View Full Version : Why Do Alot Of People Express How They Could Kill Someone?

04-29-2002, 02:25 AM

04-29-2002, 02:39 AM
have got no idea:confused: ego?


04-29-2002, 03:46 AM
just put a knife under his throat.. Then we'll see how ****y he is.. :D
nah seriusly, I dunno...

But u know Lim, since i could kill u in 23 different ways using only my knees.. :rolleyes: ;)

04-29-2002, 04:19 AM
Life seems to be a big thing to at least some. There's an association that one who can end/take such a coveted thing as a life is someone to be feared. Fear kept people alive. If people don't want to go near you via their fear of you or value of their lives they are not close enough to hurt/kill you. Out of sight, out of mind. So it might be an intimidation thing. Also some might equate or mistake Respect for Fear. People tend to have interested in being respected.

Also, skill-wise, Killing can be so diverse that it's an art. How well one kills is an emperical mark of how skillful one is. Skill in Kung-Fu equates with respectability.

04-29-2002, 04:35 AM
Never get this line of logic, its either perversly easy or extreamly difficault to kill someone bare handed depending TOTALY on how your trying to do it.

If your trying to kill someone with a strait punch then chances are its not going to be easy. Same go's with trying to kill via preasure points or blood flow strikes.
Conversly its VERY easy to strangle someone or to break there neck.
Really ANYONE can kill someone bare handed we are even given the reflex to strangle from birth.

As for the old tricks like striking the nose catlidge into the brain with a palm or heart penetrating punches. IMHO they are massively over rated.
Some of the more interesting ones are actualy VERY scientific, most dim mak has a very definate base in science and many of the points simply cripple a vital organ by stopping the blood flowing there more than anything else. They also can sometimes cause sufficent shock to induse a cardiac arrest.

Killing people is really pretty easy, its doing it when there actualy trying to kill you thats the hard part.

04-29-2002, 06:11 AM
Why? Because they haven't grown up yet, that's why.

Oh, and I can kill in 21 ways, not just 20.

04-29-2002, 06:38 AM
I suspect it is out of fear of being killed themselves.

04-29-2002, 08:02 AM
Because they secretly are a bunch of pu$$ies!!!:D

04-29-2002, 08:14 AM
Adding imitation, when I refer to both kinds of comments. This way of talking didn't start yesterday. It's a way of communicating what you guys above have been talking about, and the phrasing is there to be picked up from generation to generation. Some of it is perpetuated by teachers themselves, and that will have Emotional Sticking Power -- like chucky style peanut butter in a bulldog's mouth.

peace in life,

Water Dragon
04-29-2002, 11:07 AM
People express “How they could kill someone” for the same reasons little punks carry guns.

Both sets feel as if they have no control over someone so they look for that ultimate control; control over someone’s life. Both individuals try and get some type of comfort from the power that accompanies the ability to kill.

The sad thing is, these types of people have no idea what they are saying/doing.

I attended a rally yesterday against violence. A very close friend of mine recently lost his father due to a brutal murder. At the same rally, a Father came out and spoke about his 14 year old son who was beaten to death this February.

I feel that the people who are making these claims need to grow up, face their fears, and try to live a life that has just a bit more meaning. There are some things you just can’t control (my friends father was murdered AFTER he gave that coward all of his money) You need to live your life anyway and not let those possibilities cripple you as an individual.

04-29-2002, 11:17 AM
Yep, it happens. People are twats. One I remember was in a club "downtown". Me talking to some knobhead who had been in a bit of trouble with an asian gang:

Knobhead: "Yeah.... but.......but.... I could of punched 'im right off and smacked 'is f*ckin' 'ed in like, the d!ck...."

Me: "Quite. But could you have 'smacked in' the 25 guys stood behind him. Them there. That's right, the ones with skinheads and knives inside their jackets. The ones that will drag you outside later tonight and slice you?"

It's not how hard you are, or how hard he is, but how hard his mates are.

Black Jack
04-29-2002, 11:23 AM
You know, either I miss all of these posts where people express about killing each other, or different people on this forum take things people say out of context, with the exception of the immature "it is easy to kill someone" type of posts, in regards to there magical gong fu dim mak powers, I don't see these posts.

Am I missing something?

Water Dragon, by little punks you mean street gangs, stuff like that?

Water Dragon
04-29-2002, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by Black Jack

Water Dragon, by little punks you mean street gangs, stuff like that?

Yes. Among others.

Black Jack
04-29-2002, 11:40 AM
Water Dragon, by others do you mean just any citizen who feels the need to have a CCW?

Not meaning to pry, the "among others" got me curious.

I believe you stated you carry a firearm right?

Water Dragon
04-29-2002, 11:51 AM
Yes, I do carry a firearm. However, I do not think it makes me a bad azz or go around flaunting it. Most of my peoples don' even know that I carry. Hopefully, they never will

Black Jack
04-29-2002, 12:05 PM
Thats good,

All of the other people which I know who have a CCW permit also do not flaunt it or use it as a symbol of there bad azzness. I have yet to meet one that does, the only people I knew who had made it out to be such a element were those punk kids in there teens.

Here in the big un-consitutional IL, us tax-paying and responsible citizens don't get the right to have CCW permits, we can own firearms sure, but that's about all, for now anyway.


04-29-2002, 12:55 PM
I haven't noticed a lot of posts of people expressing how they could kill someone, but then I don't read most threads anyway...

As to those who brag like that, they obviously have never killed anyone in their lives, and aren't sure they could do it if even if their lives depended on it. It's a form of 'woofing,' or being loud in order to try to build themselves up into more than they are.

If you ever met or talked to someone who has had to kill someone, in most cases they do not want to talk about it. They certainly will not discuss it with gleaming eyes and enthusiastic details. I am not talking about some young punk who does a cowardly drive-by, or one of the 4% of people who have the mental condition of having zero conscience at all; I mean normal people who killed someone face-to-face, or even hand-to-hand. Real combat, and killing, can be a very traumatic thing, yes, even for the winner.
