View Full Version : Remember the Juko-kai girl from Discovery channel?

04-25-2002, 05:52 PM
Here's her website (http://www.mcgregorsmartialarts.com/popup.htm)

"She is currently an 8th degree black belt in her core style of Shorin-Ryu."

How come I know people with over 30 years in Okinawan and Japanese arts that aren't ranked that high? Must be some kind of under-acheivers or something.

Practice against muggers (http://www.mcgregorsmartialarts.com/HTML/gallery.html)

The dreaded "sparring kick"! (http://www.mcgregorsmartialarts.com/Gallery4/pages/Sparing_Kick_JPG.htm) :eek:

The spiderman wallcrawler kata (http://www.mcgregorsmartialarts.com/Gallery4/pages/Kata_7_JPG.htm)

I will resist captioning this one (http://www.mcgregorsmartialarts.com/Gallery2/pages/ski_02_0214_jpg.htm)

04-25-2002, 06:00 PM
the link goes to her pop add not her site... not that I care or anything...

04-25-2002, 06:57 PM
Actually, here it says she's 9th degree:

i'm thinking it's a different person though? i didn't see the discovery show, so I don't know.....

04-25-2002, 07:09 PM
OMG Where do I sign up?!?!?!?! :eek:

04-25-2002, 07:20 PM
Beware the Juko-kai, having trained for years in various martial arts combined with there almost supernatural ability to absorb pain... there.. there.. UNSTOPABLE!!

Black Jack
04-25-2002, 07:27 PM
I am soooo disgusted by this......"Shihan McGregor is regarded as one of the world's most proficient fighters and teachers".

Sometimes when you think about how many people fall for such things, it makes you wonder if we have any hope at all, in a world where martial con artists become wealthy and respected by the mass retarded but the real teachers and followers of combative arts are lost in the shuffle only to be found or embraced by the very few.

Thanks Rogue, now I can go to bed with a sour taste in my mouth, .....9th degree Shihan McGregor......what the frig, the founder of Shorin Ryu would be sh!ting dust marbles in his grave right now if he knew about this nonsense:D

04-25-2002, 07:33 PM

This guy has to be the king of fighters.

04-25-2002, 07:39 PM
They practice the Combat Ki. We never went to that extreme in my Shorin Ryu Dojo.

Stopable,yeah I'm sure they can be stopped.
I saw that program and I also saw some Kung Fu guys on another special doing some pretty mean stuff if not worse.
But hanging 40 lbs. from your gonads doesn't mean your unstopable.

Did she get fater?

04-25-2002, 07:54 PM
When fat guys dance. (http://www.mcgregorsmartialarts.com/gallery/pages/DCP01989_JPG.htm)


Black Jack, remember not to take these people seriously, as long as you don't go along with them or have your kids going to these kind of schools it's just entertainment. For those that do I wish them well. She may be a nice lady but I sense a bit of rank inflation. Notice how many have higher rank in Kijutsu than their core art?

Anyway checkout the schedule, they don't train much and shihan has the best hair style since Wacthmans mullet!

So remember to brush that sour tasts away with a happy flavor of toothpaste and go to sleep with a smile!
Shihan(Master Instructor of RogueJitsu) Rogue

04-25-2002, 08:15 PM
OK Black Jack maybe this will cheer you up.

From another forum which I will not name...

"XX, may i be so bold as to ask your style... if you couldnt tell, im a kenpo guy myself...
as far as sound goes, ive got a tape i shot just 2mo ago, of jim corn doing a sound KO on one of his students... very impressive to see... as well as a pretty decent no-touch...

hey XXXX... i know a lot of dki have been talking about the fact that a lot of the no-touch stuff isnt practical... how about in a hold-up situation... he tells you to raise your hands, and you do.. only youre so good at projecting your chi, that he starts to get dizzy, and you overtake him... has anyone thought of that application yet... just a thought i had... " :D

Lifes short, find laughter where you can.

04-25-2002, 08:20 PM
This is amazing. Look at the instructors? What a pile of mess!?! They are the most unfit group of worthless nothings ever. They have no respect for martial arts. I mean, i'm sure you've already seen it, but go and have another look at http://www.mcgregorsmartialarts.com/HTML/instructors.html . I mean, really take in what the people look like, and what it says by the side of their pics.


Black Jack
04-25-2002, 08:22 PM
Yeah, I know Rogue, trust me I love the entertainment, its just that sometimes you have to wonder what kind of wiring these people have inside to make themselves think "they" are these things.

Talk about inflated ranks, she says she has 11 black belts, I don't really go for the whole black belt mentality but if you were to add up the training years alone that a good Japenese school would require for a traditional based black belt, you know the kind that starts out white and only gets black through not being washed, it would make her a senior citizen.

Lets say for the sake of arguement that its 3 years per tradititional Japenese black belt, 3 x 11= 33 years, add to that her 9th degree in "my ass will get kicked if I try and use it ryu" and your talking about a pretty long time, if a person is going to lie to themselves, at least get work the numbers right;)

Sifuabel :D

Black Jack
04-25-2002, 08:31 PM

Yeah that helped:D

Now that I think of it, maybe its her wicked hairstyle that has those 11 4th degree blackbelts.

Imagine waking up and seeing that thing riding you in a unknown hotel room after one to many Samuel Adams.

