View Full Version : Tae Bo question

Royal Dragon
04-30-2002, 07:57 PM
I may be getting called apon to teach a "Cardi Kix" class, and I want to get a few Tae Bo video's in an effort to research how those programs are run, and get an idea of what my future students will be expecting from the class. Unfortunetly, my Wholesale supplier no longer carries the Tae Bo video's.

I'm not to concerned with "What" I'm going to teach, that's the easy part. I want to see what Billy "Banks" (misspell intentional) is doing to make those programs so darn attactive to the masses. I also want to see "How" he is teaching this stuff to aid me in building a sucsessful class.

Basically, I need to know where to get these video's, and I am looking for tips or comment from those that run Cardio Kix program in their schools. Especially pointers on what to do, and NOT to do.

So, can any of you help me out?


04-30-2002, 08:05 PM
Century MA supply carries them, you can get a wholesale account if you have a school.
Good luck

Royal Dragon
04-30-2002, 08:15 PM
The problem with century is they require a Tax #, and I am still runing programs in park districs and elementray schools and such, so taxes are don on a 1099 basis. I don't have a regular store front buissness.

Although, it may be worth it to just go retail in an effort to put together a really top notch Cardio Kix program

kungfu cowboy
04-30-2002, 08:54 PM
Frankly, I am amazed that they are a success. Many of the exercises seem to be designed for something other than the human body; the form is bad, it's bad for you, and if he consulted with any exercise physiologists, they must have went to Evil Exercise Physiologist School. But I guess the general public are uninformed, and lazy about research. My guess is that what is people really respond to is his motivational/spiritual jibber-jabber. But ****! LOTS o'bejamins!

Qi dup
04-30-2002, 08:58 PM
A video rental store might be worth a shot?

My sister got the set a few years back when ts was popular and selling for all kinds of money. The best thing i remember from the videos was blanks intensity. He was so positive. he's like your coach in high school, you dont' want to let him down. he keeps saying, "I want you to be a conqueror!" THese people arn't marines in the video, and neither are the people you'll be teaching. they want to feel like your proud of them. stay positve, but still push them to get that last set. try to have a friendly atmosphere and keep everyone having fun and happy. Good luck man, sound like it could be fun! keep telling people there doing a good job and keep a smile on your face, makes all the difference in the world.

04-30-2002, 09:06 PM
They definantly will have them to rent at a video rental store. If not, they have them to buy at Target or Walmart. Pretty much any place that sells videos and exercise videos. Have fun. :)

Royal Dragon
05-01-2002, 04:48 AM
What do you mean by this??
"Many of the exercises seem to be designed for something other than the human body; the form is bad, it's bad for you, and if he consulted with any exercise physiologists, they must have went to Evil Exercise Physiologist School"

I thought this stuff was just basics from a variety of Martial discaplines done to dance music?

05-01-2002, 06:44 AM
Dragon, I'd treat a tae bo vid like a ouji board. I'd stay away from it! I swear everone I know that takes tae bo is whacked! I guess it works because they do lose weight and say they feel better but my God they become closed minded fanatics. They want to show everyone what they've learned and have no interest in learning anything else and sometimes get hostile if you suggest that some of the exercises are a little harsh. Reminds me of new Jesus freaks or first time prozac users! No kidding I know five different people that go to different classes in two different schools that don't know each other and they all act like this!

Royal Dragon
05-01-2002, 07:12 AM
When I get the vids, I'll have to see if I can identify the cause of that. It's probually Billy "Bank$" telling everyone ho they are the baddst in the world for throwing 1000 kicks at a time.

Also, I have the manuals from the originaltor of the Cardio Kick program (you know, the guy Billy boy learned from), as well as about 12 years experiance in the arts, so I'm more than capable of comming up with a safe effective routine. What I want is to see his presantation, his teaching methods, the way he structures the class and the atmoshphere he genrates for student retention purposes.

