View Full Version : How to recover as quickly as possible?

04-23-2002, 02:23 PM
Hi guys. Today i had a great session boxing but i am so tired. I really have to go tomorrow and don't want to be suffereing from today. I've stretched but naturally my muscles will be tired. What can i do to make myself as fresh as possible for tomorrow? Tomorrow, we spar :cool:

Today was fu.cking wicked, I was working with one of the biggest guys i've ever worked with, he's on the rugby 1st team (i.e. he's ****in huge and hard as nails). Although I lost concentration for one second (ok i was looking at some girls ass) and he uppercutted the pad and it smashed my face up real good - bloody lip :rolleyes: :(

Ah it's all part of the fun. Anyway, today was one of our more exercise based lessons - tomorrow we spar (as well as the fact that it's 2 1/2 hr lesson) and i wanna be as fresh as possible (ie i will have no recovery period). How can i make sure i ain't all tired tomorrow? Odd question maybe.


04-23-2002, 02:33 PM
Dunno. Maybe take a bath in some epsom salt? Make sure you drink plenty of liquid, take some vitamins, eat and sleep well. I'm pretty sore myself from my last training session which was Sunday night. Yesterday did some stance work, today pullups, but it's my abs that are worst off. Even though I do situps and crunches every day, when we do incline situps between rounds of hitting the bag, it just rips up my stomach muscles and it takes 3-4 days to recover. Eventually it'll just make me stronger, of course. Sometimes when I'm really sore, believe it or not, I do light exercise on the same sore muscles. Seems to trigger a healing response. Stretch.


04-23-2002, 02:34 PM
Sharky, have yourself some steak and potatoes, as much as you can eat tonight, get an extra half hour of sleep, and tak eit easy all the way up until you are ready agin tomorrow. It worked fro me in track.

04-23-2002, 04:11 PM
Rehydrate, stretch, eat well, sleep plenty, and warm up really well before your next session.

04-24-2002, 02:31 AM
Students don't eat steak and potatoes!!:D

I would sleep as much as possible. In fact, go to bed NOW Sharky.

you have cute girls asses in your boxing gym?:)

04-24-2002, 02:49 AM
sleep, eat, bananas, fish, sleep more, strech, go to bed

04-24-2002, 05:08 AM
Originally posted by Kristoffer
sleep, eat, bananas, fish, sleep more, strech, go to bed

I agree your body needs the potassium from the bananas, and the proteins from the fish, I would substitute the fish with Albacore Tuna about 2-3cans cause it ahs a higher protien content than fish. and drink lots of water. sit in a hot bath or whirlpool and give yourself a massage to help rid your muscles of the lactic acid that has built up in them.

Try not to eat anything within the hour that you plan to goto to bed cause your body is gonna have to work to digest all the protiens and such while you sleep.


Justa Man
04-24-2002, 01:02 PM
bananas are great for energy. so are fats. avacado, nuts, coconut, flax seed oil, olive oil (to an extent). they have high calorie counts so they give more energy per serving.
i woulda stretched well last night. static stretching. ate some good protein and a bit of fat way before bedtime. renegade monk said an hour but i'd go as far as 3, with the same principle in mind. taken a few thousand millegrams of vitamin c before bedtime and gotten plenty of sleep. the day of (today i guess), i would stretch as soon as i wake. eat light, stopping a ways before i feel full. fruit, protein, fats and banana and drink water.

i know this was late, but for next time maybe.

04-24-2002, 01:07 PM
Also sharky, use the left hand first, then when you are ready to go again you can switch to your right hand ;)