View Full Version : A violent tendancy?

04-16-2002, 02:22 PM
Anyone else get into the martial arts to fight? Seriously, it seems like it is not politically correct to want to fight. Does that make me odd, or maybe a violent individual?
I have never had the urge to hit or harm anyone in day to day life at all. I have only been in two street fights ever, I have talked myself out of maybe a dozen. (OK not including the military service! :) ) I dont feel especially violent even when I am angry, but for some reason I really want to fight.
Everytime I say that people around me cringe a little, my friends even tease me just a little, while standing far away :), about it.
I gues sI dont see anything wrong with that how about you guys and gals?

04-16-2002, 02:32 PM
It's ok to want to fight.

It not ok to want to hurt people or yourself.


Tae Li
04-16-2002, 02:33 PM
I see where your coming from Red5Angel...I didnt get into Martial Arts for dicpline and a hobbie and all that Bogus Bogus i used to hear about, I got in so i could defend myself, fight and kick people's assess if neccessary:D

But noe, I mean almost six years ahead, I think its great that i got into it, but its no longer about proving myself to anyone...I mean I think I have an advantage because I get to kick serious arse in tournaments, but apart from that...and being alot more mature;) I dont think that way anymore.

I thing 5angel, you just need more time...yep...the way your thinking in my opinion is not wrong...Sifu's may say it is;) but I think that everyone needs time to truly realise where they are in MA, and why they are STILL in it...is it really to prove oneself and express anger out on ther people by showing them you are stronger and faster? Or is something deeper?

Just some thoughts:)

Tae Li;)

04-16-2002, 02:36 PM
Nothing wrong with it if your motivation is pure. You probably have an itch for competition. I'd go and fight in any of those venues, MMA is a great one, if I were you. :)

Good luck!


04-16-2002, 02:37 PM
the reason you train keeps changing as you evolve and develop ur skill :)


04-16-2002, 02:42 PM
JWT - good way of puttin it!

Tae Li - thanks for understanding, its hard to explain, I dont really want to get in to the ring to hurt people, I think I just want to test myself? If that makes any sense. I tested myself alot in the military, I faced a lot of fears. Now I think that fighting in tournemants is my next test. Couldnt exactly say why I feel the need to test myself this way, adrenaline junky maybe? I dont have a whole lot of pent up anger, and I definitely dont need to prove myself to anyone, except for maybe me.

I think like Dezhen says, you go through phases, like you outlined Tae Li, you started because of self defense and health, moved on to kickin ass, now you do it because it is a part of you.

Ryu my brother, I am workin on it, I am still young in my ma career, but I figure in another year and a half or so I shall be ready......

04-16-2002, 02:44 PM
Whats really ironic about wanting to fight? at home I am the one who is always walking bugs outside, like spiders, I dig spiders, but I am always walking them outside cause I hate to kill the little guys. Their just boogeyin around doin their little buggie things, no reason to brin the hammer down on that!

04-16-2002, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by red5angel
Their just boogeyin around doin their little buggie things, no reason to brin the hammer down on that!

How could anyone fear you in MMA? :D

Nah, I agree - life is precious. Fightin' is OK, but you must know where to draw the line. And killing buggie things is WAY past it! :)

04-16-2002, 02:49 PM
LOL @ DS! Dont make me come over there an... Awe shucks, your way too cute and your just scurryin around doin your thing..... :p

04-16-2002, 03:00 PM
I kill spiders on site. Just for the thrill of the kill.

I got into ma because I have a list of people whos jaws and other body parts need to be injured as soon as the appropriate level of skill has been reached for each of those people

Its not a grudge thing really, some people actually made it onto the list by random or by suggestion from other persons.

04-16-2002, 04:07 PM
Nothing wrong with wanting to learn to fight - after all we are talking about the martial arts. But I think it is important that while you learn to fight, you also learn when it is appropriate to use those skills.

04-16-2002, 04:23 PM

I understand where you are comin from.

But I think your perception of fighting and testing will change as you grow in MA.