Talk about wanting to gnaw your own **** arm off:D

Je Lei Sifu
04-25-2002, 08:38 PM
Head Instructor, Shihan Sherry McGregor - 9th Degree, Shorin-Ryu. Shihan has been training continuously since the age of seven and holds black belts in 11 different styles of martial arts

Now maybe I'm missing something here or maybe I'm just slow at learning.

But if I do the math, she's around 35 yrs old because 7 + 28 = 35. she started at the age of seven and the link to the next page said she has trained for 28 years. so lets say 35 yrs old. and she has a black in 11 different styles so 28 divided by 11 equals 2.54545454545454. so that mean that every 2.5 yrs she would learn a new style.

Who the hell has that much time in there lives nowadays.

I've been studying since the age of six practiced six different style and have not master a **** thing. Maybe I can learn my Sifu's entire curriculum under her.


Je Lei Sifu

04-26-2002, 01:58 AM
What's up with all these wack people claiming to be Shorin Ryu BBs? That chick ain't even old enough to be an 8th dan. Anyway what Ryuha did she train in, and who gave her that ranking? Even if it was Kise everyone knows that since the 90's he's been giving rank away for a good price.

****nn first Fred Ettish, now this! Please no more sorry-aSssed Dillman types claiming lineage and proficiency that they never truly attained. It's killing me....

04-26-2002, 02:42 AM
Just because it's fun, the below is from her bio, comments by me:

Master Level (Shihan) in Kijutsu and a member of Soke Scharnoski's KI Demonstration team

Wow. Umm... ok.

Featured speaker at seminars and camps worldwide

Gosh, she must be impressive, if she can speak.

Several TV appearances, including martial arts specials for Ripley's Believe It or Not show and The Discovery Channel

Yeah, and we are all totally astounded by the sheer weight that such shows carry...

Holds the rank of 4th degree or higher in 11 different traditional styles

Holy ****! She must give good head then.

Awarded the honorable title of Professor of the Martial Arts in 1997

By who? I was awarded the honourable title of Grand Poobah of the Wet Panty Makers in 2002... by me.

Chosen to represent Athletes Against Drugs and Alcohol by the Truth For Youth organization

Whose truth?

Four-time Florida State Women's Lightweight fighting champion

Which league/competition/etc?

Two-time US Open Women's Lightweight fighting champion

I repeat... which competition?

Named Instructor of the Year by Juko-Kai in 1994

Wow. Can't be cos she gives good head then. Repeated kicks in the groin tend to put a damper on such activity.

Shihan (Master Instructor) appointment awarded by Juko-Kai in 1991

Maybe she's rich?

Nominated for Instructor of the Year 1985 by the Professional Karate Association (PKA)

Who the h3ll are they?

Named Competitor of the Year by the Christian Karate Association


Regional Representative for the National Women's Martial Arts Federation

I pity da fools... but maybe she gives good head... :D

Keynote Speaker for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes

I hope they learn to check credentials a little better. No wonder so many people think Christians are a laughingstock.

All in all, you gotta wonder.


David Jamieson
04-26-2002, 05:45 AM
Frabkly fellas, you seem to be fixating on the weight of the person, the look of the person and a few other pre-conceived notions that you may hold about these folks.

Anyone have first hand experience with the group?
How would you all feel if your style was spoken of in such a manner.

Ranks and titles are only important to those that want them and don't have them.

I can call myself "grandmaster" of whatever I want. If I get challenged I can accept or I can get a restraining order, still I can continue to call myself what I like.

Point is, if these folks are doing what any martial artists do, they're promoting their school and their style and they are doing this with full commitment. Can you say the same of yourself?

Jei Li, I did have a chuckle at your comment. It is surprising that we still have little skill after all these years of practice. :D


04-26-2002, 06:00 AM
Whatever the want to teach regarding MA is fine...but they state their philosophy is built on christianity, and I don't really like that idea. Christianity, fine. Funky MA, fine. But the two of them together can produce some unhealthy warrior of god type ideas.

04-26-2002, 06:02 AM
oh come on, they're wank and you know it.

04-26-2002, 06:14 AM
LOL @ Sharky !!

man you can say so much in so few words:)

seriously though, apart from the juko-kai connections, and the inflated rankings, what's the training like?

Do they spar, produce good fighthers etc.?

if they do, none of that other crap matters.

04-26-2002, 06:30 AM
In defense of the overwieght guy, in My Shorin Ryu Class our head instructor was a big guy, but he could move! and he was good!
Although, it took roughly 3-4 years to even get close to getting a black belt, and that was with serious training. Most of our black belts had been in for a minimum of 5 years or so.

Royal Dragon
04-26-2002, 07:57 AM
So, I don't see what everyone is so upset about.
My Library has enough books and videos to make me a Grand Master 3 times over.

I'm also a 13th Degreee judo Master certified by the International commision of self appointed rank Certifacation association.

For more information call:

Buy a black belt (352) 307-3821

Many of you have recived ths assopciations E-Mails, and can attest to the quality and craftsmanship of their belts I'm sure.

04-26-2002, 06:50 PM
Omegapoint, I had a feeling this would get to you. :D

Who here in the Okinawan or Japanese arts has ever heard someone call themselves soke or shihan?