View Full Version : E-Budo contracted ACAMAC infection.

04-14-2002, 05:33 PM
Hi All.

Looks like E-Budo contracted again the ACAMAC/AristoAgon sickness.

Symptons include semi-english post with some spanish in them that make NO sense.

This sickness normally occurs soon after somebody said something bad about

So People be warned it might spread here if somebody sez either ACAMAC or AristoAgon 3 times.
:D :D

04-14-2002, 05:37 PM
Sheesh, screw a cure for cancer. What we need is a vacination against this guy:


great part of the problem is how to meet the aceptable marketing image look american style , then inclusive Brazilian Tae Fu is OK !

Franchising is netiqettique unaceptable under "the arts" , contracts are OK or bad accord to your convenience , 12 months is RED FLAG , but a Black Belt is only the begining not the end in the arts , then what the problem if the begining is in 7 years psicoanalisis and way of peace of mind incluide or in 9 or as Jigoro Kano in only 6 months

Remember that BELTS are a marketing strategy to capte the frivolous external mind of westerns that need see with your eyes the color of external aprobal from a exterior authoritie to get self-confidense

Kung Fu not have Black Belts (at least in the past) is problem moral the utilization of BELTS or provide great importance to the BELTS and requirements as months and external rankings

what the specific problems against ACAMAC ?

Yes is not type Gandhi way of peace included at extra fee

it is the problem ? Muay Thai have not a tipical "selling philosophie and secret lineage" as great number of "legit" , what the problem if ACAMAC not sell philosophie not offer kokoro or chi by e-mail ?

Miguel Espaņa
(Need you a pound of ki by international surface mail?)"

I rest my case.:rolleyes:

04-14-2002, 05:44 PM
Raving Limerick.

You actually found one that makes some sense.

04-14-2002, 05:53 PM
Yeah, I didn't want to be too hard on the poor fellow, but sentances like:

"Yes is not type Gandhi way of peace included at extra fee"

transcend bad grammar. Maybe it's because I've stopped drinking paint thinner and snorting E-Z Cheez, but this makes no $&%ing sense what so ever.

I swear, my IQ dropped 5 points just from reading that thread @ e-budo. I didn't want to subject anyone else to the more... interesting replies.


04-14-2002, 07:42 PM
Red Fist, AristoAgon is a great guy to have around. If his English is still as bad as his first big trip to e-budo than get the number for Betty Ford ready, you'll think you've done some bad acid or something. If memory serves me I think I was the first to steal that from e-budo and bring it here about a year ago.

04-14-2002, 07:48 PM

I knew him before I even heard of E-Budo.

On one Board he got so out-of-hand that the Board owner started to take legal action against him.
But than he stalked the Board owner and his Wife across multiple Boards.
:D :D

He is worth a laugh or two especially when he goes of on his boxing rant.

04-14-2002, 07:58 PM
Wow, how'd you here about him? I still laugh when I think of him at e-budo. For making me smile, I am grateful to him.:D

04-14-2002, 08:00 PM

Acamac was a standard "Feature" on most Yahoo MA Boards.

:p :p

04-14-2002, 08:03 PM
Wow, how'd you here about him? I still laugh when I think of him at e-budo. For making me smile, I am grateful to him.:D

Hello Betty Ford Clinic?

"AristoAgon BRUN ACAMAC Martial Art please proof that NOT is Genuine Original MartialA
Well please discuss deeple here with point by point basis that demostrate that ACAMAC not is a GENUINE and ORIGINAL Martial Art

or stop with presumptions rumors unbaseds agresive gratuite atacks to a GENUINE and ORIGINAL Martial Art

in general all of you love see the names Bruce Lee , ACAMAC and inclusive Joe Lewis a True Champ in Orient Japan recognized and in USA in e-budo BAD BUDO Section

if ACAMAC require 12 months for a Black Belt , or Joe Lewis get it in 9 months is a RED FLAG

If Jigoro Kano provide in only 6 months this is because xx motive that is valide and legitime


great part of the problem is how to meet the aceptable marketing image look american style , then inclusive Brazilian Tae Fu is OK !

Franchising is netiqettique unaceptable under "the arts" , contracts are OK or bad accord to your convenience , 12 months is RED FLAG , but a Black Belt is only the begining not the end in the arts , then what the problem if the begining is in 7 years psicoanalisis and way of peace of mind incluide or in 9 or as Jigoro Kano in only 6 months

Remember that BELTS are a marketing strategy to capte the frivolous external mind of westerns that need see with your eyes the color of external aprobal from a exterior authoritie to get self-confidense

Kung Fu not have Black Belts (at least in the past) is problem moral the utilization of BELTS or provide great importance to the BELTS and requirements as months and external rankings

what the specific problems against ACAMAC ?

