View Full Version : Sick and tired

Ray Pina
04-23-2002, 10:03 AM
I'm done with the traditional vs non-traditional debate, in fact alittle tired of this board and MA all together -- I think this will be my last post for a while.

Just read Inside Kung Fu at Taco Bell and might as well use it to wipe up when the tacos hit home.

The guy with the fan, quite lauighable and not because of his wushu weapon of choice. His quote: "Most traditionalists focus on discipline and aesthetic form, whereas non-traditionalists place more emphasis on self-defense and combat."

100% backwards. I'm fedup with this debate and topic.

When I think of "tradional" anything, I think of the old timers. Now.

1) Do you think the old time martial (warriors, combatant) artists were concerened with "aesthetics, or getting their a$$ home at night?

So is hopping around acting drunk with a ***eta$$ fan traditional? NO! Not unless you are ready to face off against me with an aluminum baseball bat with said ***ata$$ fan.

I just have nothing to offer this board for now. Don't want to seem negative right now. I'm in a great mood. God really came through for me yesterday and I got hooked up with a nice cheep brand new car -- been ghetto hopping it with a piece of crap for 4 years; brekaing down, no windshield wipers ect. So I'm stoked.

But people ask opinions here, and I have to say, most of the time I just want to reply that what they are asking about is complete crap. So I write around it and be polite and get drawn into arguments.

I'm done -- for now. I do not want to be associate with such nonsese. I want to be considered a martial artist, but how can I in good standing when there are people out there like this? Look at the photos in that article. With the little kid. The guy is beding over for him to hit him in the throat -- no offensive moevemnt on his part at all.

Now, I love children being interested in these arts. Great for them and the arts. I also understand children's -- and even women's -- limits as far as their ability matching up against full-sized men. But teach them reality. Give them the foundation now, so they can add bulk and weight and power later.

This move towards Wushu is pi$$ing me off. I don't know what to do, or what can or if even anything should be done. I'm happy with my training. Couldn't be happier. And I'm looking forward to the day of meeting some true warriors in combat, wether on a mat, in a rind, cage or even a gym somewhere. I do. Working for that now, adding day by day and refining day by day.

But this stuff is killing me, and naming this WuShu $hit as traditional, its a disgrace to the true men who came before us and researched, studied emense hours, compiled and shared this information to arrive to us today. The great men who brought this over to us Westerners and shared this.

It boils my blood.

Sorry for the rant. I don't know why, it just makes me feel like someone is raping my girl when I hear comments like that. I think martial arts and I think of fists and blades. I try to best understand the danger surrouneded in being involved in such "devices of ill omen." The unavoidable conclusion of kill or be killed.

To see some guy in a tootoo hopping around saying ANYTHING about traditional -- no way. Can't take it. I'd rather he take his plastic trought, put it on his amtle and **** the fu(k up. Don't say $hit, enjoy your PERFORMANCE and be on your way.

Royal guards were martial artists. Then there are the unichs who play at the opera house. Some could be MA, most have no balls.

04-23-2002, 10:16 AM
Now with your eyes open, seeing past the "this vs. that", you are on your way to becomeing a true martial artist, I wish you the best.:D

04-23-2002, 10:22 AM
stop this trolling! :)

To be hones there havent been many threads the past few months i've even bothered to open (the title doesnt appeal to me in any way), but i do lurk and read some things.

04-23-2002, 10:30 AM
Efist - I think some of it is just being an 'oldtimer' on this board. For example, when I first got on I asked many obvious questions, to those who knew the answers anyway. Now, many of those questions seem tired and boring. Shaolin is right though, we are on our way!

As for the rest, you are an martial artist, dont worry aout those that arent, and those that pretend to be, or mistake themsleves for them. You know what you have inside you and what it is capable of. The rest of us will be here when you get back!

04-23-2002, 11:34 AM
"I don't know what to do."

:) You sure have a passion about what is wrong with it. Why not write into the magazine?


04-23-2002, 11:41 AM
EF - I am surprised that it took you this long to figure out this board is full of non-sense. In fact, speaking about martial arts at all can be considered non-sensical.

