View Full Version : Kung Fu schools in Kansas

04-30-2002, 09:48 PM
I'm probably moving to Kansas this coming summer to go to University and I was wondering about martial arts schools out there as I would like to continue training in college. Anybody know of any good Kung fu, jujitsu, or ninjutsu schools around Olathe, Gardner, or KU? All I found were TKD, Karate, and Kenpo schools. Please don't tell me my beloved CMA is only a coast thing.

KC Elbows
05-01-2002, 05:44 AM
I'll have to check out the Gardner/Olathe/KU scene. I am not all that far from there. Here's a rundown of the schools I recommend:

My teacher's(of course)- Its held at the Nelson-Atkins museum(Westport, KS) five days a week, 3 hour classes, it covers six elbows(tai-hui, an art heavily influenced by pa kua, hsing yi, and mantis), the classes are free.

Chun Man Sit- held at Loose park on Sundays, $10 a lesson, he teaches six elbows as well as Wu style tai chi, not heavy on fighting, but Sit definitely knows his stuff.

Fred Weaver-I'll look into where he holds his classes, I've heard from all the right people that he is a very good martial artist, his main gig is hsing yi, though he does all three of the big wudang arts, also does some external(don't know which), pretty expensive, apparently very good at TCM.

Terry Morgan Yang- Again, I'll have to find out where she teaches(she just opened a storefront, not sure where), teaches the wudang arts, in summer her teacher comes out from china and teaches, he's a shaolin disciple, can't remember his name. I briefly studied with her, her senior student was very good.

Also, a school just opened up by me(Johnson County) that looks pretty cool. Not kung fu, but Iai Do(japanese sword drawing), kenjutsu, naginata, etc.

There's more kung fu out here. There's a guy by the name of John Streeter or something like that. He teaches southern shaolin five animals, my teacher learned some of this from him and says it is quite good. He teaches underground, pretty rough class, I don't know much about him other than this.

Another underground guy, Duke Garcia, teaches mantis. I've heard he's a very good fighter. From my understanding, most of his students have been with him for a very long time, and teach as well. Usually, one of duke's students takes on a student, and once that person has been around a while, Duke might teach them. Of course, this is all third hand info, as I haven't met him or his students to my knowledge.

One of my classmates has studied wing chun for a long time. I'm not sure where his school is, but I know his teacher has a very good rep.

As you can see, there is kung fu out here, its just finding it. Send me an email, and I'll fill you in on more stuff.


05-01-2002, 09:54 AM
I'm not quite clear on where you are going to be. You mention Gardner, Olathe .. then KU. Ku is in Manhattan - a little further away. I have relatives in Gardner (into TKD but can find info on CMA in the, area I'm sure).
So.... if "KC" can't help, you can let me know where you plan to be and how far you would travel to take classes and I'll see what I can do. (My Sifu has good connections in K.C. at may also be able to provide some info).

KC Elbows
05-01-2002, 10:52 AM
What style do you study? Who's your sifu? I didn't realize there was yet another local on here. There's a couple hsing yi guys from the MO side, but I haven't seen them on in a while.

05-01-2002, 12:24 PM
If you are interested in doing any Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, KC finally got a BJJ Black Belt straight from the Gracie Barra Academy in Brazil. Prof Daniel "Montanha" Mycz de Lima, opened up shop last month. And is currently teaching in 3 different Locations in the KC area.

Several people from Lawrence are currently training with us. Most of the guys are real serious about training, and are real friendly and willing to help you. We also have a couple of wrestlers that train with us and teaching wrestling techniques and takedowns. There are Gi and No gi classes. For more info call (816)-474-1974

05-01-2002, 12:30 PM
I will be living in Gardner, KS because family is there and I'll be with them until I have enough $ to get an apartment. I studied american Kenpo in Olathe under Anthony Williams for a while over the summer and a spent a few weeks with bushidokan in Gardner. My brother goes to Johnson County Community college so I know it's not too far away. It's right by AKKA in fact(well sorta). I will hopefully be attending KU so I'll be in that area anyway. Either way, that whole area is acceptable. I'll travel as far as I have to(in reason) to get good training. Thanks for the help guys.