View Full Version : So whats your best technique?

04-19-2002, 06:52 PM
Which combination is your best, or the one your most skilled in.

A good one for me is both arms up (of corse) Then a quick dodge and weave with a left jab followed by a solid right hook to the side of the head, then a double round house kick (if needed, I'm really good at them)

This combo flows well with me and I just feel really comfortable with it.

How bout you?

04-19-2002, 07:20 PM
Tun You Shi Puo, Xiuzhi and Yanjeung


Sum Sing Wong
04-19-2002, 07:30 PM
I use lots of kicks. My instructor says that it is unique for a big guy like me to have good kicks, most people that I spar expect me to be sluggish. My favorite combo is; throw a couple back leg inside cresents and then throw a fake one and turn it into a back leg jumping roundhouse (thats the best way I can explain it) and then I follow it up with a spinning back or spinning hook. I also use my hands alot, I just kinda throw stuff out linking them into decent combos, unfortunatly i never remember what I just did.

04-21-2002, 07:16 AM
Hey Logic that sounds like Karate or kickboxing to me.where is your Ballet Fu.

David Jamieson
04-21-2002, 07:33 AM
The one that works. :)

In all seriousness, the best techniques a person can have are the ones they have spent time extrapolating and refining and of course using.


Sum Sing Wong
04-21-2002, 12:19 PM
This is true. But, I think that there are certain things that just come more natural to me then others.

04-21-2002, 12:53 PM
where were you when Ralek was here?

Mr Nunchaku
04-21-2002, 01:45 PM
I really like knife hands. For blocking, striking, grabbing they are very good and I use them quite a bit.

old jong
04-21-2002, 02:52 PM
I like to run on the walls for a while to get my opponent dizzy and disoriented and then insert a needle in the back of his neck with my mouth for a finish!...But, my punch on the nose is a lot better! ;)

Tae Li
04-21-2002, 05:46 PM
I agree with Kung Lek! well said !;)

but seriously who needs technique sometimes? dont even give the other person a chance to move in, stand in any stance and lift your leg with a forward axe kick as soon as they move in, slam it down!

always works in tournaments, but thats cos they are bad fighters, hehehehe

you need to be quick for this one, and be waery on kungfuers cos they may move just as fast for a 'side' attack.

Tae Li;)

04-21-2002, 06:52 PM
Tinman, your not real bright ,are you?

Before you make such a stupid comment I think you should read the persons profile.

Not everyone on this board does C.M.A.

Yes, the technique I discribed is karate with the balance of Kung Fu (but I didn't want to try to explain that one)

If you would have seen my profile you would see I am versitle in a few forms of martial arts.(over 21 years experiance) and a few fights under my belt.I also grapple.

I'm 5' 11" 210 lbs of solid muscle.
What I'm trying to say is "you don't want non of this"

You should watch what you say to certain people.
You could get more than what you bargained for.

you have 5 years in goju ryu,WELL I got ya beat kid!


Next time do your homework.

yu shan
04-21-2002, 08:57 PM
Mr Nunchaku,

Be very careful of those wonderful TKD knife hands, if you go up against a CMA, well lets put it this way, you will not be holding a pen for awhile!

In Mantis Kung Fu, we condition for, both giving, and receiving punishment. Mantis boxing covers the full spectrum, yada yada! Sorry folks, just have no respect for the korean arts...very limited, and historically beat the cr*p out of them. A young art that dwells on money making, especially in USA.

The trouble with most of these CMA wantabes, they are clueless to the hidden Chinese Treasures. If you have a question about my Mantis, it is called Pong Lai Wu Ji Tong Long Mun.

Tae Li
04-21-2002, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by yu shan
Mr Nunchaku,

Be very careful of those wonderful TKD knife hands, if you go up against a CMA, well lets put it this way, you will not be holding a pen for awhile!

In Mantis Kung Fu, we condition for, both giving, and receiving punishment. Mantis boxing covers the full spectrum, yada yada! Sorry folks, just have no respect for the korean arts...very limited, and historically beat the cr*p out of them. A young art that dwells on money making, especially in USA.

The trouble with most of these CMA wantabes, they are clueless to the hidden Chinese Treasures. If you have a question about my Mantis, it is called Pong Lai Wu Ji Tong Long Mun.

Yu Shan... Its people like you who make me laugh...please dont be modest or anything you macho macho person you who can kick the arses of all Korean style fighters...:rolleyes:

Please DO brag more about Matis conditioning, u may just be the one person who can put me to sleep;)

Dont get personal, its a question about YOUR best technique, not how someone elses technique is not good enough for your FAR TOO GOOD KUNGFU fighting....:rolleyes:

stick to the question will ya? want to start criticism of TKD the start your own thread, where other self-centred people like yourself can mingle.

