " who the HELL are *they* to try and make me feel (whatever) ".

I hope maybe my meaning is a little clearer now. Although i don't think i understnad what i'm tryin to say myself.

04-13-2002, 07:50 AM
I fear the mullet.

04-13-2002, 08:33 AM
This is a very interesting question.

I used to think I didn't fear dying, until someone stuck a gun up my nose. I was very afraid then, not paralyzed afraid, but it was SO clear to me that I did not want to make a choice that would lead to being shot dead.

I thought I was pretty much fearless after that, until the day I was in my living room in a very very very bad hurricane and I watched the wind pop the roof and suck my couch up through the hole. Then I was very afraid, again of dying, of the unknown beyond it, of running out of time. Mostly I was afraid of what were suddenly all the things I regretted in my life.

I really don't know what I fear anymore, except maybe getting buttonholed by people spraying perfume at the mall, that's really scary ;) I know I have a good healthy fear of being cornered, that I'm hypervigilant for my personal safety and do my best not to put myself in a prey-type situation, but I figure that's just common sense, don't be a target and all that.

I can't think of anything that makes me truly paralyzingly afraid. Many things that make me sad to contemplate, and I would not want to go through them, but nothing that freaks me out or anything...

04-13-2002, 08:51 AM
Sharky, I do not believe you came off that way, some do however. You may just have a mastery on your fear that others dont. There is a lot I can face, I attribute this to strong genes ( If you have never met my aunt or mother you wouldnt understand! ) 4 years in the Marine Corp, and the martial Arts. I have always pushed to face my fear whenever possible. Is it hard? Yep, have I always succeeded? Nope. For instance, I have fast roped out of moving helicopters, and juped from airplanes, but try getting me on a hot air ballon or a ferris wheel ( Although I love Rollercoasters!).
Its never a question of do we have fear, we do. It is a question of how we face it.
My wife had a freind who jumped into a flooded river to save a small child from drowning, he succeded but lost his life doing so. I ask myself sometimes, was he afraid? I am sure he was, but he had enough mastery at the moment to overcome it and do what he needed to do. He hated heights as well, if he had survived would he have gone up in a hot air balloon? Probably not.

04-13-2002, 08:54 AM
I fear God more than I fear death period.

I'm not afraid of getting my butt beat or admiting it, that's something that most people can't do.

04-13-2002, 09:27 AM
I guess what I fear most in life is probebly related to relationships and love and such crap. :) You know,, if u found the one, how to make her stay, or if I have to eventually settle down with someone. These things scare the **** out of me at the time.. It seems that I'm constantly having love 'problems'. Or maybe they arent problems it's just me who blow them up to big things when in fact its nothing? Anyway............

I know that if I was in a situation were I could not do ANYTHINg to stop harm getting to the ones I love, family etc.. Then I would be pretty scared. (I think)

04-13-2002, 09:31 AM
No offense Sharky,
No fear = much ignorance. Fear = Spidersense. If you're not afraid then you're probably pretty clueless to what's going on around you. Fear is the thing that let's you react in an appropriate way. Now letting fear paralyze you is a very bad thing.

I've recommended it a hundred times and will do it again, read "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin deBecker. It's still the best book on Fear and it's uses that I've read.

"I remember very well how much I was scared when I had to kiss my grand-mother on new year's eve and other occasions when I was a small kid!... I guess it was the beard! ...I think I grew out of this...And, she's been gone for a long time!
Now ,I fear NOTHING!!!!! "

Old Jong, any cross dressers in your family? :D

04-13-2002, 09:48 AM
I have no fear becouse i understand/accept impermanence.

Wich is the oposite of ignorance.
Ignorance is thinking youre safe.

04-13-2002, 09:54 AM
Building on rogues statement as well with no offense intended Sharky, having no fear may also show a lack of common sense or a lack of proper understanding. In this case this is where bravery quickly becomes stupidity.
I am not implying by any means this is the case with you Sharkster, just like to add some to what rogue said. I met a guy who really wasnt afraid of most of the guys he fought with, atleast not that I could tell, but he was an idiot!

04-13-2002, 10:03 AM
r5, what'd you do in the service?

One time my dad and I were in a bad part of town, I was slowing down for a stop sign when dad told me to run it. Now dad is ex-NYPD (25 years on the force), but he didn't like something about the group of guys standing on the corner by the stop sign. He could never put his finger on it but something just wasn't right. After that I've learned to go with what that little voice says, if the little voice is good enough for dad then it's good enough for me.

04-13-2002, 10:14 AM
Don't get me wrong, i have been very scared in the past. I don't think i am ignorant. (Like most people i guess) i think i know whats goin down.

I've had a lot of sh.it in the past - i don't wanna go into a pis.sing contest but i've grown up in teh some of the ****test places in britain (moss side, brixton, kings cross, houslow (heston - heh). I don't wanna go into what i've been through, but my life is the product of my experiences.

