View Full Version : MMA on the East Coast (Attn Brad Souders)

04-23-2002, 08:33 AM
well, actually attention to any of the MMA types on this board…. A buddy of mine that I train with is buggin me always talking about UFC this Ground fighting that(he's a kung fu guy)… is there any amatuer tournys or MMA schools near and around Maryland…

the reason for the attention Brad is that he's the only one I "know" that is close (PA)… I wouldn't mind loading my buddy up for a road trip so he can at least see what the MMA training is about…

*not a challenge to MMA just tryin to find a reason to road trip*

04-23-2002, 01:21 PM
go to http://www.mma.tv/
check the tournament listings there and ask your question to the guys on the underground forum, they will be able to help you out.

04-23-2002, 01:31 PM
thanx mutant, don’t know y I didn't think to do that….

new orleans was mad fun… I missed the amateur tourny but the let me fight during the fights… tied the first 2 rounds and lost the 3rd… then we all went to bourbon street… hopefully you'll show up in june…

04-23-2002, 07:41 PM

We're in Camp Springs, Maryland, near DC. Come on a saturday. The "fight training," is sporadic because the fighters don't always train on the same schedule, but you'll at least get to roll no gi. Give a little heads up and I'll try to make sure Brett or Jeff or I am there with some fight gloves. Heck, just e-mail me at merryprankster@msn.com. I can give you some more info about "setting something like this," up. There's some stuff that goes on in DC on Friday night w/regards to sparring.

There is also an event called fire and ice in VA Beach that is an excellent venue for beginning fighters. If he wants to actually fight in the event, go to www.goifa.com.

04-24-2002, 06:27 AM
that sounds real cool MP… I'ma run it past him 2nite… the 'Friday in DC' thing I think I was told about that before… hmmmm… I'll be in touch… thanx…

04-24-2002, 07:53 PM
Cool. Just shoot me an e-mail, and I'll help out as much as I can.

I'll even try to find out if we're having class on Friday. Theoretically, there isn't class on the last Friday of every month, but Lloyd's a bit of a training fiend, so... :)

What's his interest? Just curious? Or looking for a school?

04-25-2002, 06:39 AM
he keeps talking about wanting to fight NHB style so I'm TRYING to expose him to whats out there… he wants to be strictly 'traditional', and I'm tryin to show him what the deal is… I'm not tryin to convert him, just to expose him to what goin on… he's 19 so he think he knows everything... he told me he doesn't wanna jump rope with me, it doesn't do anything:rolleyes: ...

I talk to him last night, he said he doesn't wanna do anything until school is out(excuses), but I might come and check yall out, maybe yall can help me with some throws for san shou…

personally, I just like to work out with different people with different methods… u never know, u might learn something…