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04-24-2002, 08:30 PM
well gang, this is it.
i just told my teacher that i'm not studying MA anymore (felt like breaking up with a g/f).
thought i'd let you know as it means i probably won't be hanging 'round here much anymore.
no hard feelings. y'all are great. i haven't really got anything against MA, not fed up with the scene, not bored...just stopping.
it's time for me to move on. i'll still watch the latest movies and whatnot, but that about covers it.

if for any reason you want to contact me, PM me and i'll give you my current email address.

i'll be back a few times in the next little while to tie up loose ends.

gene: thanks for inviting me to the forum, it's been fun.

red_fists: would still like that link to the five rings if its not too much trouble

bamboo_leaf: best of luck in your situation. hope it turns out.

take care all. don't let things get to you too much.

Wang Si Zhong

Royal Dragon
04-24-2002, 08:35 PM
What, stop martial arts?? are you MAD??????

Look, what ever it is, we can work it out, we can talk, it's going to be alright.

Trust me, you don't want to stop MA!!! Think of all the wieght you'll gain!!!! What about the Chick's man what about the Chicks!!!!

Helloooooo.................HELLOOOOOOOO!!!??? Anybody there???

Seriously though, WHY???????

04-24-2002, 08:38 PM

Here is the Link:

Bo5R (http://www.samurai.com/5rings/)

Also wanna wish you all the best on your future plans.

Sorry, to hear that you quit MA.


wushu chik
04-24-2002, 08:47 PM

I am thinking of the same thing you are! Just, for many different reasons! I am not going to go into them, but I am personally ready to just quit too!! And guys, just don't ask!


04-24-2002, 10:41 PM
Im really sorry to hear about your losing faith in your reasons for study and i hope that maybe one day you might regain a similar path. MA brings different things to all of us and its always possible that at this time of your life you dont feel the need for this road. Still you know yourself the benifits and i cant help but hope that maybe one day you decide to take up training again. Losing a fellow MA brother or sister is always sad to hear about and makes me even more aware how fragile and volitile the communitiy is.
I wish you all the best of luck in your future and i hope your life brings you every happyness you deserve.
All the best

Wushu Chik
Not you too!
I dont like saying things like this becouse they SHOULD be irrelivent but there you go. You havent given us any reasons for your possible departure so the best i can do is to point out an obvious reason for you to stay.
There is simply not enough strong willed female imput in the martial arts community and it needs all it can get.
I would say that you proberly provide a bit of a ray of light for ANY of the females lurkers around these boards and female martial artists who have met you. You are proud and forthright about who you are and what you do and this leads to people taking notice. You may not realise it but im sure many of your posts and the plain fact you are here encourage other females to keep at training dispite any unfair treatments or hardships they may endure.

I would say to both of you though, MA is a part of you (at least with me) its not something you can simply shut down or turn off. You can choose to retain your level and even cease to practice but you will NEVER somehow remove your skills. This leads me to a very basic point. Why bother sitting half way up the montain? Why not keep on climbing no matter how steep and then at least know that your journey was not prematurely ended by your own design.
You dont have to be in the MA 'circle' infact i would venture to say most of the higer level practioners have little to do with the larger MA community. Seriously though why would you want to cease something that has helped mold you into who you are today?

04-24-2002, 10:57 PM

I don't think that either will stop 100%.

But I think they looked at their lives and decided to shift priorities to suit their goals.
We all got to do this from time to time.

Either way I wish them both all the best and I am sure that they both made decisions that were neither easy nor lightheartedly taken.

Hope to hear from both of you how you are doing.


04-25-2002, 07:08 AM


04-25-2002, 07:19 AM
Thanks for all the advice about training in China.

Sorry to see you go.

If you want to stop you want to stop.

I bet you don't stop completely though.

04-25-2002, 07:19 AM
There must be something in the air...

For the last several weeks I've also been considering quitting MA, but I realized that would be impossible. I've been in it too long for it to no longer have any impact on my life even if I did quit. You can leave MA, but MA can never leave you.

I've considered this mainly because I haven't trained in weeks because of a broken foot and I feel that I'm out of the loop, so to speak. I am no longer physically or mentally up to the challenge it takes to continue training. (Besides of which, I'm d*mn tired of hurting while I train.)

Still, I expect I'll persevere and slog on through with my exercises and techniques. This is the biggest slump I've ever been in since I started MA. But like I say I think it mostly has to do with the fact I've been laid up with this broken foot (heel, actually) than a lack of interest in MA itself...

04-25-2002, 07:26 AM
Stop drinking the tap water!!!! Its in the tap water!!!!!!

Seriously though, whats up with you guys and gettin out? Just topped out? Tapped out? Have too much else to do? I hate to see good people go, if you guys need any help just some support or whatever let us know!

