View Full Version : looking for info on "CHA3"

04-22-2002, 12:14 PM
anybody know a website or info on the C H A 3

04-22-2002, 10:55 PM
what is that, a Russian system?

04-23-2002, 04:51 AM
Taomonkey is referring to group which is now an association
C entral H ousing A rea #3

If I'm right based on the teachings of Emperado who brought Kajukenbo to Hawaii and some other guy I don't know his name who taught Kenpo. the two systems were merged which formed into CHA3. these guys were pretty bad ass. They are also pretty strict in they DO NOT promote anyone to Instructor level until after they have completed 20yrs in the system.

I don't know of any websites, but I have a buddy of mine thats in the system which is how I know what little I just posted.
but I can ask him for any info you're looking for


David Jamieson
04-23-2002, 06:00 AM
20 years?

Talk about an overly demanding standard!

I can see practicing and doing a style for a lifetime, but to take lessons for 20 years? There is more at play than learning a style of fighting here. Is there some other equation attached to this?


04-23-2002, 06:55 AM
It sound pretty strange to me that you take a hybrid art that has Kenpo as one of it's major building blocks and then add it to...Kenpo?

As far as the 20 years thing, that doesn't seem so way off to me. 15 years is the average time in the art for our school before black belt. Maybe "instructor" means mastery to them.


04-23-2002, 08:04 AM
Sounds strange but according to the info I got no students are promoted to Instructor level until they have been in the system for 20yrs, now I don't know if that's considered Sr Instructor level or not but its true.

Here is one link but it seems its main topic is the discrepancies
in CHA3 or Kajukenbo
