View Full Version : Going home to Wah Lum!

Roc Doc
04-28-2002, 12:29 PM
I am going back to Wah Lum for a month. I will be there on the 6th of May until the 1st of June! I am happy to say that I am excited to say the least! I get to see my old Sifu, and am staying in dorms during the week! I think it's going to be fun. I will let you all know how it went when I return.

Roc Doc

P.S. I had lunch with Wushu Chik yesterday. We went to a chinese restaurant. Hmmmmmmm, her technique is quite good.......Hmmmmmmmmm............but her Shaolin Death Kick isn't as good as my 12 Monkey Poison Fist.......HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

04-28-2002, 12:50 PM
Wah Lum
Northern praying mantis, a very good and effective style.
Why only a month of training? Thats not a bad art to settle down with or just train in for a few years.

Anyway, have fun

05-01-2002, 10:21 PM
Roc Doc-

How's it going in flordia at your Family's & Wah Lum Tell Us about it!!

Sifu & Wushu Chik

05-02-2002, 09:43 AM

I train at the temple in the mornings, maybe I will see you there! If I do, I will definitely say hi!


05-02-2002, 11:48 AM
I love it there. Ya know Mimi Chan? I hit that **** and I don't mean with a fist....................................or do I?;)

05-02-2002, 02:39 PM
Luckily, RocDoc, you won't have to deal with any hermaphrodite trolls down here. :rolleyes:

05-02-2002, 06:04 PM
Stacey you transgendered ****sexual pervert. That's my sifu you're talking about :mad: How about I hit you over the head with a lead pipe.

05-02-2002, 07:47 PM
What a Sifu does in his or her own time is her/her business. The only thing that should be important to you is learning kung fu. Her private life is just that.

yu shan
05-02-2002, 09:28 PM
Roc Doc

Geez, why didn`t you do this thread on the Northern Mantis, it`s getting f r i g g e n boring over there! How long have you been away from WL or the Temple? Hope you get to learn something wild. Ya never know.


Don`t you and NM think our forum needs to be spiced up a bit? Where are all the Mantis people?

Northern Mantis

I suggest you apply fatal flute techniques with this lead pipe...some bueno stuff!

Mimi is a true lady and Dynamic Martial Artist...my opinion.

05-02-2002, 10:32 PM
yu shan,

A little spice would be good. Don't know where everyone's gone, unless they're recovering from tax season, the sifu test, and the St. Pete tournament.

And yeah, bring on the lead pipe. I can think of a couple techniques to use on Stace-she-man, though I don't think they're covered in flute form ...

05-03-2002, 03:54 PM
So, the lead pipe technique,(sounds very effective)
Is it only used in Wah Lum?
Very interesting weapon of choice,I'd like to see how it's handled.
This lead pipe form must be really awsome.:D :D

yu shan
05-03-2002, 08:23 PM
flute, lead pipe, flute, if ya know it , you can definitely apply it! a basic weapon but darn effective. good question Logic, anyone out there have the flute weapon in their style?


Let`s see what we can do to get our Mantis forum going, positive hopefully! By the way, what are you learning right now?

Northern Mantis,

Donde tu estas gran peleador? Esto es un alago!

05-03-2002, 09:12 PM
To answer your question yu shan I'm trying to avoid the whole thing all together to avoid more trouble.

lol Funny you said that. I'm not even a decent fighter, just a kid who trieds hard. Hey sorry about not writing to you like I should have. I've had my head on other things. Look foward to recive an e-mail from me soon.


Yes I should mind my own business but I know sifu Mimi very well, she's like family to me, and from what I have seen she is a very good and decent person with a very high moral character who would never lower herself down to your perversions. That statement that you made about her made a very crass and rude gesture. Most would agree, I'm sure, that she does not need such defamatory (is that a word?) remarks about her or her sex life thank you very much.


the bug

yu shan
05-03-2002, 11:05 PM
Northern Mantis,

What is there to avoid? What is just sharing? I know...hang n there! You got what it takes. kick a s s take names and leave a foot print. u know!

05-04-2002, 01:57 PM

What are you talking about?

I sparred with her and used mostly palm strikes so that it wouldn't do surface damage. I really don't remember if I used my fist or not.

I won't say who won or lost because it doens't concern you. Whats important is that she's a great teacher that is dedicated to her students.

05-04-2002, 02:16 PM
Whats important is that she's a great teacher that is dedicated to her students.

Butt-licking and brown-nosing won't save you. You have committed a cardinal sin, in that not only have you been masquerading as a twisted internet trans-sexual of superficially indeterminate gender and sexuality, but furthermore you have made often base and derogertory remarks about peoples Sifus/friends etc. and have made somewhat brash political statements regarding sensitive issues.

You are a person of two halves "Satcey". Sometimes you appear as an intelligent martial artist with a good moral foundation and political viewpoint, on other occasions you appear as a disgusting pile of filth left over from a pre-evolutionary era, that seems to belong more in a sleazy underage Thailand ladyboy club.

Someone insulting my Sifu = me p!ssed off.

An internet trans-sexual making the same accusation would = fury.

And yes "Stacey" for not the first time, you are having to be lectured by someone seen in the eyes of the law as a "child".

Maybe YOU need to be reclassified sometime soon.

05-04-2002, 03:37 PM
What Cardinal sin is that?

Hey since I know what style you do, I'm not so scared anymore...for a while I thought I might get beaten up, but in my experience wushu choir boys can't pack a punch.

05-04-2002, 03:45 PM
Hey since I know what style you do, I'm not so scared anymore...for a while I thought I might get beaten up, but in my experience wushu choir boys can't pack a punch

Wow, really got that one right.

TIP: If you're going to slander, get it right. If you're going to joke, make it funny. The above statement is neither.

