View Full Version : Check out my new website on Chinese armour

Thomas Chen
04-15-2002, 10:36 AM
Hi guys
I thought you all might be interested to see what Chinese warriors wore as armour during the classical past. Here it is:



Hope you guys like the pics.....

Thomas Chen

Ray Pina
04-15-2002, 10:41 AM
Cool. That helmet with the dragon is beautiful.

04-15-2002, 12:19 PM
I like it. The terracotta warriors are fascinating, and this one has a groovy moustache. I seriously am having my coffin guarded by some......... :)

Nice website!

04-15-2002, 05:10 PM

Very good pics, where do you find this stuff Thomas??

Thomas Chen
04-15-2002, 08:43 PM
Hi Xebsball and all

I am glad you like the pics........ They are extracted from a number of English, Chinese and Japanese language books, ranging from topics on Chinese and Japanese Art, archaeology, classical Chinese dress/textiles, the history of Chinese warfare etc...

I have always felt that there was a severe lack of compiled and systematically arranged info and pics on Chinese swords and armour, whether in books or on the Internet, so I set out to remedy this anomaly by setting up these websites so that people of Chinese descent and students of Chinese culture/traditions can learn about this valuable martial /military aspect of our Chinese heritage.

Thanks, guys, for all the encouragement and support.

Thomas Chen

Ray Pina
04-16-2002, 07:35 AM
Is this the same Mr. Chen who makes those nice katanas?

I've been studying the two handed sword a bit and am redy for a live blade now. I checked your site out. Nice stuff. I just can't afford the sword that I want yet.:mad:

But you have a future customer in me. If that's you, nice work. Great skill. Must be nice to make a living that way.:)

04-16-2002, 09:52 AM
Very nice photos, interesting subject. One suggestion: provide a thumbnail page for people to choose what photos they want to view. Throwing all those oversized pics on a single page made downloading via modem so slow I was tempted to just close down the browser rather than wait.

Thomas Chen
04-16-2002, 09:59 AM
Hi EvolutionFist

There are two Taiwanese swordmakers based in mainland China: Fred Chen, who makes Chinese and Japanese style swords for Live-Blade/Cicada Forge and Cold Steel, and Paul Chen of the Hanwei Forge, whose Chinese and Japanese-style swords are marketed by Bugei Trading and CAS Iberia.

There is also another Taiwanese custom swordsmith by the name of Chen Tianyang.

Isn't it cool yet coincidentally weird that the 4 of us share the same surname.... :D :cool:

Question: Which are you learning, 2-handed Chinese or Japanese swordsmanship ???


To JasBourne:
Point duly noted.

Thomas Chen
04-16-2002, 06:54 PM
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