04-25-2002, 09:12 AM
y'all be be back :cool: don't kid yourself

04-25-2002, 09:23 AM
Wang: Sorry to see you go. I really enjoyed chatting with you the few times we did. Follow your heart and everything will be fine, good luck :)

Wen: good luck in everything you do. i admire your posts and your character. Must be hella busy for u now... hope to see u around online :)

take care guys,


KC Elbows
04-25-2002, 09:38 AM
Regardless of the reasons, I hope both of you do well, and that what you do with yourselves is fulfilling. To some, martial arts is core, to others, it is other activities, I'm sure you will bring kung fu(hard work) to whatever you do.

Budo, I know how you feel. I'm doing a lot of heavy sparring, and my practice is divided in between hurting and healing. Some weeks, I feel like hamburger.

I think these sorts of choices are common and to be respected. Much as I would like to study all martial arts, I also want to continue writing, and write more in the future. In order to do this, I came to the decision that six elbows was to be my art, that I would study it and squeeze from it every thing it has to give. I'd love to study pa kua as well, but I do not think I will. If I am to write, I cannot do both. One simple system for hand to hand, a few weapons(staff, knife, spear) will be my kung fu, and no more. I can study those things for the rest of my life without ever moving into another system or style.

Anyway, good luck to you. What are your other interests? Perhaps some of us have similar interests, then we might meet again on other forums. You're not leaving the forumverse forever, are you?

There is no escape from the forumverse!:eek:

04-26-2002, 11:08 PM
i agree, i've been thinking about quitting as well.
im just sick of the majority of ppl i have to be around. , but i have obligations and stuff that i feel bad if i cut out...but i want to for the most part.

04-27-2002, 07:21 AM
Must be the water!
In the last year I changed jobs, quit teaching culinary arts, quit teaching wine tasting, stopped taking new guitar students, resigned as a volunteer EMT after 27 years and am seriously considering not taking any more gong fu students. Maybe it's the planets lining up.

04-27-2002, 12:21 PM
I also have quit training :(

The reason is that [as some of you may know] I quit my KungFu school about 6 months ago [over-commercialisation, Kickboxing style:(] and took up Judo at my old class.

It's VERY effective [Combat-orientated], VERY hard physically and mentally, and I'm learning loads.

But to be honest, I just don't enjoy grappling. I really don't. I know MPS will shout at me for this - but I find it boring.

And with exams coming up, and me enjoying my guitar so much I can't justify it. I'm really sad to let it go, mainly because the guys I train with are best mates to me now, esp. my Sensei.

Man I feel down. Even worse, I've just left my guitar tutor of 3 years to learn from a more accomplished lead tutor.


04-27-2002, 12:49 PM
I dunno about the water.
Whatever you guys put in it i need an extra dose man, haha, its not working on me.

Except for the severe diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration everything is ok. You guys dont think that may be a symptom, do you? :eek: :eek:

04-27-2002, 03:27 PM
how long u been practicing xebsball

04-27-2002, 05:14 PM

I praticed eagle claw for about 9 or 10 months (i dont count vacation time).

Now next month i will probably be training Xing Yi in a nearby city, since this Sifu just came from Rio.

04-27-2002, 08:38 PM
Dont you feel like you'll be throwing away all you've worked for??

Do you feel you've achomplished anything?...

yu shan
04-27-2002, 10:18 PM
You NEVER give up!

Keep your head into the wind, and your eyes on the horizon!

04-27-2002, 10:31 PM
i don't feel like i've accomplished anything and i don't feel i need to waste time teaching and helping out and putting up with crap that goes on in a kwoon.

i wouldn't be throwing away anything except a headache and responsibilities, both which i could do without.

and Xebsball:
of course you aren't sick of it, you've only been training less than a year.
how often do u train btw?
Xing Yi sounds fun actually..

04-28-2002, 12:07 AM
I used to train 3 times a week.

04-28-2002, 12:10 AM
putting up with crap that goes on in a kwoon.

Not all kwoons are the same. But if your heart's not in it... then go!

04-28-2002, 04:06 AM
Its very difficult to judge in these things...but i will share a little experience that i had, training for several years in a school that was teaching what i thought was real kungfu, and slowly learning that it was a system based on kungfu and that both the system and the teaching method was very questionable.
At last i only stayed there because of my friends, i even got a lot of injuries from the training. And i was always feeling guilty because the teacher was cheating everyone.
Then (thank god) i had a girlfriend who helped me to realise that i hurt myself staying at the school.
So i quitted.
Two months later all my friends left the school as well.
I told myself that i would never do kungfu again.
Now im doing xingyi:)
All the games people play, the rumours, the financial things, the egopossesed teachers and the loyal followers...it can get me down...
But thats not really kungfu.
And if you have a love for the art, then somewhere there will be the kind of people that you can relate to and practise with...
Ok i hope this made som kind of sense...

04-28-2002, 03:18 PM
I quit about 8 years ago now, I think, and I still practise my tongue-fu.

Actually, sometimes the kidest thing to do is simply to say "quit in peace, we are behind you", errr not literally ;)