Tae Li;)

Martial Joe
04-21-2002, 09:20 PM

The GREat Ro0ster
04-21-2002, 09:29 PM
leg kicks

04-21-2002, 10:21 PM
i dont focus on any technique.... im trying to get perfect my body structure :)

once i have that it wont matter what technique i do... theyre just different strap-on tools


04-22-2002, 01:19 AM
What the ****s's the matter with you lot?

Logic - bit over the top don't you think? What Tinman pointed out was actually true, as you admit yourself, so why don't you stop looking for an excuse to show off eh? ;)

Yu Shuan -" if you go up against a CMA, well lets put it this way, you will not be holding a pen for awhile! "

Only if the person's CMA is better than his KMA.

"In Mantis Kung Fu, we condition for, both giving, and receiving punishment"

No, I've never seen a MA that trained like that before. :rolleyes:

"Sorry folks, just have no respect for the korean arts...very limited, and historically beat the cr*p out of them. A young art that dwells on money making, especially in USA"

I'm not even going to pick this one apart, suffice it to say you are an arsehole.

I agree with TJD. All my techniques are fairly ropey.

04-22-2002, 02:02 AM
I am versitile on for both Gung Fu and Kung Fu.
One of them I use to play paddy cakes with my niece. However, when I get into a really dangerous situaiton, I will just use my "ultimate death stare" and their heart will explore.

Anyway seriously, I think my best one is a upright wave over the eyes, if they don't block I'll just go straight for it, and if they do, a drop to a crouching position for a killer to the man's treasure.

I think the sudden drop knocks them off cause most people are not use to their opponent "disappearing" from sight. If you ever faced someone like that, you will know what I mean

04-22-2002, 02:19 AM
Six Strengths.

04-22-2002, 05:40 AM
Single palm change and spinning into rear palms.

When i want to really annoy people i switch to Hung and try to punch peoples punches. The best are the elbow out style punchers who usualy provide a nice soft forearm perfect for uppercuts. More annoying are short hand stylists who tend to have there elbows in and flick there punches much more causing me to frequently hit there elbows and stuff my hands :( Still they often fall prey to right angle hooks but it becomes then harder to judge them.
Breif note... This technique is NOT safe or a good idea in 'real' fighting. It works great to REALLY agrivate your friends but on the street the risk of blowing it and ruining your hand thereby your game is just to great.
I have a pretty well conditioned hand but it still comes a cropper pretty often:(
Im SO glad i tend to use more palm strikes these days.
The Bagua single palm in its full glory is a fight ender, i would honestly doubt someone who didnt know the movement would be able to suffiently defend it to not then recieve the followups. It might sound argent but there are some moves that are geninely VERY hard to get out the way of and thats certainly one of them. I use it in sparring often but without the leg work, that is one movement i would use without reservation on the street.

04-22-2002, 05:44 AM
my old karate sensei used to punch my punch and kick my kick. Also use his elbow (from his guard) to hit the top of my hand or foot. At first i thought he was just being silly, but it works pretty well :D

really hurts your hands when ur on the recieving end though :(


04-22-2002, 07:10 AM
So many BJJ techs that I like to use.
My favourite is probably the rear naked choke,gotta love that technique :)

04-22-2002, 07:44 AM

04-22-2002, 08:39 AM
My best kick is probebly side-kick.
Best punch is probebly right hook.
Best elbow is probebly a step-in side elbow. Or just a single right left comb.
Best throw is Hip throw or Flip-throw.
Best chin Na is... uh I don't have a name on the technique.
Best knee attack is elbow-grab-head-straight-knee
Best sweep is Front Sweep.

Interesting topic, thx

04-22-2002, 08:39 AM
My best kick is probebly side-kick.
Best punch is probebly right hook.
Best elbow is probebly a step-in side elbow. Or just a single right left comb.
Best throw is Hip throw or Flip-throw.
Best chin Na is... uh I don't have a name on the technique.
Best knee attack is elbow-grab-head-straight-knee
Best sweep is Front Sweep.
Best ground tech is Spider-lock.

Interesting topic, thx

04-22-2002, 08:47 AM
why double post?? WTF???

04-22-2002, 01:31 PM
I wouldn't have reacted that way if it was almost anyone else saying what tinman said.

Most of the time he has a rotten attitude on any martial art that isn't karate.

Also he insulted me when he referred to my Kung Fu as ballet Fu.

yu shan
04-22-2002, 10:06 PM
Tae Li

Well Well Well, some good ole tkd insecurity. Ya get your little tail feathers ruffled a bit, cause you do a cra**y style, yet you idealize Jet Li.