I think somethings i don't "fear" because i understnad them. I understand that if this guy gets near, me , i get wetted, i die. I think i have a healthy respect for fear.

Rogue - having kids will scare me, no doubt bro. I will FEAR things i don't have control over... when my kids goto school... will they cross the road properly? LIttle thigns like that. They will tear me apart. I'll tackle them when i come. Like hwen my bro was in hospital when he fell of his bike (then got run over). I was scared sh.itless. I couldn't control that, it wasn't my fault.

I dunno where this thread is going. Please stop with the a) i am stupid and ignorant remarks and b) i obviously have lived a lovely life and never experienced fear or pain, cos none of you know me, or what i've been thru, and what i haven't been through.

Thanks for takin this seriously guys.

04-13-2002, 10:26 AM
Rogue, I was in FAST, Fleet Anti Terrorist Security Team, USMC. I was posted to Somalia March 25, 1994, thats where I was shot at anyway!

Sharky, Like I said, no offense, I wasnt saying anything specifically to anyone, just adding to the discussion.

04-13-2002, 10:33 AM
"he didn't like something about the group of guys standing on the corner by the stop sign. He could never put his finger on it but something just wasn't right. After that I've learned to go with what that little voice says, if the little voice is good enough for dad then it's good enough for me."

That doesn't mean he is scared, it means he's a sensible gentleman, with his head screwed on.

04-13-2002, 12:38 PM
I fear a lot of things. I feel fear and butterflies everytime I had a fight or even a hard sparring match. I "fear" large powerful people who want to do me harm, I "fear" criminals who might want to break into my house, I "fear" failing in my martial arts, or finding out I'm not training hard enough, etc. etc.

I always "fear" ........but I'm never afraid.
I can and have handled every crisis or dangerous situation with maturity, confidence, and a calm and collected spirit.
When a situation happens I instinctually act and don't have time to be "afraid".
But I "fear" those things. The reason I have trained myself and gone over situations in my mind over and over again is because I think about them. I am "fearful". I know that in reality life is not too forgiving, so I want to be able to handle what I can when the real things come.
So far, I'm doing well. I owe it to "fear".
Rickson Gracie always said that fear and intelligence are very close together. I have healthy and intelligent fear at things. Therefore I act and react that much better when they come. Because I have "feared" them and have prepared myself for them.
When crisises come I don't panic. And that makes me feel very confident.

Being "brave" is only possible when you are fearful of a situation and take action anyway.


04-13-2002, 12:39 PM
Maybe ryu nailed it.

04-13-2002, 02:30 PM
I'm getting depressed here............ seriously

04-13-2002, 02:31 PM
I'm afraid of my future..... **** this thread

Bao Jong
04-13-2002, 02:56 PM
In my opinion, when you begin to fear you opponent you have already lost the battle. You fear will lead to hesitation, and ultimatly effect your performance. Have faith in your ability and what your sifu has taught you, your power, speed and accuracy will then be to its full potential.

04-13-2002, 04:25 PM
i dont like bugs. i don't run away from them or anything, but i can't just go and pick up certain insects or spiders like some people can. unless im drunk.

04-13-2002, 05:50 PM
Sharky, wasn't aiming the answer at you but more of a general "you", I think you, ryu ,r5a and myself are on the same page. I still remember the gypsy story and those lovely folks you had to deal with.

Kristoffer, hang in there bro'. Read some of Ryu's old threads about his lovelife. :D If I can find someone great anyone can. Remember our hero Ric Okasic of the Cars married a super model. And if he can anyone can.

r5a, did you work the liaison office detail?

BTW Thanks.
Anytime, anyplace.

04-13-2002, 07:39 PM
Strangely, getting mauled to death or being publicly humiliated doesn't scare me at all.

What DOES scare me is the thought of losing my loved ones.

Right now, I'm trying to figure out whether to move or stay. I could use a change of scenery, but my friends mean so much to me. There's no love lost between me and my family, so my friends are really all I have.

For years, they've supported me personally and financially through hell and high water. Now I've let some of them know that I'm contemplating a move, and it's been really hard on all of us.

Losing material possessions or even my own personal well-being is something I've had happen to me and have easily withstood. But losing those that I love - I've never taken it well and have gotten WORSE AT IT over the years.

04-13-2002, 09:11 PM

Mr Punch
04-13-2002, 11:55 PM
I think we are all on the same page, but I also think we've got a slight difference in definitions. I said 'I haven't feared anything for a long time', maybe taking first place in the 'sounding like an arrogant twat' competition. I could list things I fear but I won't cos 1-9 would be horses. *******s.

I fear my loved ones being injured/killed. But it doesn't stop me functioning in any way, and it wouldn't get me to try and control them in a negative way (No, son, you can't go to school today, bullying is on the rise!).

