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10-01-2001, 01:12 AM
If you had one martial arts wish what would it be?

Mine would be for my sifu to have two hot daughters who both couldn't keep their hands off me (at the same time) :eek:

"We had a thing to settle so I did him"
Tamai, 43, was quoted by Police as saying.

Chang Style Novice
10-01-2001, 01:16 AM
Same wish as in every other area of my life - more time and discipline.

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10-01-2001, 01:24 AM
Phoenix, wouldn't your sifu kill you if he caught you with both of his daughters?

10-01-2001, 01:26 AM
He wouldn't catch me - I'm a bloody fast runner.

"We had a thing to settle so I did him"
Tamai, 43, was quoted by Police as saying.

10-01-2001, 01:27 AM
My one m/a wish would be too fight like Jet Li does in his movies effectively (pretty as all hell, including the power to kick things weighing several tons and not hurt my foot, while causing mass destruction to all 900 of my opponents).

Yeah....or maybe to be a SuperSaiyan.


We are trained in wushu; we must protect the Temple!

10-01-2001, 01:53 AM
to be a super sayen... how good would that be. talking of wich. seriously, do the characters in DBZ have a fighting style of the common world? aside from the flying and Ki throwing? i always wondered :D


*Qui semme le vent, recolte la tempete!*

10-01-2001, 02:41 AM
why your sifu's daughters? Freak. That mean you want to do your sifu.

10-01-2001, 02:41 AM
To live in southern california.

Free thinkers are dangerous!

10-01-2001, 04:06 AM
to have started when I first wanted to. I saw Bruce Lee in the Green Hornet, and I was hooked-that was in '67, and I was about 10, and my parents wouldn't let me. When I turned 15, I started hitch-hiking to train under a northern siu-lum Sifu,which went on for 2 1/2 yrs before my parents found out. I also dojo hopped for awhile, so what I really wish is to have started in a good hard-core style at 10 yrs old, and stayed with it.Now my wish is to meet Sifus whos characters are as good as their Gung-Fu.

Jeff Liboiron
10-01-2001, 04:22 AM
I wish i had 2 legs (i'm missing my right one), and this way i would have good kicking ability

Chang Style Novice
10-01-2001, 04:45 AM
Ooh, starting training 20 years earlier! Good one.

Gongfu genie, that's my second wish, if you're listening.

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10-01-2001, 04:51 AM
My wish is that there would be no hatred - and thus no need for martial arts whatsoever.

Chang Style Novice
10-01-2001, 04:55 AM
Hey, Huang. I don't know if you saw it, but I was serious about burning some L. Subramaniam CDs for you if you'd like.

I mean, just in case you don't have enough startlingly brilliant violin recordings in your life already. I'll repeat - one of them is duets with Stephane Grappelli.

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10-01-2001, 05:02 AM
I wish things could be the way the used to be without guns and that crap, so that it would actually take skill to fight and kill people and not just some lame ******* who can pull a trigger. I want there to be a need for martial arts again, and a greater appreciation for them.


10-01-2001, 05:31 AM
Thanks for the offer Ch'ang Style Novice, but I can BUY my own Subramanian CDs. So I'll accept the generosity but not the gift.

I should send you some of MY own violin playing clips, Ch'ang Style Novice. You'll hear playing of a sort that hasn't been heard in 100 years.

Since I can't have that "anti-hate" wish of mine fulfilled, I'll simply try to:

1) become a true kung fu master
2) open my own school
3) be content in life.

Johnny Hot Shot
10-01-2001, 05:35 AM
To be Immortal.

"Life's a great adventure, mate."
Jacko Jackson

10-01-2001, 05:35 AM
Here are my wishes, in succession.

1. I want to become a grandmaster of northern Shaoling Kung Fu

2. I want to discover that the "Chi" in Dragonball Z is really real and I will learn it from a dying Martial Arts Master.

3. I will become all-powerful and be able to do everything that the strongest Saiyan ever did, and use it for the good of all and vanquish all evil beings on earth.

:) Hey, it could happen. (Not)

"****ed be the day that befalls us in a most hostile manner that shall compromise our Country, and ****ed be the great lengths at which are required of to stir our Patriotism." - Anonymous

10-01-2001, 05:37 AM


Chang Style Novice
10-01-2001, 05:44 AM
Huang - I'd love to hear it. I'm a fan of all kinds of music. Email me at austin@swinburn.net if you're serious about sending me some fiddly goodness (no sound files please, I'm on dialup.)

I didn't mean to imply that you'd be unable to buy your own stuff, just that someone as seemingly immersed in the western classical canon as yourself might not be familiar with the wonders of the Karnatic tradition.

If you'd like suggestions, I recommend

The Irresistible Dr. L. Subramaniam
Jugalbandhi Live in Geneva, with Ustad Bismillah Khan
The Violin Trio, with L. Shankar and L. Vaidyanathan
and of course,
Conversations, with Stephane Grappelli

I think all of these are available online at www.khazana.com (http://www.khazana.com)
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10-01-2001, 06:16 AM
I wanna be a bad ass Saiyajin prince like Vegeta, hes mean, tough and the second most powerfull (only loses to Goku).

You should say Saiyajin like in the japanese version :)

Gogeta is my favourite in Dbz, for those that dont know he is the fusion of Goku and Vegeta.
Wich person on the forum would you like to fuse to?