And you are a bender of indeterminate gender. :D

05-04-2002, 03:48 PM
for a moment there I thought you might be taking me seriously.

05-04-2002, 03:53 PM
There are druggies and bums who deserve to be taken more seriously, and deserve more respect.

For gods sake man! Be one!

Sometimes you make really good comments but al this Stacey sh!t makes it null and void. In your own home I don't give 2 sh!ts but on a public forum it gives me sick images of that perverted scene from Silence of the Lambs, OK!

05-04-2002, 04:01 PM

You and RocDoc oughta get together and compare notes. I'm sure he wouldn't mind showing you why it isn't a good idea to disrespect Chan Sifu and his family. Even in the form of a "joke". I'd tell you to go to Wah Lum and tell that joke again, but we know you wouldn't dare, just like Ralek doesn't dare flap his gums to anybody's face.

Speaking of which, do you and Ralek know each other? You both have that 180 degree turnaround down pat.

05-04-2002, 04:22 PM
I'm not affraid of anyone at Pan Choi's school. I am willing to wager that my training has been a lot more expansive and realistic, as well as in depth. But then again, my forms aren't half as beautifull, I don't know nearly as many and I have very little weapon skills as my time has been spent perfecting techniques and hitting the matt to test them out.

However I respect Master Chan and Sifu Mimi as succesfull martial artists. I don't think what they do is the most effective, but its cool nonetheless and people benefit from it. For this I have a lot of respect for them. I don't think either could win against even a semi pro NHB fighter, but I don't see them making such claim either. Wah Lum isn't exactly known as a fighting school....which lends to its success. Most people want forms and loads of weapons over fighting.

Be a man? Ok...heres a clue. If you are a man..then anything you do is by definition, "acting like a man"

05-04-2002, 06:18 PM
I am willing to wager that my training has been a lot more expansive and realistic, as well as in depth

Stacey that is the most wild claim that I have heard so far. What makes you so sure that you're training is more "realitic" than my sigung? Have you studied with sigung ? How do you know ? You're just a kid (if the birthdate in your profile is real),you're almost my age and he's been doing it most of his life since he was like six. That's a big difference compraed to how long you have been training.

I don't know nearly as many and I have very little weapon skills as my time has been spent perfecting techniques and hitting the matt to test them out. Well guess what, he's tested them out,not sure about the weapons, because he has been challenged and my current sifu (sifu Shelly) has seen them personally up close.

However I respect Master Chan and Sifu Mimi as succesfull martial artists How come you deliberately misspell Chan Pui then? The letter c isn't even near the letter p on the keyboard. Maybe it's sarcasm,it's hard to tell online.:rolleyes:

I don't think either could win against even a semi pro NHB fighter What the heck does nhb fighting have to do with this thread? Maybe you felt threatened and felt that this is the only way you can make a come back. Apart from the fact that si gung is in his older years there is no other solid evidence that the statment is true. This isn't an nhb fighter vs a kung fooeey guy thread so I wont get into it.

Wah Lum isn't exactly known as a fighting school....

There's been other non-wl people on kfo who have said otherwise...

Most people want forms and loads of weapons over fighting. What are getting at by this statement? THat wah lum is only about forms? If no then why did you put that in your post?

on other occasions you appear as a disgusting pile of filth left over from a pre-evolutionary era, that seems to belong more in a sleazy underage Thailand ladyboy club.


I think that was a little too much:D

yu shan
05-04-2002, 10:10 PM
In my days with AD, we fought alot! The Tampa school in those times, were some tuff cats. That being said, NO Mantis fighting theory was exchanged, if what I learned was Mantis...well...let`s say, it is always left up to you to figure out the applications. I don`t wish to p*ss folks off here, just speaking the truth. WL is a Great system, with astonishing people behind it, I was one, and in my mind, will always be. Moved on in my MA career, evolution so to speak! ( I`m not astonishing-justa hitta)

Oh yes, has anyone been training on the outside patio when P. Chan desides to cook up some of his "fish" ? How can you concentrate...


05-05-2002, 02:50 AM
Originally posted by NorthernMantis
I think that was a little too much:D

And yet I'm strangely proud of it..... :D

Roc Doc
05-05-2002, 12:16 PM

i guess some people just don't get it.
it seems to be a common problem around the forums as of late.
i believe it was well put elsewhere......
don't put your pearls before swine.
also well put on the altar... remember???

june jo june see june garl do

respect master respect sifu respect teachings

someone elsewhere on this thread asked why i'm only here for a month......

i studied wah lum a long time ago and have never been able to forget the experience. i live 3000 miles from this temple but have made this pilgrimage back here to learn more of this awesome system. though i can only stay a month, i'll be back again.
even though there are more MA schools now than ever,
there seems to be less and less gems....... thats why i am
here for this mantis/ tam tui treasure!


05-05-2002, 06:04 PM
Looking past Stacey ... who's just trying to get a rise out of people, the same way catcallers do when they drive past the temple (I'd like to see them park their cars and say some of those things face to face!) ...

Roc Doc's only down for a month, but it'll be intense. 8-12 hours a day of training and practice, virtually nonstop.

It's easy to tell who's a full-time student -- they're the guys in the back of the class staggering through exercises and trying not to groan because their muscles are so sore. They do the general classes as well as private lessons.

Being able to take a month off and do the full-time training is a goal of mine. The rates are only a little bit more than some of the schools mentioned here charge for three hours a week of general classes.

p.s. -- Roc Doc, it's been hotter-n'-h-e-l-l down here, so bring at least a gallon jug of water to practice every day.

Why don't we move this over to the NPM forum?

05-09-2002, 11:29 AM
what's up ? how is it going tell all!!!:D