It, like wushu, fun and serves its purpose. Anyway, we'll miss your pointless banter :).

04-23-2002, 11:53 AM
All of what you have said E-Fist is true. I hate "modern" KungFu training.

*I hate the way most modern schools turn it [any style really] into kickboxing with 5mins at the end for forms.

*I hate the way that people pretend that Martial Arts are just about learning discipline and self-control.

*I hate the wave after wave of "next big thing" mentality, from SCARS training to Qi-projection to Navy-Seal systems to "Jeet Quan Do" by "Grandmaster Tao".

*I hate the fact that so many styles I'd like to try are misrepresented by sh!tty Senseis/Sifus who leave me with nothing but a bitter taste.

*I hate the fact that I come here to learn about KungFu and end up arguing with Rolls/Talking about Oatcakes :) or moaning!

F*ck it lets all moan for a while shall we?

04-23-2002, 11:58 AM
ANd I hate the way that d!ckheaded closed-minded people like Ralek claim that ONE style is superior. ANY style can be deadly, two inches of water can kill if used correctly you thick-headed moron!!! If I hit you hard enough with Tofu it will kill!!!


04-23-2002, 12:02 PM
Besides, Inside Kung Fu is a waste of time. I dont like to dig through ads to find the articles. Which I think is ironic because these people who pay for advertising pay the magazine, then you pay for the magazine, just to flip through the ads that have paid the magazine. Which means someone at Inside Kungfu is getting paid waaaaaay too much.

04-23-2002, 12:42 PM
Man, a lot of folks on the rag today, must be that time of the month!!!

This thread cracks me up. Of course there is a lot b.s. martial arts out there, I thought that was obvious to most of us. But who cares? I feel bad for them & think they are silly, but really could care less about what they think or do. They have no affect on what I think or do, so i could give a flying f#ck.
True that it gives people a bad image of martial arts, but that only matters if you care what they think. I don't. I know what I know and I do what I do and I'm happy with it. If some people want to jump around in purple pajamas and indulge in a martial arts fantasy, thats their biz.

And I didnt think anyone really took this board seriously, I sure don't, I just check it out cause i have mad a.d.d. and can't concentrate at work, its a good place to talk some sh!t and have a laugh. :)

And sometimes there is good and interesting info here beyond that. There are some knowlegeble peeps on here too. To think you are above everyone sounds a bit condecending. There is a mix of substance and garbage. It should be easy to see what is what. Everyone is at different stages of understanding and/or different points of view, and that adds a certain entertaining dynamic to the banter.

Sounds like you need to go hit the heavy bag for a while, maybe it all won't seem like such a big freakin deal after you work out your frustration. Or maybe you just need to spend some time with your lady ;)

04-23-2002, 01:58 PM
Personally, I take Inside Kung-Fu in about the same way as I do many of the posts/ers here...good for a laugh once in a while, great for frustration building many a time, but generally vapid. Every once in a while, though, you find that gem that makes it all seem worthwhile. Isn't it a parable for life itself in that respect? Deal with a lot of crap, try not to let it drive you into the ground, and cling to those moments that make life "good".

I'm not really trying to be a metaphysical graffiti artists here, my point is why not try to be one of those shining jewels? Like Ryu suggested, write something...do something. Do your best to show the ignorant masses what your truth is.

In the end, that's all we can do anyways is try.

04-23-2002, 03:48 PM
I'd just like to say that if someone doesn't know how to use their wushu for self defence, then they aren't very good at wushu. This is true for both people who are labled "modernists " and "traditionalists" :-D

04-23-2002, 03:58 PM
I use this board for entertainment first, information second. Sad but true. Unfortunately it has been a little boring lately :(.