I am the great grandmaster and Soke of RoShamBo south park style.
"I kick you in the nuts as hard as I can and then you kick me in the nuts as hard as you can."


10-01-2001, 02:30 PM
I was gonna go for less joint problems but, Jeff, you kind of made that a petty thing. :D

What is it like doing MA with one leg? Do you have enough "bounce" in the new one to be mobile?

Ben Laden, your operation was good; real good in fact. But you fu*ked up one little thing... you didn't get all of us.

10-01-2001, 03:15 PM
I'd wish my injured knee would heal without surgery.

"She ain't got no muscles in her teeth."
- Cat

10-01-2001, 05:07 PM
I don't know if the martial arts in DBZ was based on anything in specific, however, if you ever watched the old Dragonball series with Goku as a kid, you may recall that Master Roshi was referred to as the "turtle hermit". Now, if memory serves, turtles in Chinese lore are considered the greatest chi 'masters' because supposedly they breathe through their skin and thus live for a LONG time because of this advanced technique. Maybe there is a connection there?

We are trained in wushu; we must protect the Temple!

10-01-2001, 05:26 PM
I wish I didn't "flail" as much.


If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that the villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. MOV

10-01-2001, 05:32 PM
Dating your sifu's daughter(s) should enhance your training greatly.

If it goes well, you'll be opened up to a new world of pain and humility while he judges whether or not you are fit to date his daughters.

If it ends badly, you'll be opened up to a new world of pain and humility while he decides which way he's going to slowly kill you!


10-01-2001, 07:27 PM
That way it wouldn't come true.

"Pain is only natures way of telling you're in terrible agony"

10-02-2001, 04:44 AM
I only need one kf style

praying mantis, the ulitmate matial art ;)

Prana-quit writing in that pagan language and write in descent Christian English for a change! :D lol I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.You may do with me whatever you wish.

Xebsball and Silumkid- the fighting styles on the dragon ball sagas change.Even though it is heavily kenpo influenced you'll see goku as a boy doing the five animals at the begining.Other than that it's just kenpo all the way till dbz.There's a part where goku goes into the past and sees master roshi when he was younger (who was in love with fan fan at the time) and his teacher.His teacher clearly exlains that they do kenpo.

"Always be ready"

"right, that's it!you've insulted me, and you've insulted the shaolin temple!"-Fish of Furry

10-02-2001, 05:10 AM
My wish would be to just play a form.. And for me to be happy with how i did for once.. Seems like not matter what I do I am never happy with myself.


www.kungfuexchange.com (http://www.kungfuexchange.com)

10-02-2001, 06:37 AM
Think back to the orginal dragon ball...

Tenshinhan and chaozu studied under Tsurusennin (crane master)

Son Gokou trained under Kamesennin (turrle master)

Yamcha studied a style patterned after the wolf. (think of his energy technique - Rouga fu fu ken, or something.)

Before Krillin began studying under kamesennin, he was a monk - maybe he studied shaolin

I believe those were the only styles listed in the series, however, in the tournaments, there are several fighters that don boxing gloves and others with their hands and feet wrapped - boxers and thaiboxers perhaps. (yes, I am a DBZ fanatic. I tape the episodes, have most of the japanese movies and my sons room is dragon ball - he loves it too.)

"You ain't got enough calcium to have a bone to pick wit me,
like a Gracie, I'll choke a ***** out wit his own gi" - Rass Kass

10-02-2001, 06:39 AM
As for the MA wish - Only to be the best MA I can be - However, bukujutsu (flying) and ki blasts would be cool too!

"You ain't got enough calcium to have a bone to pick wit me,
like a Gracie, I'll choke a ***** out wit his own gi" - Rass Kass

10-02-2001, 06:43 AM
I wish that I had good health and a less fat body so that I could train more fully. :)

You're fu(king up my chi

10-02-2001, 03:14 PM
To get to spar with this girl I really, really, REALLY like (she doesn't practice martial arts though.) Just for fun. Sucks though, she moved about 1500 miles from me last summer. :mad:

I'd grapple with her though mostly. :D


10-03-2001, 06:12 PM
to have the ability to complete any technique with perfection(perfect speed-power-balance)

10-03-2001, 06:35 PM
i wish the holodeck was real.

this way i could train in the most realistic way possible without endangering myself or others. how much more effective would training be if you actually practiced breaks full force against a fighting opponent all the time. a couple months training like this and a side kick to the knee would be a legitiment fight ender (not that it isn't now, but it's going to be allot harder to land successfully the way we have to train).

plus i would . .. .

well i would do what ever guy in here do when he knew he wasn't going to be interupted.

where's my beer?

10-03-2001, 06:45 PM
GunnedDown: It is funny that you made that wish as you might be interested to know the government has already designed full scale holography rooms. A friend of mine working for a government branch was toured in a facility in florida in 1992, and brought into a large room with panels on the walls. He was told to get in the center of the room and the guy who was touring him (this was on a military compound) went into a control room. After about 30 seconds, a human hand appears in the center of the room, with fingers extended and moving. He told me it had perfect detail of a real human hand.

He said that this was in 1992, and he is certain that at that time they could do more then what he was shown. He said he is fairly assured that by now full room/scenes can be generated.

And a great major in college right now is Computer Science with a direction towards holography if you really want to get into what I personally believe will be the cutting edge technology shortly.

- Nexus