View Full Version : Thinking of a career change

Black Jack
04-29-2002, 04:54 PM
Are there any LEO's on this board?

For a while now I have been thinking about making a career change and becoming a law enforcement officer. It would mean a drop in salary and material perks but its been in my mind a long time, I have had a interest in the field for a number of years.

I know I need a change, something different than finance and sitting behind a desk, something a bit more alive with people and day to day accomplishment, that go hand and hand with my interests in crime and self defense.

Maybe this is the wrong board to post this on, but if there are LEO's here, can you tell me about your love for the job, what you like, what you don't like, a basic feel for what you think about the career.

I have a few family members and friends in law enforcement, 2 in the Dupage County Sheriffs department, 1 a member of the West Chicago pilice department, 1 in Dupage Corrections, 1 in the ATF and a close friend in the Navy as a MP.

Just looking for viewpoints.

David Jamieson
04-29-2002, 04:58 PM
Ahhh, the hopeless romantic. Or is it middle age crazy?

Join the reserve, it's not as much of a culture shock. :D

just kidding, go where you want to go, be what you wanna be.


04-29-2002, 05:34 PM
:) Funny, I went from being a LEO to a webmaster... got tired of the constant negativity. The last year I was on the job, I worked as a traffic homicide investigator. Maybe I just got tired of being cussed out for writing tickets to parents who refused to put their toddlers in child seats, or maybe it was listening to those same parents wail over their child's dead body at the accident scene later...

Much luck to you whichever road you choose, I had moments where I LOVED my job, and moments when I HATED it. I'm much happier saying "I've done that" and letting someone else carry on. There's no doubt that LEOs need to be paid much more for what they do and recognized and respected for the effort they put out every day. It is an honorable career, but honestly, I'd have to second the motion to join the reserves, try it out first.

Royal Dragon
04-29-2002, 05:48 PM
Black Jack, I was trying to get Law enforcemnt types posting on my forum for a wile, so I went to thier forums and started conversing with them, Great guys by the way.

Here's the URL http://www.officer.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum&f=1

Wile your there, try to get them over to my fourm from time to time, I want a law enforcment presence there if I can at all manage it.

04-29-2002, 06:00 PM
BlackJack- Go for it, man. While I haven't always had the best run-ins with LEOs (small-town sheriffs and high school punk rockers don't mix too well apparently), I gotta say good cops are a blessing. The world needs more good law-enforcement officers, and you seem like a straight-up type of guy. Best of luck with it.

RD- Trouble with the Moo, eh? ;)

Royal Dragon
04-29-2002, 06:10 PM
Yeah, they don't like me too much.

I gave them their own board because they spammed my old one to death and pushed all the good Kung Fu conversations out.

I used to debate them on the TMAN forum before they spammed that forum so bad the admins just shut it down.

The don't like me because I used to debunk everything they say, with truth.

They are the reason I got my new forum. It has more securtiy options than the original.

I set it up so the vulgarity option prevents anyone from posting on the Kung Fu forum if they use key Chung Moo related words.

Then, I set up the Dungeon so pro and anti Moo forces can fight it out (keeps them off my Kung Fu forum). It auto deletes after 150 posts, and I can ban the really bad ones by thier IP.

If you just sit and watch, they are pretty entertaining though.

04-30-2002, 07:09 AM
Black Jack, get your happy a$$ down here to Lone Star State. The Texas State Troopers are hiring. They are really desperate for people.

Come on down.


Black Jack
04-30-2002, 08:06 AM

Lone Silver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

05-02-2002, 12:13 PM
My Sifu's a Cook County Sheriff, also an investigator. Also the master of the kwoon is a police psychologist and his top student is a detective. I get the impression that the martial arts has come in handy for them on the job. But, I think the older guys are a little jaded, and it is frustrating dealing with the element these guys have to deal with on a daily basis. Master Kwan says he has to deal with kids that beat up and rob little old ladies and stuff. Sounds depressing. Somebody's got to do it, though, according to the current structure of our society.


05-06-2002, 11:38 AM
I worked in counter-drug law enforcement for several years. It is a fine career made up of good people, but be aware of a few things. I'm not kidding about these.

1) Your family life will be strained, especially for the first year. If your relationships don't require much face-to-face time, then it won't be so difficult.

2) Many people get into law enforcement looking for adventure. I worked in the high-adventure side of things, and I can tell you that it is 99% boring.

3) Be prepared to have your outlook on humanity turn negative. It doesn't take long before everyone starts to look dirty.


- B. A. Carey

05-06-2002, 11:50 AM
Black Jack...

You sound as if you're on the same road as myself.

I'm applying to the FBI upon graduation as well as other posts..

Good luck!

Black Jack
05-06-2002, 12:04 PM
wu de 36,

It's something I have been considering for awhile, I don't make rash life changing decisions without a bit of thought, so I am trying to get as much in my face info as possible, talking with cops, doing research, making a valid life choice which will benefit me, my loved ones and hopefully others, and not one just based on the need for adventure.

Adventure can be found well outside of law enforcement.

I am looking into the Lisle and Lombard police departments and also learning about becoming a County Sheriff instead. SWAT training down the road if this choice is made, has crossed my mind, but again I am still soul searching for the right choice.

I feel I have the required natural physical and mental abilities, a good heart, very aware, and can make the needed time commitment, right now its just which path???????????

Good luck to you as well.:D

05-06-2002, 12:23 PM
Black Jack. Hew Hampshire has the last military style police academy in the nation. Check it out. The job is a fine and noble proffession. I applied with the Burlington Vt. dept. when I was a correctional officer. A year later I was accepted after I had already signed a contract with a hotel in florida. Guess it was not meant to be.

Black Jack
05-06-2002, 01:04 PM
What does this academy do different than the others?

I hear each one has its own taste, flair, and focused POI, I hear some are great, some suck and most are in the middle.

Isn't there one called Rio Hando (sp?) that is supposed to be really tough?

05-06-2002, 02:53 PM
The New Hampshire Police Academy is run like BCT or boot camp.