Yes is not type Gandhi way of peace included at extra fee

it is the problem ? Muay Thai have not a tipical "selling philosophie and secret lineage" as great number of "legit" , what the problem if ACAMAC not sell philosophie not offer kokoro or chi by e-mail ?

Miguel Espaņa
(Need you a pound of ki by international surface mail?)"


"maybe look stupid makeme beliebe that i only look stupid!
maybe look stupid make to me beliebe that i am not a stupid i only look that it !

yes , is tipical that american readers read bad english a supouse beyond it a uncult or stupid , usually don-t imagine how he write in japanesse or spanish , and that the original language not english have identic problem that your japanesse , try a week in japan without translator in the streets in towns without english speackers if availables

your pst not make a great contribution to understand the Spaniard Boxing AristoAgon BRUN ACAMAC Martial Art

except about how hard is for english speackers know the "Spanish Karate" this sound to the early years of the Chinesse Karate ; Kenpo Karate and Korean Karate , if you good remember the firsts Taekwon-Do instructors speack korean and a member of korean comunity young can help as unofficial translator

well communication problems are a tipical problem in the firsts years of a Martial Art in a new country , we want the American Father of ACAMAC

type John Rhee the American Taekwon-Do Father (In past early times General Choi Hong Hi convince to John Rhee to adopte in America the word Taekwon-Do to the early know as Korean Karate)

well AM Kenpo Karate , Korean Karate , Chinese Karate and your "secrets" , not are attackeds as fraud or bad budo for be in first instance UNKNOW ARTS

Or you supouse that the Arts are well kmow from the begining , if it is the case whatthe motive korean karate chinesse karate and not directly AM KENPO KARATE , KUNG FU AND TAEKWON-DO ?

ACAMAC is a completely GENUINE Occidental Martial Art , and too is completely ORIGINAL , that inclusive NOT is the case in Taekwon-Do , in Shotokai Karate-Do and inclusive in Shaolin (All the ORIENTAL Martial Arts born under the SUN OF SHAOLIN except the INDIA Arts that open the mind of Shaolin monks)

have you open the minds?
or have to much knowledge that can be permanently closed
(sorry not vacancies for new think and new ideas)

Miguel Espaņa
Think and Grow Rich"

04-14-2002, 08:05 PM
Rogue, you forgot:

"ACAMAC is indexed in the TOP TEN FBI Wanted guys

see cool link as proof

Now ACAMAC at the top of the list! Oshama excluded!

Mas is only a Founder of Style (And a GREAT Style KiokushinKaiKan Karate-Do ) but only Shoto is the Martial Art Shotokai Karate-Do CREATOR



seems that a lot of ENVY-do because this intrepid attitude

can be a 22 years old Judo CREATOR be compasred to a 26 Years old and 27 years old CREATOR of 128 Martial Arts ?

What merits have this boy Jigoro Kano for be compared to the Genius Martin Brun Gale the AristoAgon BRUN ACAMAC Martial Art CREATOR of 128 Perfects Martial Arts?

seems that this LINK make you red of fury! -->


Sounds like a real winner. He's boasting about his mythical uprooting of Osama on the "TOP TEN FBI WANTED Guys" list? A real class act, let me tell you:rolleyes:

04-14-2002, 08:08 PM
Ralek is still weedling in his diapers compared to ACAMAC "The ultimate Troll".

How about a challenge match between you and him?

If you win that one I know of some other systems that also claim to be the ultimate Fighting Sytsem.

04-14-2002, 08:09 PM
I know who he is now, Jar Jar Binks!

04-14-2002, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by rogue
I know who he is now, Jar Jar Binks!

With a substance abuse problem.

04-14-2002, 08:20 PM
I don't know if this is the real ACAMAC guy or some pretender, but he is really, really funny!

"We all agree that he/she/it is BAD-BUDO.......

Anglo-Huomo-Saexon religion!

return to the ORIGINAL GENUINE Catholic Church

follow the way of Thomas Moro

avoid as the plage the masonic protestant Anglo-Huomo-Seaxon religion !

he-she-it ! (the it include anglo-dolly? to the anglo-religious-sacrilegic-masonic-protestant-orgie)

Regards to the AfroAmerican extra-european UK-CapeVerde Afro-AMERICAN UK Satellite !

ShorinJi have ******* lineage linked to chinoids ? For casuality refer to All Oriental Arts like Karate born under the Sun of Shaolin ?

Miguel Espaņa
Inquisidor de ls Santa Iglesia por la Gracia de Nuestro Seņor y admirador del Generalisimo Francisco Franco Dictador de Espaņa por la Gracia de Dios


04-14-2002, 08:22 PM
selling ICE-scream to the esquimals!

I think I just hurt myself laughing!:confused: :eek: :D

04-14-2002, 08:27 PM

Don't read too many of his Posts there is a danger of becoming a clone.

And than we get the:
"Attack of the Acamac Clone".

:D :D

Or maybe lots of little Jar jar Binks.