View Full Version : Training was amazing

Black Jack
04-14-2002, 10:32 AM
I justed wanted to say that the Sayoc training I had over the weekend was amazing, I was blown away by the 5 generations of hard fought knowledge these gentlemen have with the blade, made me remeber what good kali knifework-the dance of life-is really like, man I was very impressed.

The seminar was very intensive, 8 hours of training, and all of it blade, which is to be taken as Sayoc is a "all blade, all the time art", though I did get to see the instructor do some of the bullwhip, again blown away.

The teacher Jeff Chung, who I also am a private student of now, I had privates with him over the weekend, is a real deal down to earth guy, very friendly and nice, no ego trips whatsoever, and one hell of a knifer. I can really say this with out a second thought as I spent some time with Jeff, including driving him from his hotel to the seminar in Liberityville, where he treated me to breakfist and then back to his hotel in the evening, he was never in a rush and even after our training together we just sat around for over an hour and chatted about kali, urban survival and bull****ted with no rush for me to leave, even a month before the seminar he was always free to answer any questions about Sayoc, knife training or knifes via e-mail.

My point is that if you ever have a chance to attend one of his seminars or private lessons please do so, you will not be disappointed, teachers like this gentlemen are not a dime a dozen.

I should be having some of the pictures of the seminar coming out, though I have a feeling I am going to look very tired and a little fried, over the course of both Friday and Saturday, I was only going on 4 hours of sleep, plus I was exhausted at the end of the day.

I will keep those of you interested, updated.

For those of you in Chicago area who are interested, I am trying to start up a Sayoc training group in the area under Jeff Chung, we would just get together to practice Sayoc kali, self preservation skills, have a good time and learn.

For those who do not know Sayoc Kali-



04-14-2002, 11:13 AM
Awesome! Color me jealous. Pics would be great! Did you find it was more oriented to assassination rather than dueling style, as you've described before? (Love that terminology btw)

Black Jack
04-14-2002, 11:24 AM

Thanks bro,

Yeah, it is way more close quaters based then that of largo mano, from what I know of Sayoc is that there is no knife sparring, no duelling, very aggressive and tricky.

I will let you know when or if the pics are up, have fun.

Black Jack
04-14-2002, 12:14 PM

If you want to see a man who is the elite with a knife go to www.sayoc.com and go to the multimedia section, from their click on the 3 of 9 multi angle video, you will see Tuhon Chris Sayoc do the drill, very smooth.

When I mentioned sparring before I was in reference to long distance sparring where two guys break off and start hacking away from a long distance like a dual, you know-en garde-with Sayoc the blade work, with the exception of projectiles is right up on you, get in and take the guy out.

They have a whole family system of throwing blades, one of the reasons why they carry so many knifes, man their is sooo much to learn in that system.


04-14-2002, 08:21 PM
Does anyone know of a kali teacher in Darwin, Australia? I'm moving up there shortly, and I thought I might take the opportunity of being away from my regular training partners to pick up some knife fighting skills.

04-14-2002, 11:59 PM
I'm jealous :o Sounds like a blast

04-15-2002, 01:37 AM
"knifework-the dance of life"

LOL :)

04-15-2002, 07:02 AM
Very very nice!