View Full Version : I got the Prodigal Son

04-25-2002, 10:56 PM
Cool movie, I found it at Suncoast Video at my local mall. I went in to buy some Bruce Lee movie for $8. Before I left my house, I thought "Ya know, that would suck if I went to the mall and found Prodigal Son and didn't have enough money to get it." so I went to the bank and got an extra $20. I went to the video shop and started looking at the MA movies, and DANG they had some screwed up movies.

Secret Shaolin Ninjas
Shaolin Mantis
Drunken WuTang (http://www.badmovies.org/movies/dwutang/index.html)
Dragonball: The Magic Begins (http://www.badmovies.org/movies/dragonball/index.html)
Story of Ricky-Oh (http://www.badmovies.org/movies/storyofricky/index.html)

With lots of others. Not just Jet Li, Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee. Heck most of these movies were cheesy 70s Kung Fu flicks. I am incredibly tempted to buy Dragonball and Story of Ricky-Oh tomorrow. They are like $20 a piece. Prodigal Son was on the very bottom shelf, they had like 6 shelves of movies (HUGE collection, owner must be an MA nut, Sam Goody had like...6 movies) and was on it's side. It was sitting next to Dragonball and Story of Ricky-Oh. Man it's a great movie and I was lucky to find it, especially for so cheap. One guy in my Wing Tsun class spent $30 and waited 6 months for his, my instructor spent $40 on his and I gont mine for $22. Oh...yeah...

04-25-2002, 11:02 PM
I got Drunken Master 2 on DVD (out of print :( ) for $15!

straight blast
04-26-2002, 02:00 AM
Is it any good? I keep hearing about it but it is very hard to come by over here.

04-26-2002, 02:06 AM
Thats one mad movie

04-26-2002, 06:23 AM
Man, I still haven't seen that movie. Yuen Biao is the man.

04-26-2002, 11:10 PM
Yeah it's a good movie, and somehow they made Wing Chun flashy in it.

kungfu cowboy
04-27-2002, 09:14 PM
Somebody paid $40! Ouch! I got mine for $12.