View Full Version : On Line Lessons

fiercest tiger
04-21-2002, 04:06 PM
What do you think about online lessons?

What type of lessons would be best to show?

How much would you pay?

Guys im interested in what you think about this topic, any help would be good.

thanks in advance
Garry:) FT

04-21-2002, 05:02 PM
Sorry, I don't know much about online lessons but these are some (for free) on praying mantis. Persoanlly speaking I would advise against them, I'm sure many people have used them but I don't think you could attain the same level as you could as having a sifu.

http://mitglied.lycos.de/gottesanbeterin/e_training.htm? - Praying Mantis Tutorial

Hope this helps some!

Take care,


04-21-2002, 05:16 PM
Fiercest Tiger.

One quick question.

Why and how would an online Lesson differ from a Book & Video Course?

For me it simply means that 2 media formats now have been combined into 1 media format.

But the restrictions and benefits are still the same.


Tae Li
04-21-2002, 05:39 PM
I agree with Red_Fist...

I truly think that you can RESEARCH a martial art style but to get the experience you need to find a dojo or instructor in person and APPLY the style, no you need to PHYSICALLY HAVE SOMEONE SHOW YOU THE TECHNIQUE.

come on people, its common sense....

Tae Li;)

Royal Dragon
04-21-2002, 05:51 PM
Having done alot of book study, I can tell you that learning the mechnics and power issueing of a style is pretty hard out of a book. You almost NEED a good teacher to get that in your system FIRST. Once you under stand those principals, in your body, not just your head, then book or video learning is fine, and actully enriching.

fiercest tiger
04-21-2002, 06:00 PM
i understand what you mean, but im asking what would you considered as a decent lesson online..sorry my fault for not giving the right question!

what type of info would one put up online?


04-21-2002, 06:15 PM
Ok, this changes things a bit

Personally, I wouldn't put Lessons online, except as a reference for Students and even than I might limit access.

Now if I ran my own Kwoon and had my own Website, I would put basic simple & safe stuff up there that Guys could try at home and tell them if they liked it to come down and check it out.
Kinda like a semi-virtual Trial Lesson.

I know of some Schools that now got a Video hookup to the Net, so that Students can train at home while still listening to a proper class and the Instructor giving corrections.

Again, IMHO, a good idea for an Intro, but not good enough for study.

As for prices. Either do it for free, or for your own students only as a supplimentary stuff.

Of course a 2 way video conferene might work for basic corrections.


Royal Dragon
04-21-2002, 06:15 PM
As much detail as possible