View Full Version : any advice on

04-28-2002, 10:51 PM
nutrition, i just found out i am as big as i can get for someone my age (17) and eating as much as i do and what i do. little protein although strength training is what i do most in, and although i am really big i have hit the same place for the 6!!!! ****ing months. i was told after being questioned about my diet that it was my problem and i will only get better by eating more portein and more often. anyone have any advice in this area other than just the simple 'drieenk eiyggg, bee lieke arrnoeld'

04-29-2002, 01:48 AM
Want to be big?

Lift weights, eat a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight a day, as well as a good amount of carbs. You also need a normal amount of fat.

Actually muscle is (apparently) only 30% protein.

04-29-2002, 07:27 AM
Yeah, don't obsess over it. Muscle size is for a lot of guys like skinny is for girls - girls go anorexic, guys obsess over muscle size.
Just lift weights and remember to lift through the entire range of motion, and if you get to a point where you're not having more progress, well, that's OK. Start jogging more to bring the body fat down to make it more defined, maybe, but there's only so much you can do.

I'd definately stretch, though - more than once i've had people come into a class who have taken bodybuilding in the past who have a frighteningly small range of motion - they can't straighten their arm, they can't bend their legs all the way, they can't kick above the shins (to them, a knee kick IS a high kick), stuff like that.

04-29-2002, 07:45 AM
Eat five meals a day about two hours apart.
Make sure you eat good carbs and protein no later than two hours after a workout.
Creatine works really well too. It will allow your muscles to recover much faster so you can lift more often.

04-29-2002, 07:46 AM
Some go as high as 2 grams of protein per pound. You'll get big, but you can kiss your kidneys goodbye.

If you have plateaued, try changing something. Try changing how you lift, or your diet.

Also, are you getting enough rest? 8 hours isn't enough to get big.