View Full Version : Inic

04-23-2002, 09:32 AM
and Ironfist, y does it seem like u got a prob with me?

i don't got a prob with u. I have a problem with faulty information. So, whenever anyone says something I disagree with, I voice my opinion. It's a discussion board.

every post i do, u respond with basically "ur bullsh!itting". its getting annoying.

Sorry dude, I do that to everyone :) I'm not trying to be annoying. What am I saying "ur bullsh!itting" about? your workouts? Or the advice you give?

and for my pullups, i do 8 sets of 10. whats so hard to believe about that?

That's very impressive. Most people I know can't even do 1 or 2.

seems like everytime i say something, u come back with "i doubt it", "thats hard to believe",

My hard to believe comment was directed toward starchaser107 and his 100 straight pullups crap.

blah blah blah. u dont seem to believe anything. i'll glady show u what i can do.

I don't believe very much about physical culture, sorry. Do you know why? Because most of what people say is wrong.

i read earlier that ur max was 15. well if thats just doign them cold, thats inaccurate.

Yeah, it ws just one set cold. I consider it accurate, however. Here is my thinking... in real life, you don't often have time to "warm up" for something. It's like when I lift weights, I don't usually do warm up sets even if I go heavy. It trains you to always be ready to go. Maybe I could do more pullups if I warmed up, but I prefer to have a conservative estimate.

and yes i go all the way down and even hold it for 2 secs.

8 sets x 10 reps x 2 extra seconds per rep? Not bad. You've probably got a pretty good grip.

ok, u can respond with ur usual "thats bullsh!it" response... tell me how u really feel!

Sorry dude, but I think that half the time you're trolling. No offence. Tell your Bodybuilder friends that don't know about protein in your European countries that I said hi :)


04-23-2002, 06:25 PM
bleh. i know nothing about all that, but thanks for helping me with my diet inic. if i didnt just eat a chocolate muffin, id probably be getting somewhere too.

04-23-2002, 08:09 PM
one thing i'll never understand is people that do crap for like 2 sets of 5 or whatever.... wtf is that gonna do? y not make it 2 sets of 3 then? and add weight? or better yet, 2 sets of 2.... or maybe 2 sets of 1... that'll jack u up.... i've talked to tons of weight lifters and everyone has there "perfect number".... i laugh at the 3 sets of 3 guys... histerical..... but thats just my view =)

Obviously you've never tried it. You DO add weight each workout. Ever heard of PERIODIZATION? It seems you like to mock strength training. I'm sorry, what percentage of your bodyweight can you deadlift again?

Oh yeah, measure bodyfat by calipers is not very accurate. All that divide this body part by that body part is VERY inaccurate. The best way is to get it done electronically, or if you can afford it, hydrostatically.

Oh yeah, those bodyfat reading scales don't work, either.

If you can see your abs, you're probably at 10% or lower.


04-23-2002, 08:21 PM
hey ironfist
i'm sure we both know that plenty on here speak BS but for what it's worth i think there are plenty who don't.
i personally can't get past 2 pullups but i do have a friend who was doing 120 a day(yes i've seen it, he wanted to make me feel bad)
he is about 6'2 and 75 kilos he can also skip for over 1 hr solid.
admittedly i put this guy in the freak category but i also think that if he can do it so can others.
when he used to train wing chun with us, he now does grappling & boxing, i have seen him leed the class in a single form that took about 1 hr 10 mins.
like i said, he is a FREAK.

04-23-2002, 09:26 PM
inic, your weight routine was geared for size. Mine is not. The people who do things like 2 sets of 5, or, like the one you hate, 3 x 3 are NOT training for size, but for purely strength. So, you say that you laugh at the 3x3 people, but some of them are squatting over 1,000 lbs and you are not.

Now, high reps has its place. However, being able to do 400 pushups does NOT equal strength. If all you train is to be able to do 400 pushups then you will not be able to bench a lot of weight. But, by the same token, I doubt many, if any, people who can bench 600lb could even do 50 pushups.

i just think weights are overhyped and thought of as the end all to getting into shape when there not...

I agree. Weights are NOT the only way to get in shape. However, they are just about the only way to build raw strength. Yes, you can do pushups, and change around hand position, partials, one arm pushups, jumping pushups, etc, and you can do things like Stone Warrior (kung fu strength set), and you can box and hit the bag all day, but none of those will give you a 500lb bench.

i went up to 175lbs... at 5'7" thats too much i think
if i did this whole 2 sets of 5 like u insist, god, my #'s would have been through the roof.

As I've stated before, 2 sets of 5 does not build any size what so ever. In fact, when I started on 2 sets of 5, I lost weight (bf% stayed the same, so it was muscle... which is obvious when I look in the mirror). However, my lifts went up. The only lifts I even bother with now are the big ones... deadlift bench and squat. Isolation movements are worthless.

If you had done 2 sets of 5, your poundages in your lifts would have gone "through the roof."

Once again, 2 sets of 5 does NOT build muscular size. The total volume is too low. In fact, it doesn't even leave you sore the next day, even when you max out.

Anyway dude, I gotta go finish up a C program now so I will talk to you later. Maybe later I'll try to max out in pullups again... but not now because I'm nearing the end of a DL cycle (2 sets of 5, hahaha!) and I need to conserve my strength :)


04-23-2002, 11:21 PM
Ironfist, I'm with you. I'm personally on a mass cycle right now (purely for looks nat'ch ;) ), but ever since I started powerlifting in school the big lifts have seemed to me the only way to go. Squats, Deads, Cleans, etc. along with a healthy dose of Bench Press 'cause I like 'em. I have experienced decent size gain right along with a pure power routine like yours, but upping the number of sets to more like 5 of 5.

Inic, I can't figure out where you're coming from. Why all the hostility? Your routines may be working great for you, but they wouldn't do anything for me because I couldn't care less how many pushups or pullups I can do. I'm working to build power for my Martial Art. High rep wieght training isn't going to help. I'm afraid that Iron's right about that, otherwise those half hour pushup routines we used to do in Kung Fu class would've done something for the scrawny guy who could do 200!

Looks to me like you're just talking about different sets of goals.

04-23-2002, 11:40 PM

It's clear you've never trained for a sport where explosiveness and raw strength are physical attributes that help enormously.

You'll never catch shotputters and discus throwers doing sets of ten unless they are warming up, or if they are freshman and they need to rep the movements :)

I once got hold of Randy Barnes training routine for shot put.

We're talking high pulls, power cleans, explosive partial squats, jump squats etc, for rediculous amounts of weight and all for reps between 1 and 4. Of course, he looks like a large, strong, chunky guy with a thick middle. He's not trying to look cool, he's trying to throw a 16lbs object as far as humanly possible.

Weights like that, and what Iron is talking about, don't really make you all that big (by big I mean physically large, not cut)--that comes mostly from genetics. You aren't going to turn a 180 lb guy into a 220 monster with cuts with these types of lifts. What you WILL get is a 190 ish human with freakishly strong lifts. There's this wierd "hard and thick," look that you tend to get. I don't really know how to describe it, but you just look STRONG--not pretty, STRONG (if you don't have layers of fat).

Look, I'm not trying to "brag," especially because my numbers weren't that impressive, but at 195, on a shot-putting type program I was doing the following 1RM's:

Upper explosive partial squats--590

I never could have gotten there doing the standard bodybuilding nautilus machine type stuff. And it would have been counter productive anyway since that's not the kind of thing I was trying to do.