View Full Version : The Pushup Program

04-15-2002, 07:19 PM
I'm doing that 100 push up program. I'm currently on week 4. Man that 7-7-15-15 is impossible! Was it the same for you guys as well?

04-15-2002, 07:36 PM
whats with all the pu questions all the sudden? here, try my routine

That program seems good, but i just wanted to share my program, which everyone whos tried it find it most effective.

warmup-- normal pu position- go down, count 1. then quickly put out 2, then 3. when u first start, try to get to 5. i'm at 10, which is plenty, its 65 altogether. but i add 1 slow pu between counts. so its like 1 fast, 1 slow, 2 fast, 1 slow, 3 fast, 1 slow...
thats the warmup

all the amounts are the same, i suggest starting at 15 or 20 each position, rest 45-100 sec between sets.
pu1- normal pu position
pu2- dimond position
pu4- hard to explain, lie on back, point toes, and position hands directly below shoulders. like a backupward pu almost. this will get ur triceps JACKED! keep ur body straight
pu5- get 3 chairs, feet on 1 chair, hands on other 2. do pushups so ur chest goes below the chairs. just do as many as u can.
pu6- on all fingers, this will take some practice
pu7-on fists
pu8- get a chair with arms, with feet on table and hands on the arms, do dips. keep ur body straight and only move arms.
pu9- advance- go down, come up, then quickly go down and push up very hard to throw urself to one side. like 45 degree angles.
go down, then push urself onto a higher surface. then pushup and back down.

every week or 10 days, add 4 or 5 EACH TYPE! so when u start, ur doing around 110-150. by the end ur doing 500+. do this every 2 days. just breathe, keep ur stomach in and dont stop pushing. if it helps, i was in the army, so i know all about pushups heh

I reached my 500 mark this week. hehe. so starting in May, i'll add weights. This program will get ur triceps JACKED! and ur chest really cut up


04-15-2002, 07:39 PM
oh and where can i find info on this 100 pu program? just want to compare it with mine. i love mine though hehe, as of right now, my max is 75 with feet on chair. probably 100+ with feet on ground

04-15-2002, 07:48 PM
ok, i just tested myself on that pu program thing. i tried the week 9 part, not a bad program. i did with feet on chair, i dont know if this affects it in anyway. my only problem is whats with the long rest periods? thats way to long! 90 is the most u should rest. i did em all just fine, had little trouble with the triangle cause its hard to bring ur chest all the way down on those. when u do that program, then u can move on to mine, hehe. i do 10 different types instead of 3 though. am i a conceited jerk or what? hehe

04-15-2002, 09:23 PM
um, dude no offence but I still think there's something funny about your 500 pushups per day program/routine thing. Are you going down all the way? Are you bouncing? Do you have a full range of motion?

Just out of curiosity, how many can you do in one all out set of regular pushups? I'm not going to brag, because I can only do like 65 in one set before I fail. But, pushup endurance is not my goal right now.

I like the partials aspect of the one I posted. But hey, to each his own =D


04-15-2002, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Kumkuat
I'm doing that 100 push up program. I'm currently on week 4. Man that 7-7-15-15 is impossible! Was it the same for you guys as well?

You could do 30 regular pushups before you started, right? That's the prerequisite. Are you doing any other training that might interefere? Those are the only things I can think of.


04-15-2002, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by IronFist

You could do 30 regular pushups before you started, right? That's the prerequisite. Are you doing any other training that might interefere? Those are the only things I can think of.


Yes, I could do 30 (barely) before I started. My friend is also doing this with me and he could do around 40 before he failed. My friend is also having an impossible time on the 7-7-12-12 sets.

I am doing other training, but I don't think it should interfere with the pushups. I'm working on my pull ups. Doing some squats and some stance training. I workout about 5-6 hours a week on the average.

04-16-2002, 01:09 AM
Is it the same one?

If it is I was going to do it 'Calvins' way, but realised that to get from doing 30 to 100 pushups in 10 weeks meant that all I needed to do was add an extra pressup each day (10 x 7 = 70+30=100)

I didn't do one every day but added two every other day, managed to keep this going until I reached 60 odd, but then it started affecting my other training so I called the experiment off.

I was working out at the time 5-6 hours a DAY and still managed to make those gains. Just wondered if anyone had done similar but managed to keep it up to the 100 mark?


04-16-2002, 09:41 AM
iron fist, yeh i do full motion about 90% of the time. i look up and go down till my chin hits the ground, which is about level to chest. just make sure i stay looking up and not down. oh and iron fist,i posted my workout stats somewhere.... u can see the results