Also, what to they do that is so hard on the body? It can't be worse than what we do for conditioning, can it? I mean from what I have seen of these programs is they are all just a bunch of traditional basic drills from a variety of discaplnes done to excessively loud dance music.

05-01-2002, 07:40 AM
All the ones I know twist their spines while they do repetitive high kicks. I don't know if this comes from the vid or not. That 's got to be bad for you over time. BTW stay away from someone that calls himself kareem abdul jabar in the Chicago area. Used to have the TKD and tae bo franchise in Lebanon NH. Got busted for molesting one of his 15 year old female students and got to serve out his sentance as house arrest back in Chicago. Just a heads up.

Royal Dragon
05-01-2002, 07:49 AM
Wow, never heard that one before.

The outfit I'm working with is probually going to contract me to run Adult and Kids Kung Fu programs (standard Mc Kwoon stuff), a Cardio Kix, Tai Chi, and maybe a Chi Gong class if I can talk them into it.

I just want to have my home work done before I say I can do all of that. I'm not looking to learn from anyone, just assemble a sound program that will be safe and effective.

05-01-2002, 07:51 AM
I recall seeing them at WallMart.

05-01-2002, 08:03 AM
In my opinion the TKD people and the women's gyms and aerobics classes are the people that have marketing down.
Yeah, I don't know if they're allowing this guy to teach. He was convicted in the Lebanon district court a little over two years ago. He had already moved back to Chicago before he was charged. The guy has (or had?) a beautifull wife and child. When he opened the school or local rag the valley news did a two page article on him. Unfortunately he had his name legaly changed to kareem abdul jabar(spelling unsure, one letter different than the real one) so his birth name is not common knowledge.

Royal Dragon
05-01-2002, 08:19 AM
Kareem has got to be hot about that!

kungfu cowboy
05-01-2002, 01:27 PM
Royal Dragon--I just meant that some of the moves involve unnatural twisting around joints like knees and ankles, also the back, and are a bit forceful and prone to injury if done with repetitive motion. I feel that he should have given more careful instruction on alignment and being gentle and cautious on such moves. I tried tae-bo out for awhile with my gf, and noticed some bad mechanics, or at least places where more expert instruction should have been given, and there were a couple of movements that I feel he shouldn't be demonstrating at all. Overall not Satan on Earth, but could have been much better and safer.

Royal Dragon
05-01-2002, 01:52 PM
I'm sure I'll spot the stuff when I get a hold of the video, but till then could you describe some specific exercise you feel are bad for you, and why?

You mentioned an over twisting of the spine, which exercise do this?, and it it because they are being improperly done, or becaues the students are being directed by Mr "Bank$" to do them wrong?

kungfu cowboy
05-01-2002, 02:52 PM
A few that come to mind are:

1) Where strong puching is done switching hands as the body quickly pivots on the feet. Lots of torque produced around knee and ankle and lower back.

2) Same as above but done with one hand.

3) Punching with one arm vigorously from side to side while executing some odd and unexplained jumping/hoping/twisting motion.

4) Raising knee to opposite elbow, then punching and twisting while coming down onto the now lowering leg.

5) Lots of variations on this theme of large body parts wrenching in opposite directions at a rapid rate around small joints.

All of the above made possibly more injurious when he goes into double time. Try out the tapes, you will see what's going on.

05-01-2002, 03:09 PM
Good for a cardio workout thats about all that tai bo is really good for. As for a martial Technique no.
I know a few people at a local pub bragging about there Tai bo when they never sparred and they couldn't handle any of my take downs.
It would be better if they hit a bag,sparred,went over different techniques.Then I guess you could sort of call it kick boxing.

Theres nothing wrong with it for a good workout.But having a false sense of security is no good either.

Royal Dragon
05-01-2002, 03:47 PM
He's trying to really work the Obliques. I'm planning on teaching basics from my system, with some Boxing bob and weave drills and simple Kick Boxing drills thrown into the mix.

I would "Like" my Cardio Kix program to be structurally correct, so I can funnel the Cardio Kix students into the Kung Fu program, and not have to start them over from ground zero.