View Full Version : PAKUA deer horn knifes questions..

04-28-2002, 06:58 AM
I was just wondering how many forms there are for this weapon.
Is there anyone here who has experience with it?
Do u have any tips on how to use them? Certain movements that are hard to do?

Why is it shaped so strange? Is there a story behind the weapon? Is it old?

So in other words, just tell me everything you know about it
Thank you :D

04-29-2002, 03:32 AM
I'm gonna be terribly anoying and keep this ttt until anyone answers. Take that *****es :D

04-29-2002, 03:33 AM
sorry mate, dunno anything about Bagua :D


norther practitioner
04-29-2002, 09:37 AM
Well the double deer horn daggers are a cool weapon. I saw a young man do an eigth, or tenth of the form at nationals in San Diego. I guess it is based on the animals of bagua, and each animal has a section of the form. This guy did the eagle section, it was a really nice form. As far as other info, i haven't the slightest.

05-27-2002, 09:31 AM
The Deer Hook Swords (or mandarin duck axes) were designed to trap blades and disarm either by stripping the blade or cutting opponents. As I understand it they were principally an indoor weapon (confined spaces, etc) and they came in a lot of different sizes. There are some good websites with pictures of the Axes, but very little good content on the How's and Why's of them.

Personally I prefer paired daggers, but I like to do my regular palm changes with the Deer Hooks Swords. I think weapon training goes a long way toward being "present" in your form.