04-16-2002, 06:46 PM
I got into Escrima because my dad was impressed that I could carry a railroad tie by myself at 10 years old and decided to teach me. (hey, I had to finish building the garden before he would let me and my brother go play and it was taking forever with the two of us on each tie.) I started training in Judo at 12 because my brother asked his best friends older brother, a 2nd dan at the time to train me because he feared for my life with dad beating on me with sticks.:D It goes on from there. I've never actualy sought out any MA, only Chi Gong. It's just bean offered to me over the years and liking the company I went along with it. I still don't like to fight, but I do it. Sort of like the idea of doing two things every day that you really don't like for spiritual growth. That's easy. I get up, I go to bed.:p

04-16-2002, 06:59 PM

Fighting in a ring is only one possibility of testing your MA skill.

The most common form of testing normally is when you do your Forms, SLT, Chi Sau & free sparring.


Din Gao
04-17-2002, 05:59 AM
I see nothing wrong with studying martial arts and wanting to fight, in the sense of testing yourself. Afterall, that is why it is called a martial art. The only problem is when the motivation is from the the willful intent to harm others.

I can honestly say that I did not join out of a desire to "fight". I fought way too much growing up in Philly. I guess I had alot of anger inside me. You can hurt people just as easily without training as with training.

As I matured (in a relative sense :D ) I joined because it is what I always wanted to do since those Saturday afternoons watching Black Belt Theater. I joined for myself, to learn something of value.

Having said that it is nice to have the ability/skill that a martial art teaches as well as its other merits. Afterall, if there is anything I learned, fights will happen and never when you expect it. I just hope for the strength to walk away.

04-17-2002, 06:04 AM
I want to fight!!

Its exciting.

But I don't want to get seriously hurt, and I don't want to seriously hurt others. I think fighting is a part of being able to defend yourself, and I want to defend myself, so I want to fight!!


Ray Pina
04-17-2002, 06:05 AM
Funny, there wasn't a conscious decision on my part to get into the MA. My father said I was running around the house Karate chopping everything, he worked with a guy who had a school, and so at 4 he signed me up. One day I woke up a black belt. Dropped out for a few years then got back.

Now I'm studying internal.

Somewhere along that route I decided that if I'm going to be a MA I have to be good, not at forms or postures, but with my hands and feet -- in combat. Its not a violent tendencie for me, just the opposite. It's love. I love this stuff.

With that said, when I face off with someone, its them vs me. Do or die. That's what the training is about.

04-17-2002, 06:14 AM
Sound slike alot of you understand what I am talking about. I have no wish to hurt anyone, just fight! Hopefully that means only egos are getting the worse beating.....

Its funny though how being in the martial arts can seem like a different culture altogether at times. I felt the same way when I was in the Marine Corp. People assumed I was some sort of hardcore killing machine, and I caught hell for it often enough.

I enjoy the martial arts for alot of other reasons as well, I am healthier for it. I am more confident for it, although according to my wife I do not need anymore of that!

04-17-2002, 06:19 AM
Started because I wanted to hit people. Continue becuase I still want to hit people but in a different way.

04-17-2002, 06:26 AM
Fighting is like chocolate cake, or whiskey.

It's great, but you can't eat it or drink it all of the time. And the older you get, the harder it is to recover.

Learn what you can, respect, your opponents as human beings, and whoop arse.

People tend to not like to hear about "fighting" and how much you like to do it. It imposes on their feeling of safety. Perhaps "competing" is a better word.

As long as you are happy, progressing, and not making any enemies...enjoy.

Din Gao
04-17-2002, 06:30 AM

That is funny. I got into boxing as a kid (which does develop violent tendencies IMHO) as a way to get out of playing baseball. I was horrible at it. Didn't have the attention span fo it but my mother made me play to keep me out of trouble.

My father boxed in the Army so I thought that would be a good way to get out of playing baseball. Getting smacked around daily was much more preferable to getting chasing down fly balls in the deep roving outfield of little league.

No offense to baseball fans.