View Full Version : Sap Dok Sau

03-27-2001, 06:34 AM
I have a quick question on Sap Dok Sau, on the third move "chopping grass", when you come down from "looking at the mirror" does the palm face outwards and fingertips down or does the palm face inwards?

Paul Skrypichayko
03-27-2001, 08:40 AM
Sup Dok Sau?

You must be learning from Chiu Wei. =)

How do you like the form so far, and what is it like? (I haven't seen it yet).

03-28-2001, 02:49 AM
The form isnt bad, I found it easier then learning tam tui. Ther is bascially no kicks in Sup dok Sau. It is mainly finger jabs, palm strikes an some punches. I never knew Gung Bo was called Gee Ng, and now I have ot learn the chinese names for snap kicks and stuff, so complicated.