Try your tkd axe kick, I have a nice surprise for ya, wont share what. Your going down a dead-end road anyway.

Oh yea, a very simple tech against your simple style, stomp on foot, bust your teeth, ta da!

04-22-2002, 10:09 PM

You're a punk Yu Shan.

04-23-2002, 12:29 AM
Apologies, I wasn't aware you had some prior history with Tinman. Sorry, shouldn't have interfered.

Yu Shuan, I'd love to test your conditioning. :rolleyes: :)

04-23-2002, 12:51 AM
yu shan
Usualy i woudlnt bother but if your going to pick on a friend of mine please at least have the insight to not riddle your post with misconceptions and outright laughable mistakes.

"Try your tkd axe kick, I have a nice surprise for ya, wont share what."
* My money says you have never tried to defend against a well placed axe kick and as such dont even know yourself what your nice surprise is. For your sake i hope its a more intelligent counter than this brilliant peice of advice...

"a very simple tech against your simple style, stomp on foot, bust your teeth,"
* How exactly do you intend to get close enough to 'stomp her foot' without dealing with her leg and all her body wieght dropping onto you with enough combined preasure to be capable of shattering bricks?
Your tactic would get you nothing but a broken nose (if you got out lucky).
Serioulsy thats the stupist defence im yet to hear, i use axe kicks and ive sparred pleanty of others who use them. My advice is get out there are try your foot stomping kung fu and see how far it gets you.

Also i fail to see the relevence of your Jet Li comment. By your logic should she then study wushu? Or maybe what ever system he happens to be using in his latest movie?
Why does her choosen MA system have anything to do with what she finds entertaining to watch?

Whats your favorite technique Yu Shan? Then we can all pick it to peices?
Is the dreaded footstomp followed by the tooth punch?:rolleyes:

04-23-2002, 01:29 AM
His favorite move is:

"Canvas Kiss."

Followed closely by:

"Headbutting the opponents knee,"

The poetic:

"Gushing blood from nose,"

And the

"Golden Prawn." This is also known as "Fierce Fetal Whimpering"

04-23-2002, 03:51 AM
Yu Shan: interesting to see how different people interpret a thread called 'So what's your best technique?'... don't you think? How come you were the only one who interpreted it as 'Let's bash KMA!' Have you ever been hit with an axe-kick? Bloomin' hurts! A well done kick is not something you really see coming, especially from such an unorthadox angle. Very difficult to defend against. But of course you have your 'mantis conditioning', so that won't matter... :) Not like any other styles of MA have that as well...

MP: lmao man :D

Anyway, my favourite technique... don't really have one :p I'm still trying to 'unlearn' all my previous training so i can concentrate solely on Wing Chun. Right now i like the basics: lap da, tan da, pak da... they feel nice. I also like some of the aikido i have learned before: ikkyo and tenchin nage, as well as shiho nage, they flow really well and are things i've used a lot before.


04-23-2002, 03:58 AM
There's always the spitting backfist...

04-23-2002, 10:01 AM
i believe yu shan is highlighting his best technique for us. 'rectal discourse' (talking out his arse).

and now that i've spoken out, he'll probably come over and foot stomp me.

well bring the pain, tough guy. you wanna do the dance of destruction with the belle of the ball?! you wanna throw down with papa bear?!!

oh, hang on. the paxil's come loose yet again.


ah. all's well again.


Mr Nunchaku
04-23-2002, 08:30 PM
Heh, I was going to say something back to him but everyone's already done a better job than what I could have come up with, so all have to say is, "Yeah! What they said!".

Mr Nunchaku
04-23-2002, 08:32 PM
BTW, you are saying someone is insecure when you are the one who is saying how much better you are. It sounds like you are the one that's insecure.

04-24-2002, 03:54 PM
I have read your profile and now I know that I should check peoples profile before I post.I see you have about 9 years of shorin ryu karate.It's not your 3 1/2 years ofKUNG fu I would be cautious of at all. It's your time spent in shorin ryu I would most fear.I can't understand why you would leave your karate.

That being said, it is you yourself that admits that a karate technique is your best technique.

Please don't get mad, I'm just stating my point of view.

04-24-2002, 06:24 PM
Tinman quick Ralek says your style is trash. Show him your superior fighting style. Hyyaaaa

Ralek man, where are you?

04-24-2002, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by NorthernMantis
Tinman quick Ralek says your style is trash. Show him your superior fighting style. Hyyaaaa

Ralek man, where are you?

He's forgotten his password and is stuck using his "Tinman" alias, no doubt....:rolleyes:

04-24-2002, 09:09 PM
A thread with just the karate supremist Tinman and the BJJ filled Relek.:D

Stand back everyone.
This is going to get real messy.