View Full Version : capoiera video clips, downloadable??

urban tea
04-29-2002, 08:42 AM
Hey ther,e

Anyone know any websites where I can download some capoiera video clips??


I did find a few here..


-urban tea

04-29-2002, 02:15 PM
They're not easy to find, and they're often not very good. I might have one lying around that I can email, if your inbox can soak up an 8 MB file.. What were you wanting it for, if I might ask?

04-29-2002, 06:55 PM
OH, my God What the Hell are you kidding me?

IF there was anything in the world that could SUCK worse than kung Fu, That would be Capoeira.

They constantly dance a dance that has many swing kicks to deter their captors into thinking it was an extravigant dance, when really it was a totally non effective martial art that didn't work.So it didn't really matter if it was a dance or not.

The captors who enslaved the Capoiera people had a great time and had there way with them.
For there captors had something that was much better at the time Known as Savate

Capoiera was just something that some slave saw people practicing in the distance.

04-29-2002, 07:07 PM
More words of wisdom from the walking poster child for abortion...:rolleyes:

Sometimes, you just wonder if it's a genetic defect Tinman has, or if his mom really did huff that much gas during pregnancy.

Sheesh. Get this pr!ck outta here.

04-29-2002, 07:11 PM
By the way, you might want to look up Chimp's Capoeria page. I think that used to be one of the best pages for that particular art on the internet. A very cool art, Capoeria.

04-29-2002, 07:24 PM
Aaahhh, Raving Limerick
The Fact still remains.-- It's a thrown together martial art derived by slaves with a sloppy effect that depends mostly on a swing kick to the head,

This might have been effective 40 years ago, but with the martial arts today, That sh!t just ain't gonna cut it.

Give it up, it's just not worth defending.

04-29-2002, 07:32 PM
Did some digging around for ya. The Chimp's Capoeria page can be found right here (http://members.aol.com/Bill510/capoeira.html)

I don't know if he still has the MPEG section up, as I haven't visited his site in a long time, but it's still a great place for Capoeria info and links.

04-29-2002, 09:55 PM
"The captors who enslaved the Capoiera people had a great time and had there way with them.
For there captors had something that was much better at the time Known as Savate"

Are you on ****ing crack you retarded piece of ****?!?

The captors trained Savate? Savate? In Brazil? at that time?

You dumb**** should know many slaves escaped, they did capoeira. They didnt have guns like the captors.
They escaped and started comunities known as Quilombos.

Historicly a common trick was to "put on a dance show" to their slavemasters fooling them and attacking as they were distracted with the "dance show" they were watching.

04-29-2002, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Tinman
For there captors had something that was much better at the time Known as Savate

Actually it was known as the Portugese army. Later the slaveowners had something that was known as guns.

04-30-2002, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by Tinman
It's a thrown together martial art derived by slaves with a sloppy effect that depends mostly on a swing kick to the head

Curiously enough, in my time with my school, I have never heard it advocated or trained to use a "swing kick" to the head, or in fact any kick to the head unless they are kneeling down. Generally we prefer chest, groin, or knee kicks, head butts, elbows, and takedowns to drop people on their head. And we do the traditional stuff.

Rolling Elbow
04-30-2002, 10:13 AM
I agree somewhat with Tinman (not his version of history which is obviously flawed)..

Capoeira on concrete or uneven ground? Forget it. Besides, very FEW people can pull off the moves efficinetly, smartly, and quickly enough to do any damage. Study them for 5 minutes and 97% of capoeiristas would be grounded and pounded. Rush them and they are finished.

Looks cool though.

04-30-2002, 10:52 AM
I think you are missing the point of capoara here.

It they use big wide kicks and no hands as being slaves there hands were chained together and they would have held razors/broken glass between there toes.

I see this art as somthing that developed out of nessesity and with in the restrictions on their surroundings.

Sadly i can see it going the same way as much of tai chi and becoming just a dance....in 30 years guys just teaching it as a dance will start to say that it was only ever this was but that if you do it for 10 years you will be invincable.

04-30-2002, 11:32 AM
>Capoeira on concrete or uneven ground? Forget it.