I don't mind the traditional vs contemporary arguments, but I don't much like the whole kung fu vs XXX arguments that always seem to pop up. Ultimately tho, you just ignore those threads if you don't like them :)

04-23-2002, 09:46 PM
Well I know I'm the new kid on the block, but as such I thought I'd point out that I've rathered enjoyed some of the BJJ vs. Kung Fu stuff out there. Seeing arguements back and forth on which is better has given me a better understanding of what different styles have to offer, their faults, and thier likes and differences. What's commonly referred to as "Trolling" on this board I see as somewhat healthy, ofcourse all things can be taken to an unhealthy degree, but I see some of the XXXvsYYY as good 'ol fashioned competition only Internet Forum style. I'm sure alot of you compete in MA which is evident even when you shun the actions of trolling, yet still partake in the XXXvsYYY trash talk competition anyway. Even if it's to play the neutral party, your still posting, therefore your participating in the game.

I don't know alot about MA yet, I'm still pretty green, but I think I do know a thing or two about people. And when you get alot of Super serious people together and mix them with alot of misunderstood, people, or people with different or more laxed view on things major friction can often take place.

Evolutionfist, I seriously doubt that you are alone in your beliefs and thoughts. It seems you feel the MA world, or culture, or what ever you call it is being corrupted, and misguided. Things probably are getting twisted and tangled up a bit, as things tend to do in the American culture. Things often have a tendency to untangle themselves as well. It matters not really, seems to me if you really look at things fundamentally from a traditional stand point, then the silent personal triumphs, and gained knowledge of wisdom over years of hard work should be enough for you to stand strong in the face of riticule, slanderism, and painfully ignorant actions, thoughts, or views if that's how you see them.

But that may just be the coffee talking :)

04-23-2002, 10:20 PM
Hell, I just do what I do because it's fun.

I don't stand around worrying about staying alive or using it for self defense or anything else. I just go because I enjoy it. Self defense is an interesting aspect, but not one I ever considered seriously. Call me naive I guess, but I don't live my life wondering what bad thing is going to happen to me next, and how I can prepare for it.

I think people get worked up over this crap WAY too much. I think they take it way too seriously--warrior spirit...heart of a dragon..."I'm a MARTIAL ARTIST," as though it were some sort of calling that only the chosen few could understand.... aaaahhhh!

Sheesh, get over yourself (universal, not directed at anybody specific) already. It's all a freakin game...nothing more. Kinda like the mental masturbation we engage in when we discuss things on this forum.

04-23-2002, 10:45 PM
I still say write something about it. Focus that energy into doing something. With all due respect, some people do feel heated and more passionate about some things then others. That's not always a bad thing. Telling them to get over themselves isn't always the best advice. :) (not arguing with you at all Merry, just giving his view the proper credit too. After all it sucks to really feel passion for something and not have people understand...I feel that quite a bit, but not with martial arts.) People have a wide variety of personalities. I personally think that's a good thing. What is true, however, is that passion about something that never gets put to good use is a tragedy. If your anger about something makes you unable to function or retreat from normal life, etc. then I do think the "get over yourself" advice is the one to take.
Other then that, do something with your feelings. Express them in a creative way.


04-23-2002, 10:51 PM

Actually, what you say makes a lot of sense.

Either get over yourself, or try and make a positive impact. Works for me.

04-23-2002, 10:56 PM
Cheers. :)

04-23-2002, 10:58 PM
Of course, if you get over yourself, AND make a positive impact... THEN you've got bliss :)

04-24-2002, 12:48 AM
"I don't know what to do"

Stop moaning for one.

"But people ask opinions here, and I have to say, most of the time I just want to reply that what they are asking about is complete crap. So I write around it and be polite and get drawn into arguments."

Give us an example. Are you talking about the endless BJJ vs. Kung Fu arguments? Or not?
I would love to know what people ask that is 'complete crap'.

I'm on this board all day, it running behind my work. Keeps me entertained, occupied, learning and debating things. That to my mind is a good thing - there are some rubbishy threads occasionally but this is a public forum.

"I think people get worked up over this crap WAY too much. I think they take it way too seriously--warrior spirit...heart of a dragon..."I'm a MARTIAL ARTIST," as though it were some sort of calling that only the chosen few
could understand.... aaaahhhh!"