I fear earthquakes, but after the first few second when I've worked out why everything is shaking, and the next second going 'fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu etc', the next second is using my enhanced adrenaline fueled response time (my enhanced Spideysense:D) to check out the most solid doorframes, soft furnishings and the proximity of the glass... It doesn't generally hold me back, or change my attitude. (The only time I've been irrationally scared of quakes was one time I visited UK and imagined the floor was going... and we don't even get quakes! Beer for you...:D).

I fear horses. But even with them, it's usually not that debilitating.

But like the control freak said (sorry, can't remember who it was), I'm afraid of really losing it.

The mullet: isn't that a wee fish?

Listen to the little voices! Pfweeep!:rolleyes: Nobbut seriously...

Mr Punch
04-14-2002, 12:02 AM
BTW Sharky, I know where you're coming from. Really.

Friends in a few of those areas, lived in Balsall Heath, Brum for a long time, my sister lived in The Old Swan, the 'nice' end of Aigburth, Liverpool, for a while... How old are you? I've got an ma friend who couldn't take it any more, and quit for the countryside (Exmoor man, how much more bleak can you get?) and the quacks diagnosed him with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, I kid you not.

But Kings Cross? Ya southern nancy!:p

Justa Man
04-14-2002, 05:29 PM
i think having some amount of fear of your opponent is a good thing. it will make you cautious and i've been taught to treat your opponent like he is bigger, stronger and faster than you. at the same time, there is a faith and assuredness in your skills that keep the fear at a level that won't make you hesitate or scared to trade blows.

i haven't read this entire post cuz that sh!t is 50 some odd posts long., but ryu made a nice point about feeling fear everytime he's gotta spar and i can feel that.

there's one thing i fear and i don't know if anyone can take to this. twice in my life i've been in situations where someone made me so mad that my conscious no longer controlled my body and i flipped out and wrecked the kids. the second time it happened i got control over myself just as i was making canteloupe pudding out of kid's grill, and i backed off and booked home. it was because the first time, i left the kid crying like a newborn and i was still angry enough to wanna stomp some chest for another minute. that sh!t scares the fu.ck outta me.....that point i can reach where i black out and anger's intent takes over. that's literally what it felt like.

when i spar in class, i have a real tough time not feeling bad for hurting my sparring mate. i think it's cuz he's my peoples, not some thug on the streets with an itch to inflict pain. only when i have an instinctual dislike for someone in my class (just a couple of cats) can i mostly not care about hurting them. but even then i feel bad.

kristoffer said some deep sh!t. fear of love and whatnot. that is something i feel too man. it's a strange fear for me, and elusive, meaning i can confront it many times in small instances and it still comes up. i also have a fear of going through life alone. i know people who live that way (my moms for example) and the sh!t ain't cotton candy and roller coasters. so there is also a tinge of a 'desperate' feeling mixed in there too. but at the same time i know that what i truly believe and have faith in will manifest so i counter attack the entire matter with that.

well, that's my cents...for what it's worth. i don't know, pass the blunt man.

yu shan
04-14-2002, 08:55 PM

are you from Taiwan? if so we have alot to talk about! my e-mail: ripdogmantis@worldnet.att.net

04-14-2002, 09:02 PM
I fear many things.

Like am I a good enough Father to my Son, a good enough Husband to my Wife and so on.

Fear is good and healthy, it keeps you checking yourself and your motives for doing things.

But recognise them for what they are and move on or change things to remove the fear.

Fears will only hurt you if you let them.

Just my 2 Yen worth.

04-14-2002, 09:41 PM
I have this deep seated, repeating fear.

I'm lying in my bed at night. I'm warm and comfortable, drifting out of consciousness on waves of relaxed peace.

Then I feel a sensation on my leg, slowly making it's way up towards my groin. In my dozy, sleep-addled state it begins to become quite erotic. I start to enjoy the sensation.

Slowly it draws me up from the edges of slumber. My breath becomes a little shorter, my heart beats a little faster. Excitement builds through my fuzzy mind and I gently open my eyes.

A face swims into clarity out of the darkness, slowly coalescing into focus. The face has a wide, feral grin. My body begins to freeze in terror, then a voice says, "Hi. I'm Sharky."

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

04-14-2002, 09:43 PM
Your mother is fat.

04-14-2002, 09:49 PM
Yeah. Eating guys like you made her that way.


04-15-2002, 10:03 AM
Semen is high in calories.

04-15-2002, 11:11 AM
Thinking hard about it, the only thing I fear (besides cancer) is my fiance getting raped, because I know she would fight literally to the death.

04-15-2002, 11:20 AM
Ryu, well spoken brother! I couldnt have put it better myself!

Rogue - The "Embassy" Office in Somalia, after the rangers bugged out? Yep, My unit was there for a few months, then we were reassignd to the Nimitz. In all honesty I think that office served more then just as an Embassy. We had a lot of delta coming in and out pretty frequently. ;)