What do you think I train on normally? Concrete slab all the way. And often, a less than even wooden floor with rough spots and big-@$$ splinters. When i'm on my own, my favorite training spot is an unused area of asphalt with the occasional chunk of loose gravel in the way. Sometimes I practice behind my building, that's the same, but it sometimes has little pieces of broken glass on it too.

>Rush them and they are finished.

Are you going to say that for your own art too?
In the exact same vein and tone of response, with equal validity - I personally think most KF, MT, and Karate types I see are pathetic.. they just stand in one place! Just asking to get taken apart. Move away from straight in front of them and they're done for. They can't possibly have any strategies for anyone getting off the line of attack! They don't train getting out of the way with each other, how would they know how to react? And BJJ.. All they can do is lay on the floor and wait for someone to jump on them!

...See how silly that sounds?

Rolling Elbow
04-30-2002, 12:32 PM
Its not silly because A) you are not holding razor blades between your toes, B) good karate and CMA move through and off of the centerline and continueously move. As for the "ground and pound" my system trains in and against ushes and ground submission.

04-30-2002, 02:34 PM
Your Karate trains against people getting off the line - my Capoeira trains against people rushing. (Since we ourselves have a few moves that are basically a rush, and in fact use a couple of takedowns not unlike wrestling takedowns)
The slaves didn't always have razors between their toes, those were mainly for dealing with cavalry. (tendon cuts on the horses)

04-30-2002, 03:28 PM
Here be my point. I do not study Karate. While I may have seen Karate Kid, and seen people popping out hip-chambered punches a few times, I should not by any means be considered an authority on the subject. If I say anything about Karate, and someone steps up and says "I've studied Goju-Ryu for four years, with a smattering of experience trading notes with eight other ryus, and it's really like -this-" then by all means listen to the guy who has a clue.

Actually, just the presence of such people in a discussion should tell me not to start babbling about Karate, lest I make a total fool out of myself. Especially if my intent is to start babbling about the shortcomings of the art which I have gleaned from minimal and superficial exposure.

With this in mind, it seems rather silly that I am in an argument over exactly what MY art's tactics and shortcomings are with an Asian stylist. I can understand correcting Tinman, since everyone here has seen his rants about the ineffectiveness of arts he knows nothing about. It certainly seems disheartening that others would jump in using the same tactic.

05-01-2002, 02:25 AM
This Thread came off with sort of a bad start...but being a capoeirista i would like to try to find the positive parts and focus on those:)
Capoeira is an art with many diffrent aspects to it...One of the most important aspects in my wiew is the arts ability to bring people together:) this was very important in old days.
There is a performing aspect of the art that is very populair in these days, especially among people with no MA background.
And there is an aspect that some people who have done capoeira for many years sometimes have not even touched...and this is the fighting aspect.
If i wanted to learn selfdefence only, then capoeira would not be my choice. Capoeira should be practised for the love of the entire art in my wiew. Alle capoeiristas should be able to sing, to play the instruments, to play in the Roda(circle) according to the music....etc.
But a capoeirista is also a fighter.
And that is the aspect that i think we should be focusing on in a discussion like this.
In Holland at a capoeira meeting this year we had a Roda in the back of a moving streetcar with very little space and the streetcar moving this provide us with good oppertunity to play with some of the tools of capoeira that people dont see so often.
Elbows and palmstrikes, backfists, headbutts, small sweeps and low kicks, takedowns, legscissors, movements that imitates knifeattacks and should be treated as such...These and more of the close quarter tools came into use, often in an strange manner as both players were offbalanced by the movements of the streetcar.
These kind of games are those that make capoeiristas good fighters...like the ones played in Mestre Bimba school on concrete in a small room...
Or the roda we had in this room where im sitting now one year ago, i recall trying to focus with my eyes all watering from a quick fingerstrike from one of my fellow capoeiristas.
So the game of capoeira can develop some things very usefull for defending one self, if you chose not to belive me, fine, i wont shout and scream for people to respect my art...but i am here in case i can help people with what little knowledge i have in case they are interrested.