Amen to that my brother.

I know you take to your training very seriously
E Fist, but let me tell you how lucky you are to be training with the master you are training with. Most of us don't have that kind of opportunity. Be thankful for it and get on with doing your own thing, because the THAT is the state of martial arts for YOU - training with an excellent and wise Sifu in NYC. Some guy jumping around in shiny blue trousers with a fan is not Kung Fu for you, it is a magazine which you can take or leave.

Does a world class pianist playing the Albert Hall look at Smash Hits magazine (****ty pop mag for 12 year old girls) and say "Oh my god, this is not music! What must the public think?! I must give up the piano!!"

Its not like Inside KungFu is the first crappy MA magazine.

Everyones b!thcing about the quality of conversation here but everyone still hangs around and no-one starts any better threads.


04-24-2002, 06:18 AM
Hmmm. I think he has a legite gripe really. I dont see it as whining anyway. I think the arguments he refers to are the arguments where there are no answers but they crop up almost everyday, for example, groundfighting vs kungfu, old vs new, etc.... They are barely legite arguments, most turn out to be trolls. Some are posted by people who feel they have had an "insight" into something pertianing to the subject.
Any of us who practice martial arts knows these things cant really be answered so why kick the dead horse so often. I wouldnt even mind if they came up every once in a while but it happens atleast weekly.
Anyway Efist, you want to see somthing frustrating, go to the wing chun forum, there are some good guys there and a whole lot of trolls. as a matter of fact, the trolls out number the gems, and the pretentiousness there makes me want to punch someone really hard.

04-24-2002, 06:59 AM
Yeah, he has a legit gripe about the subject matter of some of the threads on the forum, BUT why get upset or angry at an internet forum when you have good training in the real world?
What does it matter? If there's a good thread you want to contribute to, then do it, if not, instead of moaning about it either start a good thread, go to another board or get off the internet and go train.

I am trying to discourage Efist from not posting anymore, because his posts are good. Reality based. I trust his opinion (as much as you should anybody on the internet;) ), so to have him leave because of a few BJJ threads is quite annoying, and unnecessary, IMO.

04-24-2002, 06:02 PM
I'll miss you, Evo, (sniff) gee, I'm gettin kinda misty-seriously, I will miss your posts, they offer a refreshing taste of reality-something that is much needed here. Drop in on occasion, just to snap the dreamers and warriors from Fantasy Island back to the real world!!!!!

04-24-2002, 08:25 PM
This is in response to the first posting of this thread.

I really respect you evolutionfist, you've made a lot of good postings, so i don't want to make enemies over this but:

But this stuff is killing me, and naming this WuShu $hit as traditional,

it's called "modern wushu" becuase it's modern. It was taken from ZhaQuan and Shaolin styles, but even pro wushu atheletes nowadays will tell you , it's NOT traditional. the moves are so skewed from traditional and the applications hidden very very deeply if they still DO exist in the forms, that most ppl who are up to date with wushu will tell you, it's different, it's NOT trad. Yes the ppl saying it's still tradtional are retard.ed.

"-its a disgrace to the true men who came before us and -researched, studied emense hours, compiled and shared this information to arrive to us today. "

U don't think masters in china spent hours and hours, people like Wu Bin spending their entire life researching and developing and spreading wushu?
and you don't think the atheletes train hard?

It seems like most of the traditional ppl who talk total cra.p about wushu are just jealous that they're style isn't as impressive to the general public. Now i don't know if that is you or not, but i have seen a lotta ppl who it applies to.

and BTW, im a traditional kung fu practicioner!

04-24-2002, 10:29 PM
Too bad not everybody is as insightful as you and shares your opinion.
Heres some good advice, dont go into the real world. You wont like it!;)

04-25-2002, 09:46 PM
are you serious or sarcastic about saying "too bad not everyone shares your own opinion"

and yah, i know what the real world's like, which is why i rarely respond to anything on this whole board. in fact i don't even know why i read stuff here sometimes.

04-25-2002, 09:49 PM

I think FightFan